Guide to Flash Games
11 years, 1 month & 4 days ago

9th Feb 2014 17:23
Now that flash games need no skill, only quick completion times, here's my new guide to flash games.
T0 - Do this everyday unless you're an idiot
T1 - You should play everyday, won't take much effort at all
T2 - Takes a little bit of effort and/or time, do so if you're not super busy
DNP - Do Not Play
21 Blitz - long and requires playing, DNP
Getting a positive score is difficult, because busting = score going down, yet you don't want to have to wait for the over 8 minutes required to time out. You also don't want to score too many, lest you pass the level. If you've got several minutes to spare and/or are good with balancing the need to get 21s and the need to bust over 21, play. But my general recommendation is DNP, do not play.
Addow Ride - short and minimal playing, T0/T1
Just keep your cursor in the center. Watch your monkeys slide down and birds run into your poles. Edit: Alternatively, get 1/2/3 monkeys, then split the poles apart. Also, the game runs even when you switch tabs, so it's even easier than I first thought it was.
Baterminator - long and minimal playing, T2
You only have to shoot 1, 2, and 3 bats respectively, but the amount of time it takes for all 30 bats to pass by is enormous, hence T2. Go do something else while this is running.
Battle of Baspinar - medium and some playing, T2/DNP
You must be able to shoot 1, 2, and 3 enemies respectively. If you just suck horribly at this game, DNP. Otherwise, keep in mind that you CAN NOT SWITCH TABS while waiting to lose this game. If being able to do other stuff on your computer while marapet flash games run in the background is what you're looking for, also DNP this game.
Biala Tetris - short and minimal playing, T1
Just keep pushing the space bar. To get three distinct scores, you might have to move a few pieces over before pushing the spacebar. Basically still super easy though.
Blackjack - short and minimal playing, T1
You have to win 1, 2, and 3 hands respectively, unless you successfully doubled in one of your games. Still pretty easy though. If you don't want to think at all, just keep pushing "stand" until you win 1/2/3 hands.
Bounchy - short and minimal playing, T0
Bounce 1, 2, and 3 times respectively. Super short and easy
Candy Cannon - short but some playing, T1/T2
Getting three distinct scores and then firing five misses takes more skill/time than you'd think it does. Still, not too difficult though if you know what you're doing.
Dagger Throw - requires either time or playing, T2
You can either actually play this game and aim for the center to make it go quickly, or you can spam the throw button, which can take a while, especially since you might miss the board completely.
Domino - short and minimal playing, T1/T2?
Like Biala Tetris, only first you have to make 1/2/3 match(es) of three before space barring the rest of the way to end the game. First game is super easy. Getting three matches might take a little bit more of your time though.
Dukka Trove - mostly short with minimal playing, T1/T2?
Remember to get at least 1 point and most of the time, there'll be a spike early on that lets you end a life. Remember that you gain points even as your falling, so keep your three scores as diverse as possible.
Football - long with some playing, DNP
Scoring 1/2/3 points isn't too difficult once you get the hang of it, but this is another one of those games where you can't switch tabs. And so that's six minutes of sitting on the Football screen. (You do not have to actively guard though, if you just stand in place, the AI will keep just running against you with the ball sandwiched in place) Just don't bother on most occasions.
For Sale - medium with a lot of playing, T2
The only way to end a game of For Sale is to "win" by buying the club house. It takes good players generally a little bit over a minute to win, so it's not a huge time commitment, but you do have to be buying low and selling high the entire time. This is one of those games where if you actually like playing this flash game, play it, but if you don't like playing this flash game, then don't play it.
Free Cell - long with some playing, DNP
Get an ace/a few aces/2s or 3s in to score some points, then go do other stuff for 8 minutes and wait for it time out. Generally, DNP, but if you're ever bored, or you like Free Cell, earning 1 game point on Marapets is better than playing Free Cell for nothing on your computer?
Fropa Attack - some time or some skill, T2
You can either just wait in a corner until one of the sharks gets you or you can actively chase after the sharks, neither is particularly appealing, but it shouldn't take TOO much time or effort.
Fruit Harvest - medium with minimal skill, T1/T2
Get 1/2/3 apples and then wait to time out. Only a /T2 because 3 apples takes you lvl 2, and thus timing out takes almost two minutes. It's definitely a good game to do at least twice every day though.
Gumball Machine Madness - short with a little bit of skill, T1
Click the piece closest to the gumball machine to end the game fast. Make sure you pass a couple, and then a few level for your second and third game so you don't submit the same score twice.
Hexxagon - T1/T2
Edit: The easiest way to get points it so lose at Hexxagon really fast by losing all your pieces. Convert a couple opponent pieces for a score, then jump around without converting opponent pieces until the opponent has converted all your pieces and you lose.
Item Collector - long but minimal skill, T2/DNP
The game runs even when you're not on the tab, so collect a couple items and then go do other stuff while the game suicides (however, sometimes the game suicides very slowly, and there's always the risk of getting a duplicate score because you weren't paying attention and it collected items even while you weren't playing) It feels like it shouldn't be an irritating game, but it surprisingly can be.
Klondike Solitaire - long with some effort, DNP
Make one run through of the deck (or less than one run through) and then wait the 8 minutes for it. Basically, same as Free Cell.
Leido Bounce - medium with some effort T1/T2
Bound 1/2/3 Leidos in and then avoid six Leidos. Maybe it's just because I'm bad at this game, but it takes me quite awhile to finish three games. I think the trick to it is if you can't bounce it in in one shot, give up and try to figure out the correct angle for the next one.
Mahjong - short with minimal effort, T1
Make 1/2/3 matches and then spam the hint button to end the game.
Marapet Keeper - mostly short with minimal effort, T1/T2?
Make 1/2/3 matches and then wait for the time to run out. If you managed to make a combo or a match of four, even less playing required.
Memory Pets - DNP
You have to actually play through all three rounds before you can send your score. Unless you have superb memory, it takes like, four or more minutes for one game point, definitely not worth it.
Moon Racoons - medium with some playing, T1/T2
You can mindless click on whatever is flashing or you can try to tilt the quells towards one side by repeated clicking on one side of the quell. You can even wait for the flashing to drop back to the bottom most quell before trying to tilt the entire structure more. Make sure you're at a different height each time before trying to end the game.
Muffin's Bricks - medium with minimal effort, T1/T2?
Getting 1/2/3 groups of four is simple, but time runs very slowly, if at all, when you're not on the tab, so it takes a while. Read a book or do something else while playing this.
Murfin Chase - T0
Collect a murfin and then run into a wall, super easy
Newth Box - T1
It takes a couple bounces before the newth even reaches the boxes, and be careful not to duplicate your score
Newth Snowboarding - a bit of time but minimal skill T1/T2
Keep accelerating until you hit a flag. Trying to purposely veer into your flag sometimes has the opposite effect, and I tried accelerating and then switching tabs, but then I wound up somehow at 0 speed and a pretty high score, so I don't even know what happened there. It doesn't take too long to lose three lives, but it's still kind of irritating and bit luck based how fast you can lose.
Oglue Lunch - T1/T2?
Another one where you can't switch tabs, you just have to wait out the first level with a book. Mercifully, you can hit the send score button after the first level though.
Pearl Skipping - T1
Hit Launch twice and then hit submit score. The hardest part about it is not accidentally duplicating your score or getting a score of zero.
Phanty Quest - T1/T2
Takes an unexpectedly large amount of effort to suicide, as the phanty doesn't move very fast. Especially for your third score, it requires passing level 1, which takes even more time.
Phanty Rescue - T2
Collect 1/2/3 bonuses, then ram into Ecruws to ditch your other four lives. If you're good at maneuvering, then it doesn't take long, but if you're not good at maneuvering, then it takes longer. Alternatively, you can sit on the tab and wait for the Ecruws to take all the phanties while you read a book, but really, it's much faster to just ditch your four lives. Neither option is really recommended though, since the general recommendation is to just not play this game.
Plasma Wars - T2
Another one where you're stuck on the tab, only it seems to take forever to lose five lives. Planes that shoot you come at an alright clip.
Protect the Egg - T1/T2
You don't even have to complete a level, dropping the egg and then picking it up again is 10 points, so it's drop and pick up 1/2/3 times, not play 1/2/3 levels. Even still, it takes a bit of effort to run into another penguin and drop your egg, pick it back up, and then drop it again. (Alternatively, pick it back up and then stay still) It might even be easier to beat a few levels, because then there are more opponent penguins to run it, how exactly you want to play this game is up to you. Not one of the best games to play in this new system though.
Rofling Gold - T0/T1
It only takes like, six seconds for your six hearts to run out. Just be careful not to pick up a chicken leg (although another six seconds won't be the end of you) and be careful not to duplicate your score, aka, collect the same number of money bags twice.
Rolfling Stamper - T1
Just keep spamming one number. Remember that your score goes down after losing life, so make sure you don't accidentally end up with a score of 0 or a negative number.
Shoot the Fatty - T0/T1
Shoot 1/2/3 fatties, then switch tabs until you hear the noise that indicates the game has ended.
Simon - T1
Click 1/2/3 colored buttons in the right order. The only downside is that there's a lot of lag time.
Sindi Slide - T1/T2
You can either just let it run and hope you're lucky and it'll end soon (the two times I tried this, I was not very lucky), or you can try to guide the Sindi to a quick death, although I personally, am not very good at that, but T1 for people who are good at this game.
Sokoban - DNP
I'm not sure how you lose at this game. Does it time out at a certain time? I think I vaguely remember losing at this before, but I don't remember now...
Spider Solitare - T2/DNP
Like the other Solitare and Free Cell, it's some playing coupled with 8 minutes of waiting. You can just wait out the first game, so it's a little bit less playing than the other two.
Sudoku - DNP
Unless you're really good at sudokus, anything besides Easy 1 takes forever. (You could of course, try to randomly guess, but that's just a lesson in frustration)
Undead Billards - T1
Score 1/2/3 balls and then wait out the 2.5 minutes. Unless you're impatient, then you could try potting the cue ball for even faster demise, but the timer runs even when you're on a different tab, so there's really no point to putting in more effort.
Ushunda Invaders - T1
Get some points, then go do other stuff on a different tab.
Whack an Azul - T0/T1
Whack once, then miss on the other four. (Or hit the other four, although hitting it makes the game last a bit longer)
Yakubi Attack - T2/DNP
The only way to lose is to stay on the tab for four levels. If you don't stay on the tab, you will keep leveling up and that will take even longer. Go read a book if you're that desperate for points.