Sarah//:A Little About Me

16 years, 3 months & 16 days ago
26th Nov 2008 21:43Hm. I never post much about myself on this website.. So I figure it's time, being that I've been here for almost four years, to post a little about myself. This username is nothing like my others, so I //doubt// people I know IRL can find me.. I hope.
Some Facts:
Well, my name is Sarah.
I'm 16.
I live in the US.
Pennsylvania, to be exact. I won't go further for now.
I've been playing for four years on December 3rd, 2008.
I have a small electronic band, that I haven't done anything with since July.
I love music. Symphonic Metal, Dance (All types, mostly Trance), Rock, and Alternative. Throw some classical and New Age in there also..
Politics is my sanctity. I spend most of my time reading news articles on the BBC, Daily Mail, Fark, and Free Republic. I'll probably be in politics someday.. *cough* FIELDER'S YOUTH!!! *cough* /inside joke>
Photography is a close runner up. I'll have to post some of my photos some day. I currently use a Nikon D40x for digital and a Pentax K1000 for film.
//Slashies// Usually mean sarcasm, or emphasis. Most likely the former. Though, it gets hard to tell when I'm being sarcastic.
Hm. What else should I add?
I'm a swimmer. And a skier. I used to like the former. Now I like the latter more. My coaches screwed the swimming up too much. It's a huge game of politics.
I currently use a black MacBook as my main computing device. When I'm on the go, I use my 1st Gen iPhone. ^_^ I really love the new MacBooks, and iMacs, and am currently saving up to buy one of them for photo editing and playing Spore. (My laptop has a from out of spacety graphics card and therefore can't handle Spore, and can barely handle my photo editing)
I have 3 iPods. One of them being a 4th Generation White 20GB (Non photo, more like 3rd Gen), a 5th Gen 80GB Classic, and a 3rd Generation 4GB Fat Nano. Gotta love them.
I'm an only child, but currently my 12 year old, second cousin lives with me. He's completely annoying, and is only there because my extended family is too screwed up to raise him well. He's been here since the summer, and I want to //kill// him.
What else..
I have many favorite movies. Currently I'm in absolute //love// with V for Vendetta. Originally, I learned about Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot (I'm obsessed with it! What an amazing act of treason! Guido Fawkes = My favorite bad guy EVAR) and then went on to read the V for Vendetta Graphic Novel and finally watch the movie. I've found both to be absolutely amazing, and can relate to both Evey and V. So.. They = Love.
I'm also a writer. Currently I'm working on an Anti Utopia novel, and oodles of poems. A lot of my poetry revolves around roses; black ones to be specific.
I absolutely //LOVE// Doctor Who. If I could choose one show to watch for the next month it would be The Doctor. XD The Tenth Doctor is currently my favorite, but I just discovered the Ninth who is pretty cool also. So yeah.. I wish I could be a Doctor girl!! And you never forget your first doctor. XD (I have that as a shirt on my sims 2 game.. I really need to have it made at Cafe Press.. That'd be awesome)
Can't think of much else for now. I'll continue to add to this as I come up with more things.