Hello Earthlings

15 years, 10 months & 27 days ago
15th Apr 2009 14:40I just thought I'd make this clear. I do not like modern music. This means generally, all this stuff like Hannah Montana or Girls Aloud *shivers*. Is this music? I'll leave you to decide this one, as many people would disrespect my opinion.
I do not care for the chart music. It just shows who's popular. What I do care for is the music I like. This is bands like Camel, Genesis, Yes, Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull, Marillion and quite a few others. Anyone with me? (Most likely not)
There are other bands I respect too, like ABBA and Led Zeppelin and a lot of others (Yes, I know they are totally different). If you are going to preach about your *Ooh (chart band here) is sooo great*, please don't expect me to agree. This is just to avoid offence. Don't MM me about this kind of thing either (somebody did.)
Please don't MM me about these things either:
1) Diseny Channel loving
2) Twighlight loving
Thanks, =)
By the way, I don't actually hate everything on earth, please don't get that impression. =)
Favourite band list, in alphabetical <sort of> order: Astra, Camel, Caravan, The Flower Kings, Frank Zappa and the mothers of invention, Genesis, Gong, Jethro Tull, Karmakanic, Led Zeppelin, The Lens, Marillion, Ozric Tentacles, Pink Floyd, Rush, Yes and probably some more I missed out.