A True Friend

14 years, 10 months & 24 days ago
20th Apr 2010 00:53 [center]A True Friend.[/center][br][br]Thankyou to my wonderful friends. I am blessed and forever grateful to have met every one of you. To me, a true friend is someone who doesn't take advantage of me and what I may give. Someone who will not break my heart or the promises they have made. They forgive me and are always honest. They are there for me and support me when I'm down. They love me for my mistakes and always try to understand them. They offer guidance and support encouragement when I need it. They TRUST me and respect me for what I believe and who I am.[br][br]And they stay by my side no matter what happenes.[br][br]For me, YOU'RE the reason mara is so busy and my heart so full.[br][br]Keep smiling and God bless you all. My true friends.[br][br]-Nico