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  1. Guide to Flash Games
    9th Feb 2014 17:23
    11 years, 1 month & 4 days ago
  2. Max Spending on Quests
    25th Feb 2013 14:27
    12 years & 19 days ago
  3. Pet Stories IV
    21st Feb 2013 22:26
    12 years & 23 days ago
  4. New Goals
    21st Feb 2013 19:54
    12 years & 23 days ago
  5. Pet Stories III
    12th Mar 2009 20:44
    16 years & 4 days ago
  6. Pet Stories II
    15th Jan 2009 15:16
    16 years, 1 month & 29 days ago
  7. Pet Stories!
    14th Dec 2008 14:39
    16 years & 3 months ago
  8. Auction Tips
    18th Nov 2008 20:43
    16 years, 3 months & 26 days ago
  9. Goals
    16th Nov 2008 14:37
    16 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
  10. xuer
    12th Aug 2008 17:26
    16 years, 7 months & 2 days ago
Pet Stories IV
12 years & 23 days ago
21st Feb 2013 22:26

lidya14: Man, it's been a long time.

Dawnbreak: *sneezes dust* That's for sure.

lidya14: I've been back for almost a week. You think I'd have cleared out all the dust by now.

Mirolyn: But it's years of dust this time! Could you please not abandon for so long next time? Or actually, don't abandon us at all!

lidya14: Good to know some things haven't changed. None of your personalities have aged a bit.

Aquilianna: Why aren't you sharing the most important news of all? My name isn't ThePerfectPet anymore! It's finally Aquilianna. Granted, it only has one "l" because some other pet took Aquillianna. Lidya even paid real money for the naming certificate! Obviously I'm the most important one now.

lidya14: Now, now. See, your name was the only eyesore here, so I felt compelled to change it. Xuer has a no touch policy (although if I was ever super rich, I would like to capitalize the "x", but that's not very important right now). Also, Dawnbreak is my first pet, and she's going to be an Orange Dakota soon. I got the minipet Dokota Potion and an Orange Costume all lined up. I'm just waiting for her to hit 10 transformations first. This is going to be the first LE I'll actually adore.
Um, not that I dislike you guys, Faylar and Gaforre.
Speaking of Gaforre, let's introduce our new members!

Gaforre: Um, hi. I'm a sponge kronk and a new LE that lidya won from a luck of the draw giveaway.

Dawnbreak: Lidya totally didn't expect to win, so she's kind of at a loss now as to what to do with you. You'll probably just sit around for awhile while she decides.

Gaforre: Alright, that's cool, I guess.

lidya14: The other new addition is Kaladin! Named after the main character in my favorite book, The Way of Kings. He's in the temple and will hopefully become a Rolfling.

Eralin: Uh, I don't think I was ever introduced.

lidya14: Oh gosh, that's right. Well, this is embarrassing, but I don't remember where you came from. You were on my account when I got back from hiatus. You were probably adopted because you had a nice name. I think that was something I was doing before I went on hiatus. I might have also created you. *shrugs* Sorry, your origins are as blank as Gylantia's.

xuer: And...and don't forget the members we lost too.

lidya14: That's right. Utrinity and Vatia are getting auctioned. Actually, Utrinity was already auctioned for 156K. Vatia will go for around the same price. They're both slightly under priced, but I hope they'll both go somewhere where they'll be appreciated, instead of just being one of many in my fasoro pack.
Ha! Nevermind about that. I see Utrinity going back up in the auctions at the same price I put her in. Seriously, like six people bid on her though. Why did the last person bid if she didn't even really want the pet? At least she's not trying to turn a profit by buying low and selling high. (Or maybe she was trying to profit and found that she couldn't? I feel like pet auctions are not the best place for investment and resale though)
Anyway, before we get even more off track, who hasn't spoken yet?

Asch: Me. I don't have much to say. I'm still a Royal Tantua who reflects your love for Tales of the Abyss?

Gearoid: I haven't said anything either. I'm well stated enough that lidya's curious as to what she could trade me for. I feel kind of unloved, but I'm also the most well trained and her go-to battle pet. So maybe it's just passing curiosity on lidya's part.

lidya14: Uh, well. Time will tell on that front. If I get a massive over offer, like a W/N of any of the following: Hairy Chibs, Anime Kujo, Hairy Kujo, Angel Sindi, Toy Sindi, Winter Sindi, Bee Willa, or Minipet Willa (this wound up being a nice reason to look up all my favorite expensive LEs), then I'd trade you. Otherwise, I'm just curious how much you're worth to other people compared to how much you're worth to me. Or maybe someone will offer a semi-statted LE. Who knows. I'll trade for the right offer, but it's not that I don't care about you at all.

Okay, and that's it for now.

  1. Guide to Flash Games
    9th Feb 2014 17:23
    11 years, 1 month & 4 days ago
  2. Max Spending on Quests
    25th Feb 2013 14:27
    12 years & 19 days ago
  3. Pet Stories IV
    21st Feb 2013 22:26
    12 years & 23 days ago
  4. New Goals
    21st Feb 2013 19:54
    12 years & 23 days ago
  5. Pet Stories III
    12th Mar 2009 20:44
    16 years & 4 days ago
  6. Pet Stories II
    15th Jan 2009 15:16
    16 years, 1 month & 29 days ago
  7. Pet Stories!
    14th Dec 2008 14:39
    16 years & 3 months ago
  8. Auction Tips
    18th Nov 2008 20:43
    16 years, 3 months & 26 days ago
  9. Goals
    16th Nov 2008 14:37
    16 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
  10. xuer
    12th Aug 2008 17:26
    16 years, 7 months & 2 days ago