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  1. Snickerdoodle (gingerbread snookle) finalists
    3rd Mar 2011 11:26
    14 years & 14 days ago
  2. Trystian (white snookle) winner...
    1st Mar 2011 23:17
    14 years & 15 days ago
  3. Ishkidara (glass snookle) winner...
    1st Mar 2011 10:55
    14 years & 16 days ago
  4. Matsukiie (chinese snookle) winner...
    21st Feb 2011 14:29
    14 years & 24 days ago
  5. Puppy// Finalists of the writing contest...
    20th Feb 2011 09:27
    14 years & 25 days ago
  6. trissha (polar troit) winner...
    17th Feb 2011 11:59
    14 years & 28 days ago
  7. Sylpha (midnight dakota) finalists
    15th Feb 2011 22:48
    14 years & 29 days ago
  8. Acquired (killer snookle) winner...
    14th Feb 2011 10:59
    14 years & 1 month ago
  9. The 3.5mil giveaway finalists
    13th Feb 2011 00:58
    14 years, 1 month & 1 day ago
  10. My Mara-Life
    12th Feb 2011 08:20
    14 years, 1 month & 2 days ago
Giveaway: 5 snookles, 1 dakota, 1 troit...
14 years, 1 month & 12 days ago
2nd Feb 2011 13:20

Giving all L/E's bar dumonte

No really short apps
No really long apps
No sob stories
No saying how you will love the pet forever and ever...
Post I love chocolate cake at top application if you've read this

Posting applications for all pets here, if you've applied for Acquired, also post here. Maximum number of pets to apply for is 3. Acquired will be the first pet given away.

Deadline - 14th February 2011, winners announced on 15th!!!

I love chocolate cake

but not as much as I love Trissha! <3 You see, I am an avid troit fan. *cough* look at my blogs/profile *cough* and getting polar and pixie troits are my main goals at the moment. I know I could just easily buy the cossie, but I'm really broke because I bought one troit potion *pokes gallery* (still thinking of an awesome name) and I'm spoiling Trixtelle with learnies *pokes my blog about Trixtelle*

Don't you think it would be fabulous for Trissha to be part of my Troit army? :3 Well, I leave that for you to ponder on, while I practice my Troit whispering skills to convince Trissha to come with me

Thanks for the opportunity!
114 years, 1 month & 10 days ago 4th Feb 2011 02:06
I love chocolate cake.

I'm applying for any snookle. My sister loves snookles and I try to get her one for each holiday. Valentines is coming up I think I've made her enough graphics xD So having the snookle to give to her would be extremely nice. (:

Thanks for reading,
-Rebecca (:
114 years, 1 month & 10 days ago 3rd Feb 2011 22:33
I Love Chocolate Cake!!!
(It's true, I'm a self proclaimed Cake Fanatic!

My names Bri, I'm from the U.S. of A! I love marapets, just started up with it after a loonng break to focus on other things! I love photograpy, music, puppys, ect. The usual haha
Since i havent been on mara long I really haven't entered many giveaways, nor won haha so I'll admit im not the best apper! But im trying to snazzy up my skills

I am apping for both Trystian and Snickerdoodle!
I don't want to take one away from a caring owner, so this app applies to both, but If I was to win, I'd only need one . . . Spread the love!
They are both just so wonderful I couldn't decide which to app for, so I was very happy to learn I could app for both!
The names are loverly, and if I was to win id probably use my blitzen costume i've been saving for if I ever got a snookle! =]
Snookles were originally a Huge dream pet of mine, but I put them on hold to go for a Kujo or Basil. Now that im saving again (slowly but surely), I hope to spend the money on a Snookle of my own, or a chibbers if I'm Ever able to save up enough haha So being able to Win Snickerdoodle or Trystian would be a tremendous help in my dream pet family search!
Thanks a bunch for holding the contest, and for reading my app!
Good luck to everyone
114 years, 1 month & 10 days ago 3rd Feb 2011 18:58
Anyways continuing on my name is Justine. I have been on marapets for 4 months and I'm planning to get all my pets LE and I would like to have Snickerdoodle. I would like to have her because I want to continue to have as much LE as I can or maybe my dream pet! It's a skater sindi! As you know most people are trying to train their pet so they can trade it and that's what I'm trying to do so I hope you won't mind that I'm trading her also if you think she isn't treated well or so I will give you the rights to take her back as you wish! I also think it is very kind of you to give your pets away! Well good luck choosing!
114 years, 1 month & 10 days ago 3rd Feb 2011 18:55
Hi, I'm shelley, not really sure how to post an application but here it goes...I would like to have any of the pets you listed simply because i have not owned one yet. I have been making my way through goals and missions but I have not accomplished them yet. My focus is on my photos, goals and missions right now. I have been on marapets for 9 mths. Thx for considering..
114 years, 1 month & 10 days ago 3rd Feb 2011 18:19

I love chocolate cake
Hey there. Im Alex(:
I've been on mara for 4 years now, on lots of old accounts. I made this account on July 2nd, 2009. I don't have a lot of time to app, which sucks. Anyways i spend all my time in RC, or RS to earn mp for my dream pet fund, to turn England into an angel chibs. I have 2 million in that fund so far.. I kind of suck at earning mp, as i keep buying gifts for friends.
My biggest accomplishment is my gallery and my goal right now to potioning England.
why do i want Trystian you ask? well to be honest, I am going to trade. I would be happy with any of the pets you are giving, but Trystian just had a certain quality pulling me in. I dont even know. So here I am apping. I will trade, I am trying to help my friend get a rofling, and also at the same time, make my pets better, and more advanced. Trystian can help me get there.
Thank you for this opportunity! Good luck all!
<3 Alex
114 years, 1 month & 10 days ago 3rd Feb 2011 15:52
I love chocolate cake

im applying for Dumonte as i like the name and overall pet/costume. im trying to get LE pets because my old account got banned with my skater snookle. he was my favorite pet and one day would like one back.
but anyways it would be a honor to have Dumonte as it would make my pets look much i dont believe i would trade him but in the future i cant promise anything
114 years, 1 month & 10 days ago 3rd Feb 2011 15:14
Okay, soo, this has absolutely no relevance at all to anything, BUT, this can count as my joke because it's amazingly hilarious...


T he perfect match.
I nspiring.
N othing tops her.
K iller stats.
E nthralling.
R avishing.

R ambunctious.
O h so beautiful.
S afe if held by me.
E nchanting.

That's all!
114 years, 1 month & 11 days ago 3rd Feb 2011 13:28
thanks for all the great apps
114 years, 1 month & 11 days ago 3rd Feb 2011 08:33
I love chocolate cake!

I'm mars and let me tell you why I don't want Acquire to be with me
1. I don't want to have my first LE
2. I don't like snookles
3. I'm afraid Acquire will kill my other babies
4. I don't want the glory of having him in my mara family
5. He looks better in someone else's profile

and finally.......

6. I was born sarcastic so the whole thing I said actually meant the opposite of what I wanted :3

*prays you speak sarcasm as your mother tongue*

thanks for the opportunity. I suck at making apps so I hope you can make do with this X3
114 years, 1 month & 11 days ago 3rd Feb 2011 02:29
  1. Snickerdoodle (gingerbread snookle) finalists
    3rd Mar 2011 11:26
    14 years & 14 days ago
  2. Trystian (white snookle) winner...
    1st Mar 2011 23:17
    14 years & 15 days ago
  3. Ishkidara (glass snookle) winner...
    1st Mar 2011 10:55
    14 years & 16 days ago
  4. Matsukiie (chinese snookle) winner...
    21st Feb 2011 14:29
    14 years & 24 days ago
  5. Puppy// Finalists of the writing contest...
    20th Feb 2011 09:27
    14 years & 25 days ago
  6. trissha (polar troit) winner...
    17th Feb 2011 11:59
    14 years & 28 days ago
  7. Sylpha (midnight dakota) finalists
    15th Feb 2011 22:48
    14 years & 29 days ago
  8. Acquired (killer snookle) winner...
    14th Feb 2011 10:59
    14 years & 1 month ago
  9. The 3.5mil giveaway finalists
    13th Feb 2011 00:58
    14 years, 1 month & 1 day ago
  10. My Mara-Life
    12th Feb 2011 08:20
    14 years, 1 month & 2 days ago