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  1. 4 ever part 5 the very ending
    25th Jun 2009 10:27
    15 years, 8 months & 22 days ago
  2. 4 ever part 4 the ending
    24th Jun 2009 14:31
    15 years, 8 months & 22 days ago
  3. 4 ever part 3 stefs new school
    24th Jun 2009 14:08
    15 years, 8 months & 22 days ago
  4. 4 ever part 2
    24th Jun 2009 12:58
    15 years, 8 months & 22 days ago
  5. 4 ever
    23rd Jun 2009 14:09
    15 years, 8 months & 23 days ago
  6. the broken mother
    22nd Jun 2009 20:59
    15 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
  7. pain of love
    22nd Jun 2009 20:29
    15 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
    22nd Jun 2009 20:14
    15 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
the broken mother
15 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
22nd Jun 2009 20:59

massey was a 7yr old girl she was a fine heathly girl but she became sick all the time she had 2 stay in the hospital and the mother got a phone call saying thth massey has liver cancer jews was sooo sad nothing u could say wouldnt make her happy then massey died there family has never cracked a smile since tht happened then tommy the 3yr old asked weres sisssy i thaught she was suppose 2 come home last month mama and jews started crying and she said now listen baby ur sister is not ok she is in a better place and tommy cried untill tommy killed his self jews walked in and almost died her baby was heartbroken of the pain then they moved out of crancktown they moved 2 louisville in a small house with there only child james he was 15 and was emo and he nvr talked or anything soo jews just was lonley after her husband dieing in the war and massey dieing of cancer and of tommy dieing of a brokenheart sooo she got remarried 2 mark and james and jews moved 2 marks place wicth was hummonges and gorgeoues soo they stayed there and jews had a kid named samantha jo when samantha turned 7 she had a child named joey and it was his 3rd brithday then jews remenbered masseys and tommy then she started crying and mark asked hunny wats wrong and jews never told him tht she had tommy and massey she turned around and said mark b4 this i had 2 kids massey she was 7 the same age as samantha jo and well she was soooo healthly and gorgoues and she became sick all the time and she got liver cancer and i had a 3yr old boy named tommy the same age as joey and i never told him bout massey dieing and i did and tommy died of a brokenheart he luved his sissy very much and he wanted 2 b with her and soo i guess thts y but i always will remenber ill b with them again in heaven and i kno massey wasnt ready 2 go she didnt kno and tommy i should hv told him and this wouldnt happen it wasnt even suppose 2 happen and mark hugged jews and said baby thts how life is they come and go but yes i do agree u will b with them but now u gotta new family samantha jo joey and james and they will always b urs thanks baby and im sure tommy and massey would luv u and samantha jo and joey and they luved james and another thing they would luv u as much as they luved there father and mark said im sure they would the next day came a bright wonderful day and jews went 2 go get james up and he didnt wake up oh kno o kno SOMEBODY hellp me as she cried and cried then the ambulance came took james away and she got a call from the hospital sayin im srry but james couldnt make it his breathing stopped he had 4 along time im terribly srry and jews hung up the phone thinking i cant do this anymore im through 1st comes massey then tommy then my emo boy james if he talked he could have told me this and i could hv done sumthing bout it then things changed bout mark he came home late everynight and then she looked through marks stuff and found nasty videos sooo jews got a divorce and took samantha jo and joey and samantha jo turned 17 and joey was 14 and samantha jo got sick 1 day and turns out she had the same thing as massey and jews stood up and said no this happened 2 massey and not happening again and samantha jo lived and samantha jo grew up got married and got a job joey done the same got married and became a millonaire and jews died of conjestive heart failer and she found massey and tommy and james and seen her husband and she was wacthing over her 2 kids samntha jo and joey the end

pain of love
15 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
22nd Jun 2009 20:29

jon was going out with jamica but she lied 2 him and went out with guys behind jons back but jon didnt believe wat ppl said sooo 1 day jon set down on the bleachers and her noises and looked under the bleachers and found jamica kissing another guy sooo jon was single 4 along time they said jamica changed but he shreeded 2 tears but he still was in luv wit jamica he never showed it though then there was this KILLER party going on everyone was invited jon descited 2 go and he did and he seen jamica there she was drinking beer margaritas and wine and he couldnt c her lk this he was keeping and eye on her but he turned his head 4 a second and jamica was gone then they all heard a car and it was jamica and jon rushed outside 2 save his luv but it was 2 late CRASH he he walked down the street and found jamica there with glass all over her she broke her arm and her leg and then she stayed in the hospital but it truns out she was not ok they couldnt do anyhthing 3 days later jon got a call they said jamica has died im very srry and jon cried he mumbled 2 his self i should have gave her a second chance i luved her i shouldve been there 4 her then jon drank and drank until his body couldnd take it anymore and he died from the pain of love
15 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
22nd Jun 2009 20:14

hears a story bout a couple who should b 2gather once there was a girl named sally moore beatiuful young girl then a boy named landen morgan he was the hottest guy ever than 1 rainy day there was a rumor going around tht landen and lilla were going out but thts was just a rumor but the rumor was true and sally had glasses and brown hair and hazel eyes she was pretty but but ppl always took her as a ugly female but behind those glasses she was the beatiuful 1...........landen bumped into sally in the hall way he helped her up and her glasses fell off of sally he looked in her eyes and said WOW i nvr noticed u had hazel eyes she said ya gettin contacts soo i wont wear these stupid glasses anymore than the bell rang and sally said well gotta get 2 class then landen said wait!.....after skewl would u lk 2 go and dosuod there looking at him with a amazed look and he said again well do u and she studred and she said y ya and then sally ran into lilla landens gf and she said wat were u and my bf talking bout and sally said o we ran into each other he was just helping me thts all and lilla grabed sally by the arm and said if u MESS with my bf trust me hunny u will b TOAST and he wld nvr date a 4 eyes worthless piece of crap and sally's eyes watered up and she ran home.....sally just seat at the kitchen table and asked her mom if she was ugly and her mom said no baby wats makes u think tht sally said o nothing mom can we go shopping i need new cloths and contacts and sallys mom said SURE and soo they went 2 the mall and sally never told her mom she was going 2 go with landen out tonight soo sally got a red dress wicth was supper hott and got contacts then landen came and they went 2 a movie and sally asked y r u and lilla going out he said im not and sally looked up real surprised and sally said y not didnt u lk her and landen said no i didnt lk ow she treated ppl and i didnt lk how she treated u and sally looked up again and then the magic happend sally and landen were 2gather 4 ever!!!

  1. 4 ever part 5 the very ending
    25th Jun 2009 10:27
    15 years, 8 months & 22 days ago
  2. 4 ever part 4 the ending
    24th Jun 2009 14:31
    15 years, 8 months & 22 days ago
  3. 4 ever part 3 stefs new school
    24th Jun 2009 14:08
    15 years, 8 months & 22 days ago
  4. 4 ever part 2
    24th Jun 2009 12:58
    15 years, 8 months & 22 days ago
  5. 4 ever
    23rd Jun 2009 14:09
    15 years, 8 months & 23 days ago
  6. the broken mother
    22nd Jun 2009 20:59
    15 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
  7. pain of love
    22nd Jun 2009 20:29
    15 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
    22nd Jun 2009 20:14
    15 years, 8 months & 24 days ago