Sarah//: Leave Ian Alone

16 years, 9 months & 18 days ago
25th May 2008 17:19I'm tired of seeing all this bull about Ian.. All of these complaints that he isn't doing anything about the site. The nonsense that he is going away for six month holidays around the world, and using our account upgrade money for it. Stop it!
Ian is only human, and is only 19. I've been on this site for almost four years and I have read many posts by him about how he is a //STUDENT//. Two years or so back, the news announcements were only posted once a week because his schedule was really //busy//.
Now, being a student, you'd expect him to have exams at the end of the term.. By the transitive property Ian is sitting his exams, meaning he'll be studying and not having enough time to come onto his website and cater to everyone's wants.
I'm sick and tired of seeing all of these attacks.. Ian is only humans. When I see all the threads bashing him I wonder how unappreciated he feels.. He puts so much work into a website, and all people do is moan and groan about it nonstop. Stop it already! Maybe if you showed some appreciation to Ian some of the problems would be solved already.
I'm also tired of how naive members of this site are. Supposedly there is a My Space for him, and in it "Ian" claims that he goes on six month vacations around the world and uses money from account upgrades to do so.. Hmm.. Reading back through old news articles I found a few about the servers.. The item server cost over $17,000 and took them 8 months to purchase. I do not think that there are enough account upgrades being bought to pay for both a six month vacation and new servers..
The more I defend Ian about things like this, the more I get attacked. It's disgusting. Everyone who attacks Ian are cowards because he has no way of defending himself.. Except through loyal users, who do not fall for LIARS over the internet. People lie all the time and I think people need to realize that before they shoot off at the mouth about people.
Watch, karma might come back and bite you in the ass.