Thank You's

15 years, 11 months & 21 days ago
21st Mar 2009 16:54 [center]Thank you's[/center][br][br]
[center]Special thanks to:[/center][br][br]Zevnia: EVERYTHING[br]Snorcat: Icefairy costume for Macfie, Elektro mini, cc, anime, explorer, punk pearls, 500 dukka, Christmas Carols, 500 dukka[br]Nafre: Faeh[br]cuddlebum02: Pugwash and Devil minipets[br]redheadedmugbug: James minipet[br]Jammybee: Coloured volums[br]Sportlover: Dino mini[br]pickle123: Filondor + Sobek mini's[br]zox162: Accepting offer of Drucilla on Macfie[br]Taylor4726: Accepting offer of Verb on Drucilla and Lyricse[br]Lateroses2: Sorna[br]mittxe: Accepting offer on war boots (3.7m and bunch of pet cos)[br]profplaymaker: Accepting offer on Tinsel + ? for 2m[br]webster0585[br]Casandia: Zecklor[br]doraemily: Accepting offer of 2.2m on Erto and 1.7m on war pants[br]playlucia: Buying ENTIRE shop out[br]joel_kaiba: Accepting 600k on detective costume[br]yoshifeva: Accepting Malfunctions for Lyricse[br]ndgarretjax: Jar of ice for gallery[br]?: Accepting offer of 2m on Flayee[br]icewolf12: Punk minipet, Heart minipet, Rune B, Rune C, Rune L, Rune M X2, Rune N, Rune Q, Rune T.[br]Annie: Anime pearl[br]THEDAD: Mental Costume: 2m + bought out entire mini collection for 15m.[br]doggsrule101: Accepting Rofferlie for Malfunctions.[br]Sportlover: My wonderful sister who gave me 3m when semi-quitting.[br]iluvollie: Accepting Rofferlie for Vagile.[br]playlucia: Buying frequently from store to help me out. And for giving gym gb + elite gym gb, olympics gb[br]StephenE: Book of stamps[br]Sha + Nat: Diamond for Crystal swapping.[br]Molo: Magic Booster + Whirlpool gb[br]Indygo/SB: Blue viotto potion[br]??UNKNOWN: Stars Vol 1[br]Leeved: Bad Chocolate TC[br]StephenE: Fungus TC[br]bellie: Mommi, Tichu, Iolan, Yeti, Krick TC's![br]Flojo: Rune S[br]sorcerer465: Gavular TC,[br]Isaiahlong7: Kleptome TC, EPGB X2, Enchanted Prison Xoi plushie, Elger TC, 250 dukka coin, [br]midnightsunrise: Acne TC, Cracked TC, Armoured cossie[br]Gnomercy: Turning Macfie Goblin for free[br]Ryan0987654321: Turning Zecklor Vortex for free