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  1. Snickerdoodle (gingerbread snookle) finalists
    3rd Mar 2011 11:26
    14 years & 13 days ago
  2. Trystian (white snookle) winner...
    1st Mar 2011 23:17
    14 years & 15 days ago
  3. Ishkidara (glass snookle) winner...
    1st Mar 2011 10:55
    14 years & 15 days ago
  4. Matsukiie (chinese snookle) winner...
    21st Feb 2011 14:29
    14 years & 23 days ago
  5. Puppy// Finalists of the writing contest...
    20th Feb 2011 09:27
    14 years & 25 days ago
  6. trissha (polar troit) winner...
    17th Feb 2011 11:59
    14 years & 27 days ago
  7. Sylpha (midnight dakota) finalists
    15th Feb 2011 22:48
    14 years & 29 days ago
  8. Acquired (killer snookle) winner...
    14th Feb 2011 10:59
    14 years & 30 days ago
  9. The 3.5mil giveaway finalists
    13th Feb 2011 00:58
    14 years, 1 month & 1 day ago
  10. My Mara-Life
    12th Feb 2011 08:20
    14 years, 1 month & 2 days ago
Giveaway: 5 snookles, 1 dakota, 1 troit...
14 years, 1 month & 11 days ago
2nd Feb 2011 13:20

Giving all L/E's bar dumonte

No really short apps
No really long apps
No sob stories
No saying how you will love the pet forever and ever...
Post I love chocolate cake at top application if you've read this

Posting applications for all pets here, if you've applied for Acquired, also post here. Maximum number of pets to apply for is 3. Acquired will be the first pet given away.

Deadline - 14th February 2011, winners announced on 15th!!!

I love chocolate cake <3
Hiya,my name is Emily and I am applying for Trystian
First reason I would like Trystian,is because he has an awesome name! Another reason is because I recently traded my snookle and id like to own another one because there so cute! Plus I really like snookles with basic colored costumes are the cutest!I also applied for Acquired. Thanks for reading my app!-Emily
114 years, 1 month & 11 days ago 2nd Feb 2011 14:42
Mm, I love chocolate cake c:

Seeing as barely anyone has apped, I figured I might as well give it a shot. ;o

Well, my name's Sarah and I'm here to app for the lovely Sylpha. I have been a fan of Dakotas for quite some time, along with anything cossied midnight ;] /pokes Chibs/ So, that makes Sylpha just.. amazing.

Since you probably don't know that much about me, besides from what I typed up on your MP give-away blog, shall I go on about myself?
I don't care for sharing much information related to real life, though.

However, I will tell you that I'm 15. I've played Mara for around 4 years, just on multiple accounts. [none of which I still use, of course] I tend to forget things if they aren't... a daily thing. I really only play Mara to pass the time, as I'm not interested in all the goals and such that other people seem to obsess over. If you read my app on your other blog, you probably already know that I adore some of the graphics made by some of the people here on Mara. So, I choose to focus more on graphic-related things, but I also take *some* interest in pets. Nothing like statting, though.
Well... I did save up and potion/cossie Breather, my chibs... But that's probably the most I've done pet-wise other than trading and such.

So, if I were to have Sylpha, he would most likely sit on my lovely account for quite some time, next to the other midnight creature I have. [until I get a bit bored of having the same pets on my profile, or if I choose to quit (which is quite unlikely to happen ;o)]

And, I think that's just about all I have to say. c:
Thank you for the oppurtunity, and good luck choosing someone for all 7 of your petlings. :]
114 years, 1 month & 11 days ago 2nd Feb 2011 14:41
You said that if we apped for acquired to post here? well this is the app i just copied mine from the other blog x] oh and i might have missed a couple of reese emoticons xD
I love chocolate cake!
And i hope its not to late! xD

Anyway, i stumbled across this acutally Well I'm here to app for Acquired, the snookle Hes adorable and if I win I plan on making him angel or Blitzen <3 most likely Blitzen cause i already have the cossie in my attic.

Oh yah, Everyone here calls me Gigi. I have been playing for about 3 and a half years and I'm loving it. I restock, stat pets, chat with clubbies and yeah. I pretty much do everything x] lol.

I already have a snookle but I like spacefairy snookles too <3 they such cuties, snookles are =D

Sorry i suck at comedy. Literally. I prefer lame jokes cause they are so lame they are funny. cause of the lameness.
Heres my signature lame joke:

Why didn't the wooden horse cross the road?

Cause it 'WOODEN' go

xD ROFL.../wipes tears
that gets me everytime.
You have to say it out loud so when your reading it say it out loud xD

Okay thats the end for me ;D
Gigi is signing off!

Oh and thanks for the opportunity. I hope Acquired goes into my care and becomes the adorable blitzen snookle as his fate =D
114 years, 1 month & 11 days ago 2nd Feb 2011 14:36
I love chocolate cake. It's quite true. Frankly, I love anything chocolate.

Heya, Puppypower321!

I'm Eve and I'm 14. I'm from Denver, Colorado. I'm applying for Snickerdoodle and Sylpha.

I have been playing marapets for well over two years now. I think I've come pretty far. My biggest achievement, in my opinion, was when I potioned my first LE: Isletta. It took ages to get a chibs potion, but obviously I got there! My current goal is to finish templing Blanky so she can be a baby chibs!

Sylpha and Snickerdoodle are two lovely pets! I've been looking for some interesting names, and Snickerdoodle is fantastic. Both Sylpha and Snickerdoodle would fit in perfectly with my mara-crew.

I'm sure lots of people have said "I deserve (insert pet's name here)!" Honestly, I don't think you could judge whether or not I deserve any of your pets with out knowing me in person first. I also don't think I should be the one to decide if I do or do not deserve one of your lovelys.

I would love to have Snickerdoodle and Sylpha, but I'm not saying I'm in love with them to the point of no functioning. I think its insane to go all out and lie about loving a pixel. If love is not genuine, then what is it? I'm sure Snickerdoodle and Sylpha would come to be loved and treasure members of my marafamily.

Thanks for the opportunity! I truly hope you find deserving owners for Sylpha and Snickerdoodle.

114 years, 1 month & 11 days ago 2nd Feb 2011 14:34
I love chocolate cake! :]

Hi, I'm Shelby. And I'm applying for your ...yummy! /im so corny xP/ snookle, Snickerdoodle.

Before I get into full detail into why I think I deserve Snickerdoodle- I'll tell you a bit about myself. Since I don't think we've ever met. c;

Well, I'm 15. I looove to draw, write, and play marapets! xD Also, I was recently banned from my old account, burnttoast321. I was so sad when I lost it, I made a new account! x] (I couldn't stay away from my marabuddies! xD) Anyways, I only have one LE, And its a yellow rusty. Snickerdoodle would make a great sister! <3

Anyways, Snickerdoodle really caught my eye when I seen her name. Snickerdoodle! And shes a gingerbread snookle! I was going to apply for Matsukiie, but I really wanted Snickerdoodle.

Why do I want Snickerdoodle? Because I had a childhood love for cookies! I was in Girl Scouts when I was ehh, nine. And I absoloutley loved it. So Snickerdoodle would be a great reminder fo my childhood! <3

I can't lie. I NEVER, and I litterally, NEVER, feed pets. It's sad but true. It's like... Not feeding your baby! D: Oh well, I'm not going to make a good mother. xD

Well, I don't want to get carried away and write and ENORMOUS app, since this one probably annoyed you enough... Well. I'll make a close.

Good luck choosing, Good luck to other appers, and good luck in the real world! (If your quitting, but I don't see why anyone would randomly give away all their pets and money. ;P)


Super cute!
No pet could ever replace.
I really think shes cute!
Kyoot! (Cutee. xDD) (I had nothing else to put...)
Everyone wants her.
Really adorable!
Duhh, why would I NOT want her?
Oh, I hope shes gets to be mine.
Omygosh. Gingerbread snookles are so cuteee!
Dude. I really hope I get her. xD
Loads of fabulousness! xDD
Everyone wants her! :]
114 years, 1 month & 11 days ago 2nd Feb 2011 14:32
I love chocolate cake!
Great, now I got the rumblies...
Hola, I'm Ari. This is all very generous of you to do.(:
Trystian... lovely name. He's adorable, as I'm a fan of Snookles. I've always planned on having an angel Snookle one day. However, I'm currently working my way toward other goals. Though, if for whatever reason, I gain him, that would be amazing & bring me that much closer to that goal! Why do I specifically deserve him? Honestly, I can't say. A lot of the people apping are deserving. All I know is, he has a perfect name & he's one of my favorite species.
Well... that's it, I suppose. Thanks again for this amazing opportunity, & good luck to everyone.
114 years, 1 month & 11 days ago 2nd Feb 2011 14:27
I love chocolate cake

Yeaa you and me chocolate cake we were made to be

Anyway i didnt come here to talk about loving chocolate cake [Or did i]
Nah i came to app for your awesome killer snookle Acquired.

I would like to be Acquired's new owner because i know deep down that Acquired is a fellow chocolate cake lover like myself and i have always wanted a cool snookle like Acquired.

If i won Acquired i would try to stat him a little bit but i might be a bit buzy statting my non les more than Acquired.
Also i dont much like pet trading so i probably wont trade Acquired.

Hehehe almost done
So i can have me chocolate cakee

Everyone here rightfully deserves to win but i think i would be a great owner because we both love chocolate cake, I work very hard for my pets and their stats and costumes and im a very helpful person and i would try my best to help people more.

Thank you.

*Gives puppypower321 some chocolate cake*

Hope you like that

Good luck everyone and please take your time to choose the winners puppypower321.

114 years, 1 month & 11 days ago 2nd Feb 2011 14:01
Woops yeah
114 years, 1 month & 11 days ago 2nd Feb 2011 13:56
I believe you mean 5 snookles?...there is only one dakota
114 years, 1 month & 11 days ago 2nd Feb 2011 13:35
  1. Snickerdoodle (gingerbread snookle) finalists
    3rd Mar 2011 11:26
    14 years & 13 days ago
  2. Trystian (white snookle) winner...
    1st Mar 2011 23:17
    14 years & 15 days ago
  3. Ishkidara (glass snookle) winner...
    1st Mar 2011 10:55
    14 years & 15 days ago
  4. Matsukiie (chinese snookle) winner...
    21st Feb 2011 14:29
    14 years & 23 days ago
  5. Puppy// Finalists of the writing contest...
    20th Feb 2011 09:27
    14 years & 25 days ago
  6. trissha (polar troit) winner...
    17th Feb 2011 11:59
    14 years & 27 days ago
  7. Sylpha (midnight dakota) finalists
    15th Feb 2011 22:48
    14 years & 29 days ago
  8. Acquired (killer snookle) winner...
    14th Feb 2011 10:59
    14 years & 30 days ago
  9. The 3.5mil giveaway finalists
    13th Feb 2011 00:58
    14 years, 1 month & 1 day ago
  10. My Mara-Life
    12th Feb 2011 08:20
    14 years, 1 month & 2 days ago