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  1. Snickerdoodle (gingerbread snookle) finalists
    3rd Mar 2011 11:26
    14 years & 14 days ago
  2. Trystian (white snookle) winner...
    1st Mar 2011 23:17
    14 years & 15 days ago
  3. Ishkidara (glass snookle) winner...
    1st Mar 2011 10:55
    14 years & 16 days ago
  4. Matsukiie (chinese snookle) winner...
    21st Feb 2011 14:29
    14 years & 24 days ago
  5. Puppy// Finalists of the writing contest...
    20th Feb 2011 09:27
    14 years & 25 days ago
  6. trissha (polar troit) winner...
    17th Feb 2011 11:59
    14 years & 28 days ago
  7. Sylpha (midnight dakota) finalists
    15th Feb 2011 22:48
    14 years & 29 days ago
  8. Acquired (killer snookle) winner...
    14th Feb 2011 10:59
    14 years & 1 month ago
  9. The 3.5mil giveaway finalists
    13th Feb 2011 00:58
    14 years, 1 month & 1 day ago
  10. My Mara-Life
    12th Feb 2011 08:20
    14 years, 1 month & 2 days ago
Giveaway: 5 snookles, 1 dakota, 1 troit...
14 years, 1 month & 12 days ago
2nd Feb 2011 13:20

Giving all L/E's bar dumonte

No really short apps
No really long apps
No sob stories
No saying how you will love the pet forever and ever...
Post I love chocolate cake at top application if you've read this

Posting applications for all pets here, if you've applied for Acquired, also post here. Maximum number of pets to apply for is 3. Acquired will be the first pet given away.

Deadline - 14th February 2011, winners announced on 15th!!!

I love chocolate cake (I really do XD )
Hey this is Hannah!I'm 14 gonna turn 15 soon and a big Marapet's and of course LE's fan!Well,I would like to apply for Ishkidara and TinkerRose because I really love snookles as they are just so cute and I find pixie and glass costumed pets really sweet!Also, this is the first time I'm applying for a LE pet giveaway so lets see who are the really lucky one's to have your awesome pets.When I saw your forum topic i was like omg this is so awesome,I've never seen people giving away so many LE's!

Made up a joke--
Q-When a person is dying what do you think would be his last wish??
A-I wanna stay alive!!!

Well,good luck to everyone who has entered and thanks for reading
See ya around
114 years, 1 month & 9 days ago 5th Feb 2011 05:10
Cont.. I'm not that good at these stuff so please cut me some slack =P
Anyway here it is. I hope you like it

and may the best one win
114 years, 1 month & 9 days ago 5th Feb 2011 04:36
I love chocolate cake

Hi, I'm Isophane. Nice to meet ya. You see there are many reasons why i wanna win:
1) I've applied to a lot of them and haven't won a single one
2) A dakota is my dream pet (For proof visit my profile) and i want one badly but cant buy a potion coz im saving up for blitzen.. Anyway to show how badly i wanna win this one ill make a pixel.Cont..
114 years, 1 month & 9 days ago 5th Feb 2011 04:13
Thanks for all apps

Kaatee - Yes, i wanted your snookle xbeautifulangel
114 years, 1 month & 9 days ago 5th Feb 2011 02:14
I love chocolate cake!

Hi, I???m vannessa. I???m from Sg. Singapore. I like to cycle but don???t have a bicycle. I like roller-blading but don???t have a roller blade. I like to swim but don???t have a proper swimming costume. And normally when I open up google chrome, the first website I???ll go is Facebook. Then, marapets.

Thank you for being so generous, to give away all your LE pets. And for giving me a chance to get a snookle, one of my dream pets.

I would like to apply for Matsukiie, the female Chinese snookle. When I first saw your forum topic, I was like, Wow, another kind hearted person. When I went into your profile to see which of your pet to apply for, Matsukiie immediately caught my eye. I thought that, that???s a really nice name. And it???s like a Japanese name too. And I like Japanese names. So I decided to apply for Matsukiie . If you really give me Matsukiie, the first thing I would do would be to get lots of colour concoction and pray for Matsukiie to become an angel snookle. Angel snookle is one of my dream pets. And I will not give up until Matsukiie changes into an angel snookle. So, I would like you to give me a chance, to change Matsukiie into an angel snookle. I would like to thank you again for being so kind-hearted, to give away your LE pets. And for giving a chance to achieve one of my dream pets.

These are some jokes/riddles that I hope you will enjoy =P

Q. Which type of bird does not build their own nest?
A. Cuckoo. Because it lives in a clock

Q. What did one eye say to the other eye?
A. Between you and me, something smells

Q. When is a door not a door?
A. When it's aJAR!

Q. Which cat would you never play poker with?
A. A Cheetah (cheater)

114 years, 1 month & 9 days ago 4th Feb 2011 21:50
I love chocolate cake

Yes I do! (;

Helloooooo this is Shannon! an I am apping for Matsukiie!Snookles has always been my dream pet, no kidding and I just had to participate when I heard it from my neighbour and awesome friend, blackw97!!!
I love matsukiie cos he represents my race, Chinese! I am a Chinese but I live in Singapore! (; I would really like matsukiie!

Thanks so much!

114 years, 1 month & 9 days ago 4th Feb 2011 20:31
I love chocolate cake =)

Anyway, Hi, I'm Jamie. I'm applying for Snickerdoodle because she is my dream pet! Snookles are my favorite and your army is absolutely to drool over. I'm 21 years old and I've been on Marapets for almost five years, mostly questing and statting my first ever pet Frankay. I get really attached to all my pets so I'm not much of a trader. I traded once, and I felt so guilty that I put the ones I traded for in the pound and never tried it again. Each of my pets has a story, or represents a goal I worked towards and achieved. I'm sure you feel that way about your Snookles too, so I would feel very special to have one (I know it took a lot of work to get the plushie for Cetalia!. Good luck choosing the lucky winners =)
114 years, 1 month & 9 days ago 4th Feb 2011 17:30
Hello. I'm May.
So let's start off with an interesting fact: I love Chocolate Cake! Yes, it's more of an addiction really, but let's get off the topic of my issues and write an app for Acquired. <3
Well first of all lovely name and lovely Snookle. I would love to have Acquired, but here's the catch, not for me. So
Yes, I would love to have Acquired for my friend. I would costume her CC then send her over to my friend Krissi. <3
She is making a CC army and needs a Snookle.
This would greatly help her with her goals and I do love giving gifts to friends. <3
Thanks for reading.
114 years, 1 month & 9 days ago 4th Feb 2011 16:10
I love chocolate cake!

I'm Kate, I'm 15.
I remember you actually. I traded with you one time. ha!

Anyways, I applying for Trissha! I'm really excited to apply, because she is one of the pets I'm working on getting. <3
If I won, I would turn her purple to match my other purple pets. ;D
I think she would be a great fit for my Purple Pets!

That's all I have, I hope this isn't to short.

114 years, 1 month & 9 days ago 4th Feb 2011 15:45
I love chocolate cake {though I prefer vanilla cupcakes with vanilla frosting and excessive sprinkles}.

Hello, I???m Ellie.

I???m a 4-year member of mara who just can???t stay away. Outside of mara I am a long distance runner and creative writer. I dabble in poetry and photography when I find the time. Mara is my vacay from everyday stress as I enjoy attempting my seemingly impossible pet goals.

Out of your pets, I would like to apply for Ishkidara and Sylpha. I like Ishkidara for her 22+ stats. Recently, I???ve been statting up my pets to help with Olympic Competitions and to obtain a white Figaro potion in the (hopefully) near future. After achieving a ???dream??? pet of a white Figaro, I would probably trade Ishkidara for another pet goal of mine as I am not a snookle fanatic.

Unlike Ishkidara, I would like Sylpha because he is both a Dakota and a pet with a name that rolls off the tongue. Like my other pets, I would work on his stats to help with my Figaro goal. The possibility of trading would be slim to none as I am not a major pet trader and he can be manipulated into one of my ???dream??? pets. For this to happen, I would probably temple him to get either a punk or underwater coloring.

Thank you so much for this opportunity. Best of luck with your massive giveaway and best of luck in the real world~

114 years, 1 month & 10 days ago 4th Feb 2011 09:31
  1. Snickerdoodle (gingerbread snookle) finalists
    3rd Mar 2011 11:26
    14 years & 14 days ago
  2. Trystian (white snookle) winner...
    1st Mar 2011 23:17
    14 years & 15 days ago
  3. Ishkidara (glass snookle) winner...
    1st Mar 2011 10:55
    14 years & 16 days ago
  4. Matsukiie (chinese snookle) winner...
    21st Feb 2011 14:29
    14 years & 24 days ago
  5. Puppy// Finalists of the writing contest...
    20th Feb 2011 09:27
    14 years & 25 days ago
  6. trissha (polar troit) winner...
    17th Feb 2011 11:59
    14 years & 28 days ago
  7. Sylpha (midnight dakota) finalists
    15th Feb 2011 22:48
    14 years & 29 days ago
  8. Acquired (killer snookle) winner...
    14th Feb 2011 10:59
    14 years & 1 month ago
  9. The 3.5mil giveaway finalists
    13th Feb 2011 00:58
    14 years, 1 month & 1 day ago
  10. My Mara-Life
    12th Feb 2011 08:20
    14 years, 1 month & 2 days ago