pain of love

15 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
22nd Jun 2009 20:29jon was going out with jamica but she lied 2 him and went out with guys behind jons back but jon didnt believe wat ppl said sooo 1 day jon set down on the bleachers and her noises and looked under the bleachers and found jamica kissing another guy sooo jon was single 4 along time they said jamica changed but he shreeded 2 tears but he still was in luv wit jamica he never showed it though then there was this KILLER party going on everyone was invited jon descited 2 go and he did and he seen jamica there she was drinking beer margaritas and wine and he couldnt c her lk this he was keeping and eye on her but he turned his head 4 a second and jamica was gone then they all heard a car and it was jamica and jon rushed outside 2 save his luv but it was 2 late CRASH he he walked down the street and found jamica there with glass all over her she broke her arm and her leg and then she stayed in the hospital but it truns out she was not ok they couldnt do anyhthing 3 days later jon got a call they said jamica has died im very srry and jon cried he mumbled 2 his self i should have gave her a second chance i luved her i shouldve been there 4 her then jon drank and drank until his body couldnd take it anymore and he died from the pain of love