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  1. 1,000,000 MP GIVEAWAY
    21st Jul 2013 06:29
    11 years, 7 months & 23 days ago
    21st Jul 2013 06:03
    11 years, 7 months & 23 days ago
1,000,000 MP GIVEAWAY
11 years, 7 months & 23 days ago
21st Jul 2013 06:29

Read forum rules before posting your app below!

Okay so this has been pretty tough..
I have narrowed it down to a couple of people, I have also decided that two people will receive 250k, one person will receive 500k, and another two people will receive 10k..
So, in the end I'm giving away 1,020,000.

Right, to help me make this decision, I would like everyone who applied to tell me the following things:

- favourite bands
- favourite films
- favourite game/tv show
- oddest obsession
- a joke

I want to make a good choice and I liked everyone's apps so, I would like to give people another chance to win me over!

*Please post on my blog!*

Winners will be maramailed when a decision has been made and also will be put on my blog and this forum!

Favorite Bands:
I love Justin Bieber and Bruno Mars. If they ever did a song together, my life would be complete.
I'm also a very big fan of hardcore punk music, like My Chemical Romance and Panic! at The Disco. There's a lot more I love as well, like All Time Low!
I have more but can't think of them at the moment :X

Favorite Films:
My favorite movie is Labyrinth. I also love weird movies, like with director Tim Burton. Also, I love musicals. I'm a big fan of The Wizard of Oz.

Favorite game/tv show:
My favorite game is Skyrim which I play on my Xbox 360. Also, I love Spongebob and Adventure Time!

Oddest Obsession:

Why did the elephant paint her toe-nails red? To hide in cherry trees!
Have you ever seen an elephant in a cheery tree...?
See, it works!
111 years, 7 months & 21 days ago 23rd Jul 2013 14:56
Band: hmm that's a good one Ellie! I don't really listen to bands! I usually just listen to individual artists but if I absolutely had to choose I'd definitely choose Linkin Park because who doesn't love them? They're absolutely amazing! I love everything about them!

Films: Again it has to be mean girls, bring it on all or nothing and the cheetah girls! Yeah I love movies that involve drama because that is absolutely entertaining!

TV: it is currently Girl Code and Ridiculousness! I love girl code because I love hearing their tips and advice on certain topics and they make it fun to listen to! I love ridiculousness because they do the stupidest stuff you could ever possibly think of and it's really funny!!!!

Oddest Obsession: I had to think long and hard about this one! But it's not that odd that I'm obsessed with iPhone cases! I have about 20 and I currently have the iphone 5?and I love it! But I can't help myself from buying a case I just love changes!!!

A joke: Yeah I'm bad at these! I'm actually terrible!
So there was a girl at the mall and she didn't know where Aeropostale was so she asked for assistance. So when she asked she was given instructions and a woman once told her it was on her right!
She was like my right?
You mean I write well?
Lol terrible I know
Well I tried and I had fun
111 years, 7 months & 21 days ago 23rd Jul 2013 11:45

Favourite Bands

My favourite band has to be The Rolling Stones. A close second is Mika.

Favourite Films

My favourite films are Harry Potter, specifically The Order of the Phoenix and The Hunger Games.

Favourite TV Show

I love The Vampire Diaries.

Oddest Obsession

Key rings, everywhere I go, I have to get a key ring. I have so many I don't know what to do with them but I'm addicted.


One man looks for employment by going door to door. Another man hands him a brush and a tin of paint and offers him ??50 to paint his porch. A few hours later the guy goes to the home-owner and says, "I've finished!! but I reckon you should know your car's a Ferrari not a Porsche!"
111 years, 7 months & 21 days ago 23rd Jul 2013 06:52
- favourite bands
Hmm. This changes all the time lol. I LOVE Florence and the Machine though. I seen them live and omg what an awesome night that was :3 She dances around the stage with no shoes on ha!

- favourite films
Anything funny... I love comedies. Hangovers, Bridesmaids, Project X... That kinda thing! Rom Coms too
TV show is anything funny too. Big Bang Theory, Friends, etc.

- favourite game
Minecraft and Call of Duty :3 LOVE THEM. Xbox ftw.

- oddest obsession
Umm probably socks. I just love brand new socks lol. Especially baby socks. (Thats not as weird as it sounds... I have a baby hence owning baby socks xD)

- a joke
I can cut a piece of wood in half just by looking at it.

It's true, I saw it with my own eyes.
111 years, 7 months & 21 days ago 23rd Jul 2013 05:46
Extra questions:

Favourite bands: Soil, Thousand Foot Krutch, Three Days Grace, Orange Range, Yui, Korn and Utada Hikaru.

Favourite films: Howl's Moving Castle , 'L: Save the World' or Attack the Block.

Favourite game: Final Fantasy 4 (or 13)...or Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories.

Favourite TV show: Family Guy, 2 broke girls and friends.

Oddest obsession: Oddest.... uhh... I don't know if it's odd, but I have an insane obsession with Naruto (it's so childish, I know, but I can name every character from a cast of 200+).

Joke... uhh...
A woman runs into a doctor's office and says "DOCTOR! DOCTOR! You have to help me! Everywhere I touch on my body, it hurts!"
The doctor replied "Show me."
So the woman poked her ankle and screamed in pain. Then she poked her knee and yelled. She poked her forehead and screamed again.
She was about to continue when the doctor said "That's enough, let me think this over." He thought for a minute then said "I think I know what your problem is. You broke your finger."

Thanks again :3 I hope you consider me for any amount of money!
111 years, 7 months & 21 days ago 22nd Jul 2013 16:32
I really don't have any. My tastes can range from Queensryche to Ed Sheeran to anything else in a minute. It just depends on what kind of mood I'm in to be honest! c: Sorry I didn't give a straight answer.

Oh, goodness. EVERYTHING! Finding Nemo, Monster's University, Paranormal Activity, Obsessed, R.I.P.D, anything from Marvel, and the list goes o0o0on and on. I'm a movie junkie basically ahah.

This one I can answer with a straight answer! My favorite game is Super Mario Galaxy. It's adorable and so much fun. (I love the second one too.) As for TV Show, there's a channel called Investigation Discovery that I watch that shows documentaries on murders everywhere. It's so interesting to me.

This isn't really odd, but I'm obsessed with doing my nails different designs. Every time you see me, my nails always have something interesting on them. I have dotting tools, stripers, etc. I love it and my nails always look pretttty.

There was a man who entered a local paper's pun contest.. He sent in ten different puns, in the hope that at least one of the puns would win. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.

Once again, thanks for the opportunity and good luck choosing! :'D I hoped you like my odd answers. c:
111 years, 7 months & 21 days ago 22nd Jul 2013 16:13
So, this is the second part of my app.

My favorite bands/artists are My Chemical Romance, Panic! at the Disco, Fallout Boy, Lana Del Rey, and Josh Turner.

My favorite movies are Spongebob: The Movie, White Chicks, The Fox and the Hound, and Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle.

My favorite games are Castle Crashers, Assassins Creed, Pokemon, and Nintendogs.

My favorite tv shows are Naruto, Teen Titans, Adventure Time, and Yo Gabba Gabba.

My oddest obssesion is my mini stuffed panda I sleep with, his name is Nixon and I've had him since I was 5 years old.

A joke: Its not a good one
Why did the orange use suntan lotion?

He started to peel.
111 years, 7 months & 21 days ago 22nd Jul 2013 16:08
Heyy Ellie
Okay so when I saw your board I'm like whaaaaa?
Well I'm Shanta btw and I've been playing marapets for about 5 years or so!
I love taylor swift and beyonce and all kinds of music.. It really doesn't matter to me!
Movies movies movies
I'd have to say that my favorite movie is mean girls
I love that movie
An obsession? Hmm I don't think I have one but I do like humming and picking at things when I'm nervous
Is that weird???
Ah I don't have very many jokes to make you laugh lol
Well I'll try
What did the cow say to the pig in the way?
Lame haha I tried
So you ask why I want/ need the Mp
What an interesting question that you ask
Well, *pokes gallery* I would love to buy things I still need for my gallery like books CDs and DVDs that are in the current account upgrades and I would love to purchase them with some mp!
I really only have 300k right now due to my gallery and trading pets!
I also love to trade pets because I love having new pets!
But I'd also love to purchase the enchanted plushie machine instructions!!!
But I'm Farraway from purchasing that!
But every little bit counts
Also if I get enough ill send my friend a little since she deserves it and is very kind!
Btw my birthday is tomorrow
I'd be great to get anything
Thanks for reading and gl in the real world
111 years, 7 months & 21 days ago 22nd Jul 2013 15:58
  1. 1,000,000 MP GIVEAWAY
    21st Jul 2013 06:29
    11 years, 7 months & 23 days ago
    21st Jul 2013 06:03
    11 years, 7 months & 23 days ago