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  1. Snickerdoodle (gingerbread snookle) finalists
    3rd Mar 2011 11:26
    14 years & 13 days ago
  2. Trystian (white snookle) winner...
    1st Mar 2011 23:17
    14 years & 15 days ago
  3. Ishkidara (glass snookle) winner...
    1st Mar 2011 10:55
    14 years & 15 days ago
  4. Matsukiie (chinese snookle) winner...
    21st Feb 2011 14:29
    14 years & 23 days ago
  5. Puppy// Finalists of the writing contest...
    20th Feb 2011 09:27
    14 years & 24 days ago
  6. trissha (polar troit) winner...
    17th Feb 2011 11:59
    14 years & 27 days ago
  7. Sylpha (midnight dakota) finalists
    15th Feb 2011 22:48
    14 years & 29 days ago
  8. Acquired (killer snookle) winner...
    14th Feb 2011 10:59
    14 years & 30 days ago
  9. The 3.5mil giveaway finalists
    13th Feb 2011 00:58
    14 years, 1 month & 1 day ago
  10. My Mara-Life
    12th Feb 2011 08:20
    14 years, 1 month & 1 day ago
Giveaway: 5 snookles, 1 dakota, 1 troit...
14 years, 1 month & 11 days ago
2nd Feb 2011 13:20

Giving all L/E's bar dumonte

No really short apps
No really long apps
No sob stories
No saying how you will love the pet forever and ever...
Post I love chocolate cake at top application if you've read this

Posting applications for all pets here, if you've applied for Acquired, also post here. Maximum number of pets to apply for is 3. Acquired will be the first pet given away.

Deadline - 14th February 2011, winners announced on 15th!!!


I would LOVE dumonte!!
He would be a awesome friend with poposa!!

I know this is a sticky app but i would like to see it win

I LOVE CHOCOLATE CAKE But i would rather Chocolate ice cream
113 years, 11 months & 20 days ago 24th Mar 2011 11:42
yummy ,i love chocolate cake.

Trystian is white remind me of snow that here in Malta we do not have ,we have sun many of it and blue sea that tells jump and swim relax from the work you do all day.
Snickerdoodle chocolate like the chocolate cake i done for my grand daughter. Thank you
114 years & 21 days ago 24th Feb 2011 02:09
It was a warm summers afternoon in Madagasgar when all through the jungle was a sudden rumble of terrifying thunder!
"Smokey Mountain is going to blow up!" Cried a young lemur!
Everyone got into a panic then and all tryed swimming out off the island but it was no use! Towering rivers of scorching lava was already plundering its way down to the beach!
Minutes later news flashes were all over the world and one person in paticular wanted to help out, Ellesta! She immediatly ran off into the car park and jumped in her super fgast whizzmobile and flew over to madagasgar! As yet more smoke choked the air she came to a crash upon a safe beach where just one little Lemur had survived, Trystain! Ellesta knew she had to save him so she lept as far and fast as she would over the bubbling death into the baby's arms. As he cried she returned him to the safety of her car and drove back off into new york where she was awarded:
*Champion saviour of the decade*

All Ellesta really wanted was for the lemurs to be saved and thats whta she got, so being a kind thoughtful person she donated all the prize money to the charity of saving lives!
114 years & 24 days ago 21st Feb 2011 04:11
I love chocolate cake!

Hello again puppy! Im Elle as you already know and this time, am aplying for your smexi pet:
Trystain! My friends son is called Trystain and snookles are cute just like him! If i won then first of all i would probably jump through my ceiling, so when that was fixed i would try my absolute hardest to get a pixie costume for him as im trying to get a pixie army!

All your pets are pretty but the best named is Trystain personally hense why i am applying for him over snickerdoodle even though it was a hard decission, very hard. Anyway i will post a short story next post for you to read but ignore it if its awful, (it will be!

THANKYOU SO SO SO MUCH for giving us this wonderful oppourtunity and i wish you the very best luck and love in real life,Thanks again: xxxEllexxx
114 years & 24 days ago 21st Feb 2011 04:04
I love Chocolate Cake!!!!!

My name is Chelsea, and I live in the UK. I have been playing marapets for years, with lots of different accounts. I would like to app for Snickerdoodle.
The word Snickerdoodle immediately makes me think of Gingerbread, which matches the costume VERY well!
I would like to start collecting Snookles, but I am not doing so well...... <---- I hope that didnt sound like a sob story, sorry if it did!
I like statting pets and playing with them, in my free time.

A poem for the little, delicious Snickerdoodle!

C - CRUMBLY ( Because she is gingerbread!
K - KOOL <--- Spelt with a K!
D - DELICIOUS ( Again, because she is Gingerbread! :lol

Thanks for the oppurtunity. Just a little Graphic to finish:
114 years & 29 days ago 15th Feb 2011 08:08
Good Luck everyone don't forget my app puppy
114 years & 30 days ago 15th Feb 2011 04:44
hi, I love chocolate cakes even if I cant eat them because of my health, maybe the last for the appointment but I was thinking to give a chance to the others but I cant resist to ask if I can have Ishkidara pls? I do not know how to make a real app hope that this is good. Thank you
114 years & 30 days ago 14th Feb 2011 22:29
Hope ya dont mind I wanted to write a poem for Trissha

T- To my account I hope her to come

R- Rejoice oh how I would all year long

I- I've fallen in love with her adorable little self

S- Somehow she won my heart, and got me to attempt to win her

S- Silly me, She's amazing thats how she did it

H- Her current owner so kind and sweet for giving her hard earned pets away

A- A forever home with me, Is where I hope Trissha to be!

Okay no more posting add ons to my app, I know you have enough to read as is
114 years & 30 days ago 14th Feb 2011 14:30
I love Chocolate Cake =D
Hi there Im Xmas I just wanted to say thank you so much for being so generous and giving people a chance to apply for your pets

I would love to be the new owner of Sylpha. Im not going to go through all that stuff of how im going to not portal it and not trade it and how its my dream pet...etc etc as we might be here for quite a while although I will mention I am pretty much allergic to posting on the pets forum so have never traded. Ive been playing mara for around 4 years now so Im pretty experienced.

I love all my pets, but the other day someone pointed out to me that they're all very light, very colourful. Having Sylpha would be an amazing addition as he being a midnight dakota would bring just that perfect amount of darkness and contrast. Its always great to have a slight hint of evil hehehe. I love his name, especially the fact that those five consonants fit together so well and I love saying it out loud. I think having a good name for pet is so important <3

I love Dakotas, they remind me of adorbale dogs, I think they're amazing but recently I got a bit carried away with working on my gallery so neglected working on my pets a bit which I feel awful about so havent had a chance to decide on the best way to acquire a new dakota.

I know that many people are applying for such an amazing pet and many others are certainly very deserving but still, I would be extremely grateful if you could consider me as the new owner of Sylpha.

Thank you so much and I wish you every bit of luck for the future!

114 years & 30 days ago 14th Feb 2011 14:26
And the winner of Acquired is...

114 years & 30 days ago 14th Feb 2011 12:57
  1. Snickerdoodle (gingerbread snookle) finalists
    3rd Mar 2011 11:26
    14 years & 13 days ago
  2. Trystian (white snookle) winner...
    1st Mar 2011 23:17
    14 years & 15 days ago
  3. Ishkidara (glass snookle) winner...
    1st Mar 2011 10:55
    14 years & 15 days ago
  4. Matsukiie (chinese snookle) winner...
    21st Feb 2011 14:29
    14 years & 23 days ago
  5. Puppy// Finalists of the writing contest...
    20th Feb 2011 09:27
    14 years & 24 days ago
  6. trissha (polar troit) winner...
    17th Feb 2011 11:59
    14 years & 27 days ago
  7. Sylpha (midnight dakota) finalists
    15th Feb 2011 22:48
    14 years & 29 days ago
  8. Acquired (killer snookle) winner...
    14th Feb 2011 10:59
    14 years & 30 days ago
  9. The 3.5mil giveaway finalists
    13th Feb 2011 00:58
    14 years, 1 month & 1 day ago
  10. My Mara-Life
    12th Feb 2011 08:20
    14 years, 1 month & 1 day ago