4 ever part 5 the very ending
15 years, 8 months & 21 days ago

25th Jun 2009 10:27
emma turned 3 and stef and nick were still hanging on they turned 20 and they felt soo old but monica called stef saying me and michel r gettin MARRIED!.....OMG monica thts great hey i g2g im going 2 go hang out with bailey and rob umm but i need u 2 help me 4 the wedding i will 2morro ok girl BYE BYE b good lol i will and stef went out 2 eat with bailey and rob and emma went 2 and emma had a blast!....and stef asked bailey rob when r yall gettin married ummm idk never thaught about it.....well its time ya i kno well hey g2g and c nickey poo ok bye bye emma come on baby stef droped emma off at stefs moms house and nick and stef spent time with each then monica called right in the middle of sumthing and stef answered sayin wat kind of busy stef i need u QUICK wat is it i just need u but monica i dnt rlly wnt 2 right now rlly busy me and nick o o o SRRY didnt mean 2 its ok tlk 2 ya later and another thing i promise i will next day stef goes 2 monicas house and helped her with the wedding and she got the perfect wedding dress then the day came and stef walked in 2 talk 2 monica and said monica listen this is ur final day after this things change said stef now u got me scared stef it will b fine u sure positive.....monica walks down the ilol and she looks soo pretty they were saying there i dos and then they were married they were soo happy and stef ran up 2 monica and gave her a big hugg and nick and stef danced beside monica and michel and nick looked at stef and said i never gave this much thaught but when we get older and get close 2 dieing i wnt u beside me i luv u tht much and when it ends lets b 2gather in heaven aww stef said i will and monica and michel left 4 there hunny moon and monica was pregnant and had a little boy gradeen he was soo cute then bailey and rob got married and bailey had 2 have a sea section and had a little girl named ellie and there lifes indeaded being a kid they all had jobs they were all sterred out all the time emma turned 10 she had ornge blonde hair and short but then emma got 2 were she didnt eat right she quiet and they took her 2 the docter and the docter said it was bout the cancer she had and emma wwas scared didnt wnt 2 die and the docter said emma had only a 1 month 2 live and stef ran out and grabbed emma and nick just set there and emma wat cyying didnt kno wat 2 do and this is wat happened and emma just wanted 2 move so they moved and nick thaught NO wat r u talking bout im srry i dnt wnt 2 baby but nick i luv u aand i luv u ok well this is the very ending emma died june 25 2009
4 ever part 4 the ending
15 years, 8 months & 22 days ago

24th Jun 2009 14:31
it was there last day of school and nick got down on one knee and grabbed stef by the arm and stef was bout 2 cry becuzz she was so happy and nick said will u marry me and stef said yes and the hole class clapped and cried and nick and stef hugged and at lunch ppl were settin by stef and nick and they were just smiling when lina was puffed up like a bull frog every1 was ingroing her and they were just tlking bout it and nick looked at stef and he grabbed her and said o i luv u and after school stef went 2 nicks house and they were all by there selfs and they started kissing then making out then it lead 2 sumthing else and the next day stef was feeling akward but she lluved nick enough 2 do tht but then the big day came everyone was cheering crying and they drove off 2 florida and had there hunny moon then stef found out she was pregnant and stef told nick and sick was kind of happy and stef told every1 and they were so happy then stef got bigger and bigger and bigger and then it came there little baby emma baltz she had dirty blonde hair and had nicks eyes and stefs nose and mouth and they were soo happy then stef got out of the hospital and left the baby at stefs moms house while nick and stef went out with bailey rob monica and michel which was fun then nick and stef picked emma up and went home then stef got a call from the hosipital saying emma has cancer and stef said no no and nick came by stef a hugged her sayin baby we will save her she will fight i kno she will shes a baltz ur right soo they gave her mediccen and shots and 4months past baby emma survived it it was soo wonderful they were happy and they luved being a familey but then sumthing happens 2 b contined
4 ever part 3 stefs new school
15 years, 8 months & 22 days ago

24th Jun 2009 14:08
wake up hunny stef wakes up all tear eyed she keeps seeing nicks face in her mind but then stef says 2 her self no no no and stef gets ready 4 her new first day ok school stef wasnt excited at all she was ready 2 b out of school she loaded in the car and they pulled up at the school and stef said mom i dont wnt 2 do this y baby girl becuz mom im going 2 hate this school hunny u dont kno tht well it feels like i will.....hunny it will b all right ok luv ya bye bye mom stef gets out of the car and stef feels invisble lk no1 even rellized she was there soo she walked in her first class and her teacher ms.voleygover and she said call we have a new student 2day miss stephanie ann and every1 just looked at stef like she was sum dummy and stef just set down and she was picturing nick all day couldnt stop thinking bout him then at lunch this girl named bailey homer set down by stef and said hey ur new right ya said stef well as u kno my names bailey and this is my bf tod o hi nice 2 meet u and bailey said ya and another thing would u lk 2 b our friends and stef said ya i guess tht will b fine and the hole day bailey was asking stef all these questions untill she asked her soo who do u lk and stef just stoped and looked at bailey and bailey was waiting 4 an answer and stef said well its compilcated rlly said bailey yes said stef well who is it nick we were in luv and i thaught he cheated on me thts wat everyone said but idk listen stef dnt ever let anyone in ur relationship becuz then things end up in a mess ya ur right i should hv just listened 2 him but instead i acted like a jerk hey its ok but we wnt b 2gather anymore well u might ya mayb then the weekend came and stef bailey and rob all went 2 a movie 2gather then stef seen a guy tht looked excatley lk nick it was nick but he was with a girl and stef whispered in baileys ear and said listen thts nick and he looks soo happy i cant let him c me but it turns out tht they were going 2 watch the same movie as them and they set right behind us and stef was sinking down in her seat but it was hard she wanted 2 look at nick but he would recanize her and stef got up and went 2 the bathroom and nick did 2 and stef turned and looked and nick looked and nick said WAIT and stef said ummm hi and nick said stef is tht u and stef said yes and nick said im soo happy 2 c u ya um hows monica and michel good good u fine just mine ya me and lina r a thing now rlly who u datin no1 ya no1 rlly ya im staying single well thts good ya umm ya nick i would lk 2 chat but i gotta go back and watch the movie ok well call me sumtime ok i will stef said and she went and set down then the movie was over and stef walked out and said bailey im not losing nick again and stef ran into the movie thater ran 2 nick and hugged him as hard as she could and stef said nick im srry i lk u and dnt wnt 2 lose u im srry plz nick said srry i hv a gf and stef said ur going out with a tramp and ive seen her cheat on ppl nick ok and ur just gettin me back 4 wat i done 2 u well im srry ok i acually lk u again but i guess not soo bye and nick was surprised and couldnt say anything and then stef said o b4 i 4get u can 4get bout me tlking 2 u c ya and nick teared up and said o great lets go nick nick just thaught well this is how it feels years passed and nick turned 19and nick asked lina 2 marry him and she said yes and it was a week away from there wedding and like stef got a paper and seen there pic she creid and cried sayin no yy and step drove 2 nicks house and nick answered and said stef wat r u doin here ya i heard ur gettin married 2 lina yes and im happy she dont accuse me of stuff look nick i kno i was wrong ok i kno i was i just let ppl in in our relationship and i shouldnt have im srry no bye stef bye nick stef just cried and lina went out 2 pick put her dress she got a white dress and it was strapless and sparkley and got her hair done witch was rlly pretty and then stef talked 2 bailey sayin im going 2 tht wedding ok girl go get ur man ok bye bailey and stef went and got a strapless silver short dress got bangs and beach blonde hair and got new makeup and the new day came and she was soo happy then she walked in and ran into nick and nick said wow who r u stephanie remenmber stef o my gosh ur beatiful thanks well hey its bought 2 began umm good luck and it started and they asked is there any rejections and stef said said yes nick listen im srry i rlly am i luv u 4eevr and ever and nick just looked at ehr and said no and then stef set down and looked at nick and then it was time 4 there i dos and lina said i do then nicks turn nick looked at stef and said no im making a a bad mistake i luv stef shes right and stef starrted crying and ran 2 nick and they kissed 4 ever and nick said imn never lettin u down me either said stef....2 b contined none of these storys r true
4 ever part 2
15 years, 8 months & 22 days ago

24th Jun 2009 12:58
ugh stef walks down the hall at school annd she waves at nick and of course stef runs up and kisses him monica and michel stared going out and and stef was so surprised andd they all went on a date but then nick started changing everytime stef called him he would always say im busy and at school he would ingore stef and stef thaught is he dumping me and stef thaught again idk mayb he is then michel ran up 2 stef and told her nick is cheating on u WAT yelled stef and stef just looked at nickwith those eyes and stef finally went up 22 nick and said nick listen i heard u were cheating on me r u NO said nick and stef was just looking at him and stef said thts not wat i heard nick im srry but we r over and nick was so heartbroken but michel didnt want stef 2 get hurt soo michel told stef 2 move on and stef did and stef was seeing garret nick was looked at stef crying everynight stefs fone rang and it was nick stef answered and said hello nick said hey look im srry u r my life now ur gone and wat am i going 2 do stef im in luv with u and i always will b please please b with me 4 ever and stef yelled no rlly loud and she said move on i dont need u at all and u hurt me nick and it didnt feel good ok sooo bye dont call me again i hv a bf tht treats me well and dnt cheat on me sooo bye then nick lost it he was soo heartbroken tht he couldnt move on he was in luv with stef he never cheated on stef he would never do tht then he went 2 school and went oout of control cussed ppl out yelled at the teachers and threw his food at all the students and he got called into the princples office and the princpal asked wat is going on nick...well i like this girl and ppl said i cheated on her and i guess i just went out of control listen nick did u cheat on her absultley NOT im in luv with her i would never do tht 2 her i c c but im lettin u out with a waring do it again ur expeled ok sir i promise then nick called stef and stef yelled wat do u wnt listen 2 mins im begging stef said fine nick said ok listen i never cheated on u im in luv with u stef and another thing i lost control over u i acted werid becuz i wnt u back and stef said well nick im not going out with garret but the only reason is is becuz im movin next week and nick said no u cant im srry nick i rlly am but we can only b friends and nick just hung and the next day at school michel said hey nick and nick just said wat i heard bout stef leavin im srry ya i dnt wnt 2 tlk bout it rlly look im srry ya well me and her r over 2 b contined
4 ever
15 years, 8 months & 23 days ago

23rd Jun 2009 14:09
stephanie wake up no no no yes baby girl its going 2 b ur first day of jr high come on no!.....step get up FINE!!!....step gets out of bed and looks in the mirror and said i wish i didnt move and most of all im here without my baby step takes a shower and gets ready 4 her first day of jr high as she gets in the car she buckles up thinking hes gone 4 ever sooo they pull up in the school parking lot and step said bye mom and steps mom said bye hunny and step slams the door steps mom drives off and step was surprised everybody was staring at her then suddley a guy named larry lambert game up 2 step saying hey baby ur pretty HOOTT and step said leave me alone!! and he keep touching her in places he didnt need 2 then step slaped him acroos the face and he grabbed her and pulled her but the princpal came and got larry and larry got espeled and step just was horrifide the hole day then after lunch step set by her self and then this girl named monica came and set by step and monica said hi my names monica jones and i noticted u were by ur self sooo i came 2 set by u and step said ok thanks i guess im new here and i was jw whos tht guy over there o thts nick appertanley now ones here good enough 4 him sooo u dont need 2 waiste ur time o i wasnt planning on it i was jw who he was ok monica said then nick set down on the preppy crew then nick looked up and starred at stephanie and step just looked away and then after school steps mom came and picked up step and and steps mom asked how was ur frist day of school and step thaught im not telling her bout the larry guy and step just said umm it was ok and steps mom asked did u make any friends and step just said um ya a girl named monica shes nice i guess and then step hopped out of the car and grabbed a basketball and starrted shooting hoops then all of a sudden steps fone rang and it was her bf tyler and she answered and said umm hey stephanie im srry u moved and i cant c u soo im srry we need 2 break up and step just shut her fone and went in the house crying and then she just cryed herself 2 sleep then she got another call from a starnge number and step answers and says hello who is this and the voice was a boy and he said nick and she was lk nick? he said nick baltz u kno from ur school and step was lk O YA real surprized and nick said umm ya theres a party friday at michels house and u r invited and u can bring anyone u wnt and step said ok and step asked umm is it going 2 b 2 wild and nick said well idk mayb if it is im gettin out of there me 2 said step and they both laughed then step said i hv 2 go and nick said ok bye bye said step and she hung the fone and step jumped up and down then she called monica and said hey 2morro after chool do u want 2 go shoppin 4 a party and monica was LIKE SURE! then step got up and hopped in the car got out real fast then there was nick smiling at step then makes his way over 2 step and he said hey call me 2 night and step was like SURE i would luv 2 ok said nick c ya later with a smile then step made her way 2 monica and she was lk ready and monica said duh then they left 2 the mall and got the most sexiest out fits there was and then all of a sudden they run into nick and nick looks at step and smiled he said see ya and step was smiling real big then they left and monica went home and step got her hair done she cut it and got blonde high lights and step looked supr hott and step went in her room turned on the tv and started watching the hills because lauren conraded was her idol then she gets a call and its nick and he said hey and step said hey and nick said are u ready 4 the party 2morro yes im super ready cant wait 2 get my groove on lol they both laughted then step asked do u hv a date and nick said nope wat bout u and step said no and they were lk ya and step said i g2g see ya 2morro ok bbye bye and then the next day came the friday of there lifes and step was happy 2 b at school more than ever she ran into nick he didnt smile at step or anthing and didnt say hey and step was jw wat was wrong with him and after school monica went 2 steps house 2 get ready and monica curled her hair and wore red lip stick with pink eyesadow and step wore green sparkliey eye shadow and light pink lip stick and her dress was green and sparkley and monicas was red and shiney they loaded in the car and pulled up 2 michels house and all of a sudden step spotted nick kissing another girl named tiffany and steps eyes watered and she went into the bathroom then she ran out and bumped into nick and nick said step ive been looking 4 u wat u were kissing a girl no wait she kissed me wat ever it seemed lk u were kissing her back step im in luv WITH u wat then listen 2 me dont leave me in the ran i luv u 4 evre and lets b 2 gather and step said NO and step grabbed monica by the arm and they left and the next day she got 3 missed calls from nick and 2 messages from him and step just ingorned all of them and step just went 2 thw movies with monica and then it was monday and nick was just sad the HOLE day and step was 2 and monica went up 2 michel nicks best friend and monica told michel we need 2 get them 2gather they need each other then after school it started raining and it was the big game and monica said we need 2 go 2 the football game come on so she did and the tigers against the lion and the tigers were in the lead and then step couldnt take it she got up and nick looked up and said sorry guys yall dont need me and nick threw his helmet down and the coaches were yelling wat r u doin and nick just ingored them and grabbed step by the arm and said listen i hv never felt this way b4 and i wnt u ever since ive seen u then step teared up and nick said come here baby and they kissed the night away them months passed step and nick were still 2gather and they were with each other every single day but thts only the beiginning 2 b contiunied