4 ever part 5 the very ending

15 years, 8 months & 22 days ago
25th Jun 2009 10:27emma turned 3 and stef and nick were still hanging on they turned 20 and they felt soo old but monica called stef saying me and michel r gettin MARRIED!.....OMG monica thts great hey i g2g im going 2 go hang out with bailey and rob umm but i need u 2 help me 4 the wedding i will 2morro ok girl BYE BYE b good lol i will and stef went out 2 eat with bailey and rob and emma went 2 and emma had a blast!....and stef asked bailey rob when r yall gettin married ummm idk never thaught about it.....well its time ya i kno well hey g2g and c nickey poo ok bye bye emma come on baby stef droped emma off at stefs moms house and nick and stef spent time with each then monica called right in the middle of sumthing and stef answered sayin wat kind of busy stef i need u QUICK wat is it i just need u but monica i dnt rlly wnt 2 right now rlly busy me and nick o o o SRRY didnt mean 2 its ok tlk 2 ya later and another thing i promise i will next day stef goes 2 monicas house and helped her with the wedding and she got the perfect wedding dress then the day came and stef walked in 2 talk 2 monica and said monica listen this is ur final day after this things change said stef now u got me scared stef it will b fine u sure positive.....monica walks down the ilol and she looks soo pretty they were saying there i dos and then they were married they were soo happy and stef ran up 2 monica and gave her a big hugg and nick and stef danced beside monica and michel and nick looked at stef and said i never gave this much thaught but when we get older and get close 2 dieing i wnt u beside me i luv u tht much and when it ends lets b 2gather in heaven aww stef said i will and monica and michel left 4 there hunny moon and monica was pregnant and had a little boy gradeen he was soo cute then bailey and rob got married and bailey had 2 have a sea section and had a little girl named ellie and there lifes indeaded being a kid they all had jobs they were all sterred out all the time emma turned 10 she had ornge blonde hair and short but then emma got 2 were she didnt eat right she quiet and they took her 2 the docter and the docter said it was bout the cancer she had and emma wwas scared didnt wnt 2 die and the docter said emma had only a 1 month 2 live and stef ran out and grabbed emma and nick just set there and emma wat cyying didnt kno wat 2 do and this is wat happened and emma just wanted 2 move so they moved and nick thaught NO wat r u talking bout im srry i dnt wnt 2 baby but nick i luv u aand i luv u ok well this is the very ending emma died june 25 2009