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isaiah owes me 48.6mil, altogether.

  1. eeee
    14th Mar 2025 12:50
    17 hrs & 32 mins ago
  2. War. Hmm...
    16th Feb 2012 09:55
    13 years & 27 days ago
  3. pet trading.
    26th Dec 2011 12:55
    13 years, 2 months & 18 days ago
    1st Mar 2011 09:27
    14 years & 14 days ago
  5. Pet Statting Progress
    23rd Feb 2011 03:17
    14 years & 21 days ago
  6. current stuff to do
    23rd Jan 2011 04:00
    14 years, 1 month & 21 days ago
  7. my 100 top albums
    19th Dec 2010 12:29
    14 years, 2 months & 25 days ago
  8. Oo, fancy new blogs
    9th Dec 2010 08:44
    14 years, 3 months & 4 days ago
  9. pets i want
    21st Nov 2010 09:40
    14 years, 3 months & 22 days ago
  10. old siggy nts
    1st Oct 2010 12:02
    14 years, 5 months & 12 days ago
A random blog
15 years, 6 months & 15 days ago
27th Aug 2009 14:18

___ ___ ___ ___ ___
/ / / /__ /__
/:: /:: /:: /:/ / /:/ /
/:/: /:/: /:/: /:/__/ /:/__/
/:/ : /::~: /::~: /:: ___ /:: ___
/:/__/_:__ /:/: :__ /:/: :__ /:/: /__ /:/: /__
: / /__/ /__:/:/ / /__:/:/ / /__:/:/ / /__:/:/ /
: :__ ::/ / ::/ / ::/ / ::/ /
:/:/ / /:/ / /:/ / /:/ / /:/ /
::/ / /:/ / /:/ / /:/ / /:/ /
/__/ /__/ /__/ /__/ /__/

And finally!
Congratulations! You found the 'Heavy' Hidden Avatar!

Congratulations! You guessed correctly! The potato weighed 94KG.

You won Skeleton Potato and 1,000MP!!

Typical about the potato >>

Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 19 Months Old status!

To reward you for your loyalty and staying with Marapets for this long, King Baspinar has just given you ??3 Account Upgrade Credit!

Thanks for playing Marapets!
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Average song length on my pc: 5'46.26", 897 songs. ;D

Congratulations! You found the 'Gigantic Fairy' Hidden Avatar!

= 19473357

Cake count as of 29th nov 12:28 pm mst: 569.
No top 300 for me then =(

Cake count as of 30th nov 10:27am mst: 750
Aah, I fail at this.

Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 22 Months Old status!

To reward you for your loyalty and staying with Marapets for this long, King Baspinar has just given you a Christmas Treasure Map 5!

Thanks for playing Marapets!
If you would like to support marapets and upgrade your account, you can do so here at the Account Upgrades page.

Defector has changed into a purple Huthiq!

You pull your Red Leido Cracker and...

Got a Glowing Seasonal Egg!

Thank you for referring 1 new members to Marapets

I don't even remember who I referred...

Congratulations! You guesed the Ice Fairy's Mystery Item and was select as one of 15 winners! You have just received Ice Fairy Stamp!!

Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 2 Years Old status!

To reward you for your loyalty and staying with Marapets for this long, King Baspinar has just given you White Blood!

Thanks for playing Marapets!
If you would like to support marapets and upgrade your account, you can do so here at the Account Upgrades page.

The Decapitating Fairy laughed at the fear of your pet and gave you 25,000MP!!

Congratulations! You found the 'Poop' Hidden Avatar!

Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 25 Months Old status!

To reward you for your loyalty and staying with Marapets for this long, King Baspinar has just given you 20,000BP!

Thanks for playing Marapets!
If you would like to support marapets and upgrade your account, you can do so here at the Account Upgrades page.

Congratulations!! You just found a Butter And Garlic Bagel!!!

Thank you for finishing my mission on time. Here is your reward..

Princess Costume

Please come back tomorrow for your next mission!

Congratulations! You found the 'Princess' Hidden Avatar!

Thank you for finishing my mission on time. Here is your reward..

Red Phanty Potion and 100,000MP!!

Please come back tomorrow for your next mission!

Congratulations! You found the 'Theatre' Hidden Avatar!


You spin the wheel, throw the Dagger and...

You have won 1,000,000MP!

Congratulations! You found the 'Ancient' Hidden Avatar!

Tasukiflame also gained a Hieroglyphic Y!!!

Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 26 Months Old status!

To reward you for your loyalty and staying with Marapets for this long, King Baspinar has just given you a Poisonous Dagger!

Thanks for playing Marapets!
If you would like to support marapets and upgrade your account, you can do so here at the Account Upgrades page.

Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 27 Months Old status!

To reward you for your loyalty and staying with Marapets for this long, King Baspinar has just given you a Spaghetti Pizza!

Thanks for playing Marapets!
If you would like to support marapets and upgrade your account, you can do so here at the Account Upgrades page.

You have completed level 31 of the Undying Woods Goals!


Congratulations! You found the 'Leprechaun' Hidden Avatar!

Congratulations! You found the 'Hacker' Hidden Avatar!

Congratulations! You found the 'Xor' Hidden Avatar!

Congratulations! You found the 'Xylophone' Hidden Avatar!

Congratulations! You found the 'Bagpipe' Hidden Avatar!

Congratulations! You found the 'Bell' Hidden Avatar!

Congratulations! You found the 'Bongos' Hidden Avatar!

Congratulations! You found the 'Castanets' Hidden Avatar!

Congratulations! You found the 'Cello' Hidden Avatar!

Congratulations! You found the 'Clarinet' Hidden Avatar!

Congratulations! You found the 'Claves' Hidden Avatar!

Congratulations! You found the 'Cymbals' Hidden Avatar!

Here is your reward for bringing me chocolate..

quest #48
Chocolate Costume


Congratulations! You found the 'Drum' Hidden Avatar!

Congratulations! You found the 'Guitar' Hidden Avatar!

Congratulations! You found the 'Panflute' Hidden Avatar!

Congratulations! You found the 'Piccolo' Hidden Avatar!

Congratulations! You found the 'Recorder' Hidden Avatar!

Congratulations! You found the 'Triangle' Hidden Avatar!

Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 30 Months Old status!

To reward you for your loyalty and staying with Marapets for this long, King Baspinar has just given you 200,000MP!

Thanks for playing Marapets!
If you would like to support marapets and upgrade your account, you can do so here at the Account Upgrades page.

Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 31 Months Old status!

To reward you for your loyalty and staying with Marapets for this long, King Baspinar has just given you a Magic Booster!

Thanks for playing Marapets!
If you would like to support marapets and upgrade your account, you can do so here at the Account Upgrades page.

Congratulations! You found the 'Missions' Hidden Avatar!

Congratulations! You found the 'Fruit Machine' Hidden Avatar!

You won 50,000MP!

Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 32 Months Old status!

To reward you for your loyalty and staying with Marapets for this long, King Baspinar has just given you 35,000RP!

Thanks for playing Marapets!
If you would like to support marapets and upgrade your account, you can do so here at the Account Upgrades page. #

Congratulations! You found the 'Candy' Hidden Avatar!

Congratulations! You got a White Gumball!

Congratulations! You found the 'Spy' Hidden Avatar!

Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 33 Months Old status!

To reward you for your loyalty and staying with Marapets for this long, King Baspinar has just given you a Strawberry Mountain Cake!

Thanks for playing Marapets!
If you would like to support marapets and upgrade your account, you can do so here at the Account Upgrades page.

Thank you for finishing my mission on time. Here is your reward..

Zombie Phanty Potion and 100,000MP!!#

Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 36 Months Old status!

To reward you for your loyalty and staying with Marapets for this long, King Baspinar has just given you ??4 Account Upgrade Credit!

Thanks for playing Marapets!
If you would like to support marapets and upgrade your account, you can do so here at the Account Upgrades page.

15 years, 7 months & 14 days ago
29th Jul 2009 09:25

[CLOSED, but still feel free to guess. Nobody got it by the way]

You want to win 50k? Well, guess what my real name is, and you win if you are right. No clues. =P
People who know me in real life can't enter to keep it fair.
You can guess up to 5 times per post, maximum post alowance is 4.
I'll keep this running until I get bored of it, or someone wins.

99 Things about me.
15 years, 9 months & 4 days ago
8th Jun 2009 13:28

1) I like to eat cheese.
2) Currently listening to some live Pink Floyd CD.
3) My PC is too slow.
4) I can't do French.
5) Green.
6) Dark Purple.
7) Prog Rock.
8) I hate charts music.
9) I hate Diseny.
10) HSMophobia.
11) Not from Antartica.
12) Or Saturn.
13) I hate Cauliflower.
14) And rice pudding.
15) I've never eaten Lobster.
16) Aardvarks.
17) Nudges on MSN drive me bananas.
18) I typed this.
19) What?
20) I play guitar.
21) And some keyboard.
23) And the bongos.
22) 22 is one of my favourite numbers.
24) Tarmac smells funny.
25) Pikachu.
27) Blank. I'm good at being that.
28) Blank. That's what my mind is when it comes to French.
29) I don't think you noticed that 23 and 22 were in the wrong order.
30) Now I think you've gone to check.
31) Toothpaste. Yum.
32) I am not Postman Pat.
33) Or Dr Evil from Austin Powers, in that case.
34) Yes.
35) According to the first personality test that came up on google, I'm a INTP.
36) I broke my Nintendo DS in half.
37) And no, it wasn't deliberate.
38) I can't lick my elbow.
39) Ich habe Kopfschmerzen.
40) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRTSUVWXYZ, I typed every letter of the alphabet.
41) I know what 1x4 is.
42) ?? is a great symbol, in my opinion.
43) My foot's gone numb.
44) I am a useless restocker.
45) I know a gnome. He's called Gerald.
46) Chicken doesn't taste too good.
47) My hair isn't pink.
48) Or Orange with blue streaks.
49) I'm good at breaking things.
50) Wow, I'm amazed I actually managed to write 50 things!
51) Twighlight is terrible.
52) But this blog is about me, not you, so you can't complain.
53) Fantasy rules.
54) I have eight fingers.
55) I used to have ten.
56) But then I gained two things called thumbs.
57) My name isn't Qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm.
58) I'm not a tidy person.
59) I still know every word of the Telletubbies theme tune.
60) I don't own a poodle.
61) Trees are my friends.
62) Sewing machines hate me.
63) I'm hungry.
64) It currently isn't 25:22 pm according to me.
65) You beg, I block you.
66) I can't breathe in space.
67) I can almost do the moonwalk.
68) I don't play the trumpet.
69) Darth Vader has one of my favourite theme tunes.
70) I have a picture of Fred Fredburger on my profile at the moment.
71) I'm wearing no socks.
72) 141,324,698,913.8245936501 is an unlucky number for me.
73) Never won the Maradan Lottery
74) I'm not surprized, either.
75) Tidiness has never been my strong subject.
76) Neither has Languages.
77) I want a pet snake.
78) I'd call it Sigurd.
79) Mars is my favourite holiday destination.
80) Mercury was good too, but a little too close to the sun for my liking.
81) I used to own a telescope.
82) I broke that, too.
83) I've never been to a Diseny resort.
84) I never want to, anyway.
85) And I'm proud of that.
86) My favourite song is by Camel.
87) It is most likely that I don't know about your favourite artists.
88) It is also most likely that I don't care about them in the slightest.
89) But that's my opinion. Not yours.
90) /headdesk.
91) I have a blog about that.
92) I love 1967-1977.
93) See no food. Hear no food. Speak no food. Thats because I ate the food.
94) I like the song 'Siberian Khatru'.
95) I'm listening to it now.
96) I'm amazed that you could be bothered to read this far.
97) I want to be able to play the drums.
98) but I've got no money or space to put/buy a drum kit.
99) The Nintendo Gamecube and Sega Megadrive (Genesis) are better to me than the PS2, PS3 and XBOX.
100) I swear I only wrote 99 things. I did. But I know you didn't notice it. Go ahead and count them all, there's only 99.

Sign here
15 years, 10 months & 26 days ago
16th Apr 2009 11:15

Yes, I know you've been looking here. Sign here- it'll only take a few seconds, and since you followed the link...

Hello Earthlings
15 years, 10 months & 27 days ago
15th Apr 2009 14:40

I just thought I'd make this clear. I do not like modern music. This means generally, all this stuff like Hannah Montana or Girls Aloud *shivers*. Is this music? I'll leave you to decide this one, as many people would disrespect my opinion.

I do not care for the chart music. It just shows who's popular. What I do care for is the music I like. This is bands like Camel, Genesis, Yes, Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull, Marillion and quite a few others. Anyone with me? (Most likely not)

There are other bands I respect too, like ABBA and Led Zeppelin and a lot of others (Yes, I know they are totally different). If you are going to preach about your *Ooh (chart band here) is sooo great*, please don't expect me to agree. This is just to avoid offence. Don't MM me about this kind of thing either (somebody did.)

Please don't MM me about these things either:
1) Diseny Channel loving
2) Twighlight loving

Thanks, =)

By the way, I don't actually hate everything on earth, please don't get that impression. =)

Favourite band list, in alphabetical <sort of> order: Astra, Camel, Caravan, The Flower Kings, Frank Zappa and the mothers of invention, Genesis, Gong, Jethro Tull, Karmakanic, Led Zeppelin, The Lens, Marillion, Ozric Tentacles, Pink Floyd, Rush, Yes and probably some more I missed out.

  1. eeee
    14th Mar 2025 12:50
    17 hrs & 32 mins ago
  2. War. Hmm...
    16th Feb 2012 09:55
    13 years & 27 days ago
  3. pet trading.
    26th Dec 2011 12:55
    13 years, 2 months & 18 days ago
    1st Mar 2011 09:27
    14 years & 14 days ago
  5. Pet Statting Progress
    23rd Feb 2011 03:17
    14 years & 21 days ago
  6. current stuff to do
    23rd Jan 2011 04:00
    14 years, 1 month & 21 days ago
  7. my 100 top albums
    19th Dec 2010 12:29
    14 years, 2 months & 25 days ago
  8. Oo, fancy new blogs
    9th Dec 2010 08:44
    14 years, 3 months & 4 days ago
  9. pets i want
    21st Nov 2010 09:40
    14 years, 3 months & 22 days ago
  10. old siggy nts
    1st Oct 2010 12:02
    14 years, 5 months & 12 days ago