Sarah//: What I would do if ... was in my closet//

17 years, 2 months & 11 days ago
2nd Jan 2008 19:02I would open the door, ask them why they were inhabiting my closet, which is reserved for Jhonen Vasquez and Justin Bartha. I would then make them my slaves, and sell them off to some fan girls.
Must we always be violent about people we don't like finding there way into our bedrooms, and into our closets? They're people just like us... Only famous. Instead of resorting to violence and childish acts can't we make them our sandwich slaves? I mean, who doesn't like being waited on hand and foot? Use them also to make a pretty penny.. No harm to you, now or later.
But the reason I write this is because I continue to see a trend of immaturity and hostility. People continue to treat those they don't like, with contempt, for absolutely no reason. They are people too. Not animals, monsters, etc. Treat them like such. It shows much class and a level of maturity that many people can't comprehend.
Now, like many people, I am not fond of these peoples music, nor do I think they are "hot". I find it childish though, to treat them with disrespect just for creating music I dislike. Why can't others think the same way.