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isaiah owes me 48.6mil, altogether.

  1. eeee
    14th Mar 2025 12:50
    17 hrs & 32 mins ago
  2. War. Hmm...
    16th Feb 2012 09:55
    13 years & 27 days ago
  3. pet trading.
    26th Dec 2011 12:55
    13 years, 2 months & 18 days ago
    1st Mar 2011 09:27
    14 years & 14 days ago
  5. Pet Statting Progress
    23rd Feb 2011 03:17
    14 years & 21 days ago
  6. current stuff to do
    23rd Jan 2011 04:00
    14 years, 1 month & 21 days ago
  7. my 100 top albums
    19th Dec 2010 12:29
    14 years, 2 months & 25 days ago
  8. Oo, fancy new blogs
    9th Dec 2010 08:44
    14 years, 3 months & 4 days ago
  9. pets i want
    21st Nov 2010 09:40
    14 years, 3 months & 22 days ago
  10. old siggy nts
    1st Oct 2010 12:02
    14 years, 5 months & 12 days ago
just remember, people...
14 years, 9 months & 17 days ago
27th May 2010 14:33

Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of elderberries!

My Pets
14 years, 9 months & 18 days ago
26th May 2010 12:05

Unless my pets are actually in trades, they aren't for trade. Expecially Zoltan, Torak and Echoes.

Anyway, here's a bit about all of my pets

Cosine- Named after the trigonometry formula, I thought it was a pretty nice name. I plan to make him some kind of LE, not sure which.

Defector- His name matches his costume pretty much. He's one of my dream pets too- and he took around 19 DNAs to turn mutant :S .

Dementedthing- My first pet, created at first as a green ushunda- made a poera with the potion I got from the second time I finished Tarquin. I know his name's a bit dodgy... I might rename him if I ever get the money. No wait, I have the money, it's just I hate spending :3

Echoes- My third pet. Named after two of my favourite songs- Echoes by Pink Floyd, and Camel. I originally adopted him from the pound, as Speedk, and I renamed him. (I cared that much about a non le pet who at that time had 70 books O.o) 150+ books biggrin.gif

Gavinor- The first of my Enpiah huthiqs. I love those things

Renzel- Traded for him, like I did for Gavinor. I offered a b/n quell and all...

Tasukiflame- Named after a character in a book, and the word flame. I don't really like his name, so he's first in line for renaming, Aargh, why don't I ever feel like I've got enough for things like that >>
He is nice and statty though, and he was the first elf ushunda on mara. I love those things.

Torak- Named after the evil god who died, in the belgariad series of books. He was my favourite character too, why did he have to die in such a cruel way? Anyway, I potioned him, and he's staying on this account FOREVAAR. Yeah, you could offer a rofling and all and it'd still be no trade.

Zoltan- It took me a long while to get this pet name... a long, long while. I had to offer a pixie troit, but Zol's worth wayy much more to me then that. Not telling you why though

Chalke- S'anice name huh? Anyway, he's a sindi, a rotten one. As much as i like him like that... I want a gothic one. Or i might trade, yeah.

Andyra- instrumentssssssssss. but she's leaving my account as soon as i finish the troll. Hoping to trade for summit nice.

Hundred- He was a gift. a gift with a groovy name. and it's another huthiq. With a weeeird mermaid tail thingy.

Top songs of the moment
14 years, 9 months & 19 days ago
25th May 2010 09:22

In no order, apart from the order that I thought of them in

The River Under- Astra
Air Born- Camel
Velvet- sHEAVY
Any Colour You Like- Pink Floyd
Flying High- Eloy
Otto Pankrock- Grobschnitt
Nimrodel/The Procession/The White Rider- Camel
Trading my Soul- The Flower Kings
2112- Rush
Window to the World- Geddy Lee
Thick as a Brick- Jethro Tull
Aqualung- Jethro Tull
21st Century Schizoid Man- King Crimson
Fugazi- Marillion
Immigrant Song- Led Zeppelin
Fol De Rol- Hatfield and the North
Burden- Opeth
In the Mist She Was Standing- Opeth
Formaldehyde- Phideaux
Stairway to Heaven- Led Zeppelin
Echoes- Pink Floyd
Echoes- Camel
Xanadu- Rush
The Break of Dawn- Siena Root
Soldier of Fortune- Deep Purple (or the Opeth cover)
Emporer in His War Room- Van der Graaf Generator
Heart of the Sunrise- Yes
Journey of the Yak- Yak
Roundabout- Yes
Zephyr- Black Bonzo
Guillotine Drama- Black Bonzo
Counting Sheep- BigElf
R.I.P (Requiescant in Pace)- Banco del Mutotuo Soccorso
Madhatter- BigElf
Arubaluba- Camel
Dancing with the Moonlit Knight- Genesis
Nine Feet Underground- Caravan
The Judas Kiss (live)- The Flower Kings
Epitaph- King Crimson
Far Cry- Rush
Chamber of 42 Doors- Genesis
In the Cage- Genesis
Skip ID @ 19 minutes- Grobschnitt
(I think the title should be different, but ah well)
Bouree- Jethro Tull
Living in the Past- Jethro Tull
Tangerine- Led Zeppelin
When the Levee Breaks- Led Zeppelin
Forgotten Sons- Marillion
Requiem- Opeth
Ending Credits- Opeth
A Farewell to Kings- Rush
Long way from Home- Siena Root
Refugees- Van der Graaf Generator
Siberian Khatru- Yes
Then- Yes
Blackball- BigElf
The Gravest Show on Earth- BigElf
Lunar Sea- Camel
Castle in the Air- Eloy
Get 'Em Out by Friday- Genesis
Funny Ways- Gentle Giant
Giant- Gentle Giant
The Court of the Crimson King- King Crimson
The Rain Song- Led Zeppelin
Grendel- Marillion
YYZ- Rush
Spectral Mornings- Steve Hackett
Rock & Roll Contract- BigElf
The Flight of the Snow Goose- Camel
White Mountain- Genesis
The Knife- Genesis
The Weirding- Astra
Fly on a Windshield- Genesis
Skylines- Camel
Solar Musik Suite- Steve Hillage
Mister Class and Quality- Gentle Giant
Three Friends- Gentle Giant
Indigo- Pendragon
Feathered Friends- Greenslade
Golden Mist- Grobschnitt
Ryker Skies- IQ
Bats in the Belfry (II and III)- BigElf
Spirit of the Water- Camel
In the Land of Grey and Pink- Caravan
La Princesse Perdue- Camel
Supertwister- Camel
Supper's Ready- Genesis
Serenity Painted Death- Opeth
Comfortably Numb- Pink Floyd
The Battle of Evermore- Led Zeppelin
The Gun-It Jam- sHEAVY
Tears- Rush
Aga Azul- Premateria Forneria Marconi
The Musical Box- Genesis
Muffin Man- Frank Zappa and Captain Beefheart
Flight 999 (Brinstone Air)- The Flower Kings
Pilgrims- Van der Graaf Generator
Fire- Arthur Brown
Mordet i Grottan- S??rskogen
Where the River meets the Sea- Black Bonzo
Lady of the Light- Black Bonzo
Leave your Burdens- Black bonzo
Pull me Under- Dream Theater
The Silent Man- Dream Theater

WANTED pet names
14 years, 11 months & 13 days ago
30th Mar 2010 12:29

really wanting: these pet names

Zoltan/Zol [x] YAAAAYYY

Plushie Machine Log
14 years, 11 months & 23 days ago
20th Mar 2010 11:10

Lets see how long it takes me for the *eeeevillll* plushie machine to give me something nice, huh

1) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Blue Grint Plushie!
2) You found 83MP!
3) You moved the claw, picked up a plushie but dropped it!
4) You moved the claw, picked up a plushie but dropped it!
5) You moved the claw, picked up a plushie but dropped it!
6) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Green Knutt Plushie!
7) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Yellow Chibs Plushie!
8) You found 187MP!
9) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Enchanted Snowy Addow Plushie!
10) You found 125MP!
11) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Red Knutt Plushie!
12) You found 232MP!
13) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Red Knutt Plushie!
14) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Red Leido Plushie!
15) You found 130MP!
16) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Green Equilor Plushie!
17) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Gold Viotto Plushie!
18) You found 177MP!
19) You found 172MP!
20) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Enchanted Yellow Tantua Plushie!
21) You found 82MP!
22) You found 50MP!
23) You found 205MP!
24) You found 227MP!
25) You found 230MP!
26) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Blue Leido Plushie!
27) You moved the claw, picked up a plushie but dropped it!
28) You found 201MP!
29) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Enchanted Yellow Murfin Plushie!
30) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Purple Jessup Plushie!
31) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Sketch Rofling Plushie!
32) You found 91MP!
33) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Mutant Yakubi Plushie!
34) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Green Viotto Plushie!
35) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Grey Feliz Plushie!
36) You found 188MP!
37) You found 107MP!
38) You found 109MP!
39) You moved the claw, picked up a plushie but dropped it!
40) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Radioactive Fasoro Plushie!
41) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Green Poera Plushie!
42) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Ice Rofling Plushie!
43) You moved the claw, picked up a plushie but dropped it!
44) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Blue Chibs Plushie!
45) You moved the claw, picked up a plushie but dropped it!
46) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Pink Leido Plushie!
47) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Red Walee Plushie!
48) You found 202MP!
49) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Enchanted Pink Leido Plushie!
50) You found 185MP!
51) You moved the claw, picked up a plushie but dropped it!
52) You moved the claw, picked up a plushie but dropped it!
53) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Blue Paffuto Plushie!
54) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Enchanted Blue Equilor Plushie!
55) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Enchanted Blue Yakubi Plushie!
56) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Green Tantua Plushie!
57) You found 116MP!
58) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Brown Viotto Plushie!
59) You moved the claw, picked up a plushie but dropped it!
60) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Sketch Zetlian Plushie!
61) You moved the claw, picked up a plushie but dropped it!
62) You moved the claw, picked up a plushie but dropped it!
63) You found 165MP!
64) You moved the claw, picked up a plushie but dropped it!
65) You moved the claw, picked up a plushie but dropped it!
66) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Love Grint Plushie!
67) You moved the claw, picked up a plushie but dropped it!
68) You found 221MP!
69) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Enchanted Yellow Tantua Plushie!
70) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Red Ercuw Plushie!
71) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Radioactive Rofling Plushie!
72) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Yellow Zetlian Plushie!
73) You found 157MP!
74) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Blue Quell Plushie!
75) You moved the claw, picked up a plushie but dropped it!
76) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Prison Sindi Plushie!
77) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Enchanted Orange Jessup Plushie!
78) You found 112MP!
79) You found 112MP!
80) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Prison Bolimo Plushie!
81) You moved the claw, picked up a plushie but dropped it!
82) You found 52MP!
83) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Yellow Chibs Plushie!
84) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Yellow Equilor Plushie!
85) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Yellow Leido Plushie!
86) You found 65MP!
87) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Enchanted Yellow Addow Plushie!
88) You found 169MP!
89) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Stoneage Knutt Plushie!
90) You moved the claw, picked up a plushie but dropped it!
91) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Yellow Paffuto Plushie!
92) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Sketch Poera Plushie!
93) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Fire Quell Plushie!
94) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Blue Viotto Plushie!
95) You found 95MP!
96) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Red Zetlian Plushie!
97) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Enchanted Pink Gonk Plushie!
98) You found 122MP!
99) You found 190MP!
100) You moved the claw, picked up a plushie but dropped it!
101) You moved the claw, picked up a plushie but dropped it!
102) You moved the claw, picked up a plushie but dropped it!
103) You moved the claw, picked up a plushie but dropped it!
104) You moved the claw, picked up a plushie but dropped it!
105) You moved the claw, picked up a plushie but dropped it!
106) You found 88MP!
107) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Yellow Grint Plushie!
108) You found 104MP!
109) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Grey Feliz Plushie!
110)Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Red Tantua Plushie!
111) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Radioactive Tantua Plushie!
112) You moved the claw, picked up a plushie but dropped it!
113) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Yellow Bolimo Plushie!
114) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Blue Jessup Plushie!
115) You moved the claw, picked up a plushie but dropped it!
116) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Mutant Zetlian Plushie!
117) Congratulations! You managed to pick up a Silver Leido Plushie!

  1. eeee
    14th Mar 2025 12:50
    17 hrs & 32 mins ago
  2. War. Hmm...
    16th Feb 2012 09:55
    13 years & 27 days ago
  3. pet trading.
    26th Dec 2011 12:55
    13 years, 2 months & 18 days ago
    1st Mar 2011 09:27
    14 years & 14 days ago
  5. Pet Statting Progress
    23rd Feb 2011 03:17
    14 years & 21 days ago
  6. current stuff to do
    23rd Jan 2011 04:00
    14 years, 1 month & 21 days ago
  7. my 100 top albums
    19th Dec 2010 12:29
    14 years, 2 months & 25 days ago
  8. Oo, fancy new blogs
    9th Dec 2010 08:44
    14 years, 3 months & 4 days ago
  9. pets i want
    21st Nov 2010 09:40
    14 years, 3 months & 22 days ago
  10. old siggy nts
    1st Oct 2010 12:02
    14 years, 5 months & 12 days ago