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  1. Guide to Flash Games
    9th Feb 2014 17:23
    11 years, 1 month & 4 days ago
  2. Max Spending on Quests
    25th Feb 2013 14:27
    12 years & 19 days ago
  3. Pet Stories IV
    21st Feb 2013 22:26
    12 years & 23 days ago
  4. New Goals
    21st Feb 2013 19:54
    12 years & 23 days ago
  5. Pet Stories III
    12th Mar 2009 20:44
    16 years & 4 days ago
  6. Pet Stories II
    15th Jan 2009 15:16
    16 years, 1 month & 29 days ago
  7. Pet Stories!
    14th Dec 2008 14:39
    16 years & 3 months ago
  8. Auction Tips
    18th Nov 2008 20:43
    16 years, 3 months & 26 days ago
  9. Goals
    16th Nov 2008 14:37
    16 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
  10. xuer
    12th Aug 2008 17:26
    16 years, 7 months & 2 days ago
Pet Stories!
16 years & 3 months ago
14th Dec 2008 14:39

Dawnbreak: 'ello! Lidya's been busy and doesn't want to add the stuff we say to her profile. She can be so stubborn sometimes. Oh well. *sigh* Not much I can do. Even though I'm the oldest of many siblings, she still doesn't listen to me. I was created on the day lidya first joined! I felt so special, starting out as a yellow fasoro. Of course, back then, I looked more like the current gold fasoros than the yellow ones. A few hours later, my sister Starbreak was born. She was a yellow tantua. For the longest time, it was just the two of us and lidya. I got put through the portal a lot, and lidya also kept a large stack of Enchanted Yellow Fasoro Plushies on hand to change me back. She was always just strange like that. However, for my sister Starbreak, lidya saved up so she could be turned into a snowy tantua. Back then, Starbreak was really pretty...

Mirolyn: Okay, okay, my turn, my turn!

Dawnbreak: Hey, I wasn't done yet!

Mirolyn: But you're all so old! I bet you guys don't even remember everything that's happened since then.

ThePerfectPet: I do to! I might be old, but I still remember the day I was given to lidya. I bet Gylantia does to.

Gylantia: Uh, actually, my memory is a bit fuzzy. Maybe you should speak for yourself next time, ThePerfectPet.

ThePerfectPet: How many times do I have to say it? My name is Aquillianna. It's not my fault lidya's being cheap and refusing to buy me a naming ticket.

Dawnbreak: Will you guys stop interrupting me?

Mirolyn: Admit it. Since lidya was gone for most of 2007 and the first half of 2008, most of you were inactive and forgot lots of stuff.

Gylantia: Hey! Well, you wouldn't know how horrible it is, since you never had to go through such a period. Don't bring up bad memories.

Dawnbreak: STOP INTERRUPTING ME! You guys made me lose my place, so I guess I'll just start with when lidya came back after her extended break. I had quite a different set of siblings then I do now. It was me, Starbreak, Gylantia, Aquillianna (*cough* ThePerfectPet *cough*), xox__Toasty__xox, and butterflybabe.

Camensia: I've never met any of them. What were they like?

Dawnbreak: Well, snowy tantuas no longer looked quite so angelic, so lidya put Starbreak in the portal first and she turned millionaire. The coat made her all snobbish and drove lidya absolutely crazy. A nice person who was collecting tantuas traded Mirilyn for Starbreak.

Mirolyn: I was not! Lidya created me, I've never been traded before in my life!

Gylantia: Did you not hear was Dawnbreak just said. MIRILYN, not Mirolyn.

Dawnbreak: Guys, guys, stop fighting. We'll never get done talking if you keep getting off topic. Yes, a ghost fasoro named Mirilyn stayed with us for a brief while, and she was very nice. However, lidya wanted to complete the first eleka goal and nobody would lend her a voodoo pet, so she traded Mirilyn for a voodoo fasoro with a bunch of random letters as his name. It fit him too, because he just kept mumbling all the time in some strange language. I was glad when lidya gave him away.

ThePerfectPet: Remember when we had that horrible run in with the grave keeper and all got sent to jail? Lidya was so mad at all of us and the grave keeper. She even turned Darkest_Mystic, Dawnbreak, and xox__Toasty__xox prison colored to save money. Of course, Gylantia and I got to keep our colors.

Valshain: What? Who's Darkest_Mystic? Dawnbreak, you never mentioned him before, and where did butterflybabe go? Did she get turned prison too?

Dawnbreak: Oops, heh, sorry Valshain. butterflybabe was a mermaid jessup, and apparently pretty popular, because lidya got to trade her for a +15 statted Gearoid. Gearoid, why didn't you say something?

Gearoid: Well, you would have gotten to me eventually. Just thought I'd let you go at your own pace.

ThePerfectPet: *blush* Yeah...Gearoid kept his color too, since he's royal.

Dawnbreak: Darkest_Mystic was going to get cossied voodoo by lidya, but after that grave keeper disaster, she gave him and toasty away. There were a few other pets in between then and now, but they mostly kept to themselves. Except Adserio...

Camensia: Hey! That was lidya's choice.

Dawnbreak: Yeah, lidya created Adserio and turned him into a punk tantua right away. He was one of the coolest guys I've ever met, but lidya traded him for Camensia instead.

Valshain: I think Camensia is very nice...

Vastara: Shut up, freebie.

Vatia, xuer, Utrinity: Hey!

Vatia: Don't think you're so high and mighty just because you're an LE.

Dawnbreak: Yes, Utrinity, Valshain, Vatia, and xuer were all given to lidya by very kind people. Would you like to introduce yourselves?

Utrinity: Well, I'm the newest so far. I'm an eleka fasoro, and um...there's not much to tell.

Valshain: Yep, and and I'm a cheese murfin. Haven't been here for too long yet.

Vatia: Me too! I'm also pretty new, but the clock tower really liked granting me stats while I'm here.

xuer: ...

Dawnbreak: Come on, xuer, don't be shy.

Vastara: Little miss high and mighty probably doesn't even want to waste her voice on us.

xuer: Hey, that's not true. I'm the only pet that lidya really wrote an application for, and she's been teaching me lots of intruments. Uh...I don't think I deserve all the attention, do be honest.

Vastara: *scoff*

Gearoid: Dawnbreak and I are all with you. It's perfectly fine.

Mirolyn: Dawnbreak, you're being a big fast meany. You're not letting me talk.

Gylantia: Well, if you would stop whining and wait your turn...

Dawnbreak: Fine, Mirolyn, go, talk. Gylantia, don't interrupt her.

Mirolyn: Okay, yay! So lidya missed Mirilyn a lot, and she wanted another ghost fasoro. However, nobody would trade her and the potion only cost around 700K, so I was created to resemble her. I'm so special, I have a predessor.

Dawnbreak: I'm pretty sure that's not how you pronounce it...

Gylantia: Ha! You're nothing like Mirilyn, she was kind and gentle, and you're nothing but a brat.

Dawnbreak: Gylantia...

Vastara: Sheesh, I haven't even gotten a turn to speak yet. You rabble keep getting in my way.

Dawnbreak: Vastara, tone it down a bit. You're acting worse than Aquillianna. At least her vanity doesn't make her act mean to everybody else.

Vastara: Well, I am an LE you know. I'm worth much more than the lot of you. Why lidya doesn't give me the attention I deserve is a total mystery.

Dawnbreak: Vastara!

Gearoid: That's going too far. With my training and xuer's learning, we're worth a lot more than you. Stop acting so high and mighty!

Vatia: Wow, Gearoid's mad...

Dawnbreak: Vastara, be quiet before someone, mainly you, get's hurt. Well there's still some things unresolved. Xuer is still shy, Aquillianna needs to be humbled, Gylantia and Milrolyn need to get along. Valshain needs to be more assertive, and we would all like to get to know Utrinity better. Unfortunetly, that's all for a later day. See ya!

(Note: There might be a sequel, it depends. Also, I started by doing it in chronological order, but that did not work, because I really don't remember how I got Gylantia and ThePerfectPet

That is really interesting =]
It would be great if you wrote more.
116 years, 2 months & 22 days ago 23rd Dec 2008 23:45
  1. Guide to Flash Games
    9th Feb 2014 17:23
    11 years, 1 month & 4 days ago
  2. Max Spending on Quests
    25th Feb 2013 14:27
    12 years & 19 days ago
  3. Pet Stories IV
    21st Feb 2013 22:26
    12 years & 23 days ago
  4. New Goals
    21st Feb 2013 19:54
    12 years & 23 days ago
  5. Pet Stories III
    12th Mar 2009 20:44
    16 years & 4 days ago
  6. Pet Stories II
    15th Jan 2009 15:16
    16 years, 1 month & 29 days ago
  7. Pet Stories!
    14th Dec 2008 14:39
    16 years & 3 months ago
  8. Auction Tips
    18th Nov 2008 20:43
    16 years, 3 months & 26 days ago
  9. Goals
    16th Nov 2008 14:37
    16 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
  10. xuer
    12th Aug 2008 17:26
    16 years, 7 months & 2 days ago