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Marapets is mobile friendly
  1. Notes
    12th Nov 2010 13:09
    14 years, 4 months & 1 day ago
  2. A True Friend
    20th Apr 2010 00:53
    14 years, 10 months & 24 days ago
  3. Trading Cards
    9th Apr 2010 16:08
    14 years, 11 months & 3 days ago
  4. Thank You's
    21st Mar 2009 16:54
    15 years, 11 months & 21 days ago
  5. Ghoula's Value & Lists
    17th Mar 2009 22:11
    15 years, 11 months & 25 days ago
14 years, 4 months & 1 day ago
12th Nov 2010 13:09


- - - - - - -
Minipets Avatars:

Pyri - 90 days

- - - - - - -
Advent clothes:

- Winter hoody
- Santa Stockings
- Snowflake pants
- Seasonal top
- Santa Female Costume
- Christmas Pudding Female Costume
- Jack frost female costume
- Gift Wrapped Female costume

- - - - - - -
Tarquin Backup:


- - - - - -
Pet Accept Link:

- - - - - - -
I can not be on Mara for long periods of time. I simply do not have the time any more. Occasionally I am able to spend longer, but mostly, it is online - dailies, mails, alerts etc and then logging off. My sincerest apologies to my friends. It probably feels as though I do not make time for you on here. You all mean a lot to me. It is strange how people I have never met in reality can be so precious. So I am sorry, but I cannot give Christmas presents this year, the amount of time I have online doesn't permit me much time for earning mps to buy you all a gift. So if you plan to give me one, please brighten someone elses day with it. I would feel horrible not being able to give a gift in return...I hope you'll forgive me. Next year, I hope will be less fast paced and I hope to have more time to put more effort in for you guys. Thank you for reading.

A True Friend
14 years, 10 months & 24 days ago
20th Apr 2010 00:53

[center]A True Friend.[/center][br][br]Thankyou to my wonderful friends. I am blessed and forever grateful to have met every one of you. To me, a true friend is someone who doesn't take advantage of me and what I may give. Someone who will not break my heart or the promises they have made. They forgive me and are always honest. They are there for me and support me when I'm down. They love me for my mistakes and always try to understand them. They offer guidance and support encouragement when I need it. They TRUST me and respect me for what I believe and who I am.[br][br]And they stay by my side no matter what happenes.[br][br]For me, YOU'RE the reason mara is so busy and my heart so full.[br][br]Keep smiling and God bless you all. My true friends.[br][br]-Nico

Trading Cards
14 years, 11 months & 3 days ago
9th Apr 2010 16:08

[center]Trading cards needed for deck:[/center][br][br]- - - - - - -[br]1-3m Mark[br]- - - - - - -[br]Goblar Trading Card - 2-3m[br]Nocto Trading Card - 3m[br]Gross Trading Card - 3m[br][br]- - - - - - - [br]Rarer:[br]- - - - - - -[br]Can Trading Card - 4.5-5m[br]Caveman Trading Card - 7-8m[br]Crinkal Trading Card - 4m[br]Elder Trading Card - 10m[br]Eleka Minions Trading Card - 4.5m[br]Shadow Trading Card - 5m[br]Snow Fight Trading Card - 5.5m[br]Snot Newth Trading Card - 5m[br]Venus: 4.5m (TEMPLE)[br][br]- - - - - - -[br]Rarest/Not in Trades: (15-30m)[br]- - - - - - - [br]Devil Trading Card - 45m[br]Easter Bunny Trading Card - ?? (SMUGGLER)[br]Flamed Trading Card - ??[br]Hot Dog Trading Card - 15m[br]Jet Trading Card - 25m (SMUGGLER)[br]Muscles Trading Card - 5000 OP (OLYMPICS)[br]Oke Trading Card - 20-30m (10m bp)[br]Phospho Trading Card - 45m [br]RIP Trading Card - 50m[br]Raa Trading Card - 20-30m[br]Reisand Trading Card - 20-30m[br]Rusty Trading Card - ??[br]Twree Trading Card - 30m[br]Vibue Trading Card - ?? (SMUGGLER)[br]Zard Trading Card - 20-30m (10m bp)

Thank You's
15 years, 11 months & 21 days ago
21st Mar 2009 16:54

[center]Thank you's[/center][br][br][center]Special thanks to:[/center][br][br]Zevnia: EVERYTHING[br]Snorcat: Icefairy costume for Macfie, Elektro mini, cc, anime, explorer, punk pearls, 500 dukka, Christmas Carols, 500 dukka[br]Nafre: Faeh[br]cuddlebum02: Pugwash and Devil minipets[br]redheadedmugbug: James minipet[br]Jammybee: Coloured volums[br]Sportlover: Dino mini[br]pickle123: Filondor + Sobek mini's[br]zox162: Accepting offer of Drucilla on Macfie[br]Taylor4726: Accepting offer of Verb on Drucilla and Lyricse[br]Lateroses2: Sorna[br]mittxe: Accepting offer on war boots (3.7m and bunch of pet cos)[br]profplaymaker: Accepting offer on Tinsel + ? for 2m[br]webster0585[br]Casandia: Zecklor[br]doraemily: Accepting offer of 2.2m on Erto and 1.7m on war pants[br]playlucia: Buying ENTIRE shop out[br]joel_kaiba: Accepting 600k on detective costume[br]yoshifeva: Accepting Malfunctions for Lyricse[br]ndgarretjax: Jar of ice for gallery[br]?: Accepting offer of 2m on Flayee[br]icewolf12: Punk minipet, Heart minipet, Rune B, Rune C, Rune L, Rune M X2, Rune N, Rune Q, Rune T.[br]Annie: Anime pearl[br]THEDAD: Mental Costume: 2m + bought out entire mini collection for 15m.[br]doggsrule101: Accepting Rofferlie for Malfunctions.[br]Sportlover: My wonderful sister who gave me 3m when semi-quitting.[br]iluvollie: Accepting Rofferlie for Vagile.[br]playlucia: Buying frequently from store to help me out. And for giving gym gb + elite gym gb, olympics gb[br]StephenE: Book of stamps[br]Sha + Nat: Diamond for Crystal swapping.[br]Molo: Magic Booster + Whirlpool gb[br]Indygo/SB: Blue viotto potion[br]??UNKNOWN: Stars Vol 1[br]Leeved: Bad Chocolate TC[br]StephenE: Fungus TC[br]bellie: Mommi, Tichu, Iolan, Yeti, Krick TC's![br]Flojo: Rune S[br]sorcerer465: Gavular TC,[br]Isaiahlong7: Kleptome TC, EPGB X2, Enchanted Prison Xoi plushie, Elger TC, 250 dukka coin, [br]midnightsunrise: Acne TC, Cracked TC, Armoured cossie[br]Gnomercy: Turning Macfie Goblin for free[br]Ryan0987654321: Turning Zecklor Vortex for free

Ghoula's Value & Lists
15 years, 11 months & 25 days ago
17th Mar 2009 22:11

[center]Ghoula's Value & Lists[/center]

According to Azveri's stats guide's.

Stats: 47 million
Elite: 10 million
Learnables: 14.5 million approx

TOTAL: 70 million approx.

To get:

- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
Simerian History Vol 6 - NISS
Simerian History Vol 5 - NISS
Simerian History Vol 4 - NISS
Runes - NISS
Book of Pyramids - NISS
How to Farm Book - NISS
No Bugs Book - 289k (Sewers Mission)
Flaydor Book - 245k
Greedy Fairy Book - Greedy Fairy
Puchala Village Book - ??
Enpiah Book - NISS
(Advent Wreath Book - will retire?)
Pest Control Book - NISS
Bankruptcy Book - Stimulus Shop

- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
Transumption Reaction - 500k
Puchalla Harvest - 500k
Kamilah Pyramid - 389k
Enpiah Secrets - 498k
The Mummy Returns - 111k
The Lonely Spider - NISS
Greedy Fairy - Greedy Fairy
Goal - Olmpics
Paradise Island - NISS
Dukka Fairy - Dukka Fairy
Transuranic Curse - NISS
Great Depression - Stimulus Shop
Transvaluation Tales - NISS
(Mission Impossible - AU?)
Simeria - NISS
Last Battle - 320k
Under the Sea - NISS
Recycling - 174k

- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
Discontinued Music - Stimulus Shop
Peaceful Serenade - 12m
Dukka Fairy Songs - Dukka Fairy
Greedy Fairy Music - Greedy Fairy
Olympic Anthems - Olympics
Transuranic Tunes - NISS
Transumption Tunes - 500k
Pyramid Music - 160k

  1. Notes
    12th Nov 2010 13:09
    14 years, 4 months & 1 day ago
  2. A True Friend
    20th Apr 2010 00:53
    14 years, 10 months & 24 days ago
  3. Trading Cards
    9th Apr 2010 16:08
    14 years, 11 months & 3 days ago
  4. Thank You's
    21st Mar 2009 16:54
    15 years, 11 months & 21 days ago
  5. Ghoula's Value & Lists
    17th Mar 2009 22:11
    15 years, 11 months & 25 days ago