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  1. Snickerdoodle (gingerbread snookle) finalists
    3rd Mar 2011 11:26
    14 years & 14 days ago
  2. Trystian (white snookle) winner...
    1st Mar 2011 23:17
    14 years & 15 days ago
  3. Ishkidara (glass snookle) winner...
    1st Mar 2011 10:55
    14 years & 16 days ago
  4. Matsukiie (chinese snookle) winner...
    21st Feb 2011 14:29
    14 years & 24 days ago
  5. Puppy// Finalists of the writing contest...
    20th Feb 2011 09:27
    14 years & 25 days ago
  6. trissha (polar troit) winner...
    17th Feb 2011 11:59
    14 years & 28 days ago
  7. Sylpha (midnight dakota) finalists
    15th Feb 2011 22:48
    14 years & 29 days ago
  8. Acquired (killer snookle) winner...
    14th Feb 2011 10:59
    14 years & 1 month ago
  9. The 3.5mil giveaway finalists
    13th Feb 2011 00:58
    14 years, 1 month & 1 day ago
  10. My Mara-Life
    12th Feb 2011 08:20
    14 years, 1 month & 2 days ago
Giveaway: 5 snookles, 1 dakota, 1 troit...
14 years, 1 month & 12 days ago
2nd Feb 2011 13:20

Giving all L/E's bar dumonte

No really short apps
No really long apps
No sob stories
No saying how you will love the pet forever and ever...
Post I love chocolate cake at top application if you've read this

Posting applications for all pets here, if you've applied for Acquired, also post here. Maximum number of pets to apply for is 3. Acquired will be the first pet given away.

Deadline - 14th February 2011, winners announced on 15th!!!

i love chocolate cake! come on puppypower everyone loves it!
im apping for your dakota beacuse i think its really cute and is one of my dream pets and will be my first le i had! i even think its a nice name aswell and lovely costume! il stat it costume it feed it, and more! it will be a chance of opportunity! nice name that dakota puppypower! i hope every lucks for you!
114 years, 1 month & 8 days ago 6th Feb 2011 13:25
i love chocolate cake
i have been playing for obout 3 moths i joind mara before but never ever had a le so this is a start well im applying for trissha the polar troit
and slypha the midnight dakota
oh and im completing missions for les but no luck maybe if i win il give les to my sister...
114 years, 1 month & 8 days ago 6th Feb 2011 05:59
I love chocolate cake!

I'm Shinichi been playing mara for over 4 years but now I'm semi-quitting, so this application is for my sister and my bff. You see, before I fully quit I would want to leave a legacy for the both of them because they helped me so much in mara. I am just too lazy to maintain my account, so yeah. Anyhoo, I would want to apply for Sylpha for my sister and Trissha for my bff. Here is my reason...

For Sylpha, he used to be my sister's (lionbeyonce822)pet, and you don't want to know how she rants and whines at home when she trades a pet of hers. I mean, she has pet goals and dream pets and will do everything to get them, but for some reason she gets too attached to her virtual pets that I think she gets separation anxiety or post partum depression when she trades lol. So, if I win Sylpha it would be for her.

As for Trissha the polar troit, I would want her to go to my bff (breakingfree08) because she is building a troit army and I know that she is broke because of 'spoiling her babies' as she calls it. I had and still am trying to help her with her army but no one would take any of my pets for troits (sad, I know, tsk tsk). I have gone a long way trying to help her. I had to trade my well-named gothic non-les (my DPs)just to get my poeras just so I could trade for a troit. There a good moment too. I was apping for a troit giveaway, but I lost, but then an awesome person liked my app and gave me my gizmo so again I could trade for a troit. Unfortunately poeras and gizmos are quite unwanted so I still couldn't give her a troit lol. So here I am, attempting another giveaway to try my luck on getting her a troit.

Hope you consider my apps and help me make my sister and my bff happy :]
114 years, 1 month & 8 days ago 6th Feb 2011 02:08
I Love Chocolate Cake

Hi, I'm Twit and I joined marapets exactly 28 days ago, but I can say I am already an experienced player because I already earned myself my first dream pet, a sleepy kujo. I won't dwell on how I got him but if you're curious it's on my blog ^^ Anyway, I would like to apply for Matsukiie or Sylpha.

Matsukiie is one of my dream pets too. I think snookles really rock the Chinese look! I dunno, I might be a little biased coz I'm Chinese lol. Also, if you haven't noticed yet, I am fond of M-named pets, teehee. Matsukiie would easily fit in with my other M-named pets!

Sylpha is such a handsome little midnight Dakota that he must belong with other handsome and beautiful pets with amazing names like mine lol. If I don't win Matsukiie, Sylpha would be a great compromise because I hear that Dakotas are easy to trade.

That's it, thanks for the opportunity!
114 years, 1 month & 8 days ago 6th Feb 2011 01:56
I love Chocolate cake!!
Hey I'm Bella and I'd love to be the new home of any of these great pets. I would especially love Snickerdoodle the Gingerbread Snookle and/or Trissha the Polar Troit. My Best Friend's dream pet is a Polar Troit and I'm partly applying for her. I've been a member of mara for around 3 years and I am fairly active. Your pet would have a great home with me and I would love to be their owner. Thank you so much.
114 years, 1 month & 8 days ago 6th Feb 2011 01:02
Great apps everyone
114 years, 1 month & 8 days ago 5th Feb 2011 23:54
I love chocolate cake.
No really I do. Comes with being a chunky kid!
Well Hi! My names Amanda, and I am apping for Snickerdoodle! So very cute!!! I do adore this pet, and I do have big plans with her!!! Ok, here it is... are you readdyy????
I want to... *looks around* give her to someone in my club!
WONDERFUL IDEA HUH!? My club is kind of small, and I think it would be a wonderful way to reward a dedicated member. So yesss.. thats what i want to do with her... so she will be taken care of. Ok so there is my short app. I would think of more but I have an annoying kid trying to talk to me on the phone. He's quite distracting. Thanks for reading, and good look choosing!
114 years, 1 month & 8 days ago 5th Feb 2011 19:43
My super late (and lame) story for Sylpha! XD

A boy named Sylpha sat down on the grass and gazed at the stars of the Midnight sky. A girl wearing a formal blue dress silently walked behind him. He looked at her and gestured at the space beside him. The girl smiled and sat next to him. They both silently gazed at the stars together, but Sylpha decided to break the silence.

"What's your name?" he asked.
"My name is Leah. And yours?" she asked in reply.
"Sylpha. I see you're of some sort of nobility," Sylpha commented.
"Me? A noble? I wish!" she laughed.

The two continued to chat with each other, but the sun was rising before they knew it. Sylpha smiled as the sun slowly rose at the horizon, but he was interrupted by Leah's question.

"You're a traveler right?" she asked. "I heard that you're leaving soon."

"I am,"said Sylpha,"I'm looking for a place to belong.

"I're welcome to stay here, but I'm not forcing you," said Leah.

"Thanks for the offer," replied Sylpha. "I'll think about it."

He stood up and bade her farewell. Leah nodded and waved back before leaving the area as well. Two stars remained at the final moments of the midnight sky. They twinkled faintly before fading, letting the sun's light take their place.

-That made no sense! Oh well! XD Hahahahaha...x_x
114 years, 1 month & 8 days ago 5th Feb 2011 15:32
I love chocolate cake! Yum! = D Im Kristina and Im turning 15 in March. I am applying for Dumonte, Trystian, or Snickerdoodle.
I am collecting cottoncandy pets and I only need a snookle now. If I won Dumonte, Trystian, or Snickerdoodle, I would costume them cottoncandy to match my cottoncandy chibs, sindi, vixen, and tasi. I would be so happy to have a snookle to finish my CC pets.
Thanks! :]

114 years, 1 month & 8 days ago 5th Feb 2011 14:59
  1. Snickerdoodle (gingerbread snookle) finalists
    3rd Mar 2011 11:26
    14 years & 14 days ago
  2. Trystian (white snookle) winner...
    1st Mar 2011 23:17
    14 years & 15 days ago
  3. Ishkidara (glass snookle) winner...
    1st Mar 2011 10:55
    14 years & 16 days ago
  4. Matsukiie (chinese snookle) winner...
    21st Feb 2011 14:29
    14 years & 24 days ago
  5. Puppy// Finalists of the writing contest...
    20th Feb 2011 09:27
    14 years & 25 days ago
  6. trissha (polar troit) winner...
    17th Feb 2011 11:59
    14 years & 28 days ago
  7. Sylpha (midnight dakota) finalists
    15th Feb 2011 22:48
    14 years & 29 days ago
  8. Acquired (killer snookle) winner...
    14th Feb 2011 10:59
    14 years & 1 month ago
  9. The 3.5mil giveaway finalists
    13th Feb 2011 00:58
    14 years, 1 month & 1 day ago
  10. My Mara-Life
    12th Feb 2011 08:20
    14 years, 1 month & 2 days ago