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  1. 1,000,000 MP GIVEAWAY
    21st Jul 2013 06:29
    11 years, 7 months & 23 days ago
    21st Jul 2013 06:03
    11 years, 7 months & 23 days ago
1,000,000 MP GIVEAWAY
11 years, 7 months & 23 days ago
21st Jul 2013 06:29

Read forum rules before posting your app below!

Okay so this has been pretty tough..
I have narrowed it down to a couple of people, I have also decided that two people will receive 250k, one person will receive 500k, and another two people will receive 10k..
So, in the end I'm giving away 1,020,000.

Right, to help me make this decision, I would like everyone who applied to tell me the following things:

- favourite bands
- favourite films
- favourite game/tv show
- oddest obsession
- a joke

I want to make a good choice and I liked everyone's apps so, I would like to give people another chance to win me over!

*Please post on my blog!*

Winners will be maramailed when a decision has been made and also will be put on my blog and this forum!

Hi I'm Gigi.
I like MP. I like Statting my pets. Therefore, the mp will be used to stat my pets more xD

I'm trying to get Viorra's stats up to 1k+. each stat approximately takes 12hrs, about 50k-60k each ;3 not to mention my other pets, so im spending fairly a lot on these stats xD WIth your help (250k) i could raise Viorra's stats by 4-5 stats :3 Your 250k may not seem like a lot if i put it in these terms, but trust me, the littlest things can go a longgggg way~!

Thank you for reading, sorry it's pretty boring xD but im writing this after a couple hours of dance and i'm pretty much dead +_+ Ballet if you're curious~
(my feet hurt so bad T^T)

111 years, 7 months & 22 days ago 22nd Jul 2013 05:32
Here's my app:
111 years, 7 months & 23 days ago 21st Jul 2013 12:30
*To the jingle of the wedding song while the bride is going up the aile*
Here comes my app.... Here comes my app.... Here comes my aapp, here comes my app!!

I know this probably should have been a blog, but I will make this nice, short and HOPEFULLY funny. I have apped on many giveaways, and only a few were won. (At least I won a few ) My name is Yasmeen and I am as addicted to marapets as someone can be. xD I really just wake up, play marapets and go to bed. Really. The only thing that might stop me from playing, is maybe eating. But, I sometimes eat while I play. I'm currently in EGYPT. Yes, Egypt. That far away place you might have visited. While I've been on marapets, I had many goals and I have no idea how I will accomplish them. My current goals I'm working on, are to get the Hoarder Hidden Avatar and all the gourmet foods. (Besides the UB ones for now of course) Gourmet Food is expensive so I need all the MP I can get! If you an spare me some MP, it will be spent on Gourmet Food. I know what you're thinking;
Poor pet! This girl is stuffing her to death! She will explode!
Well, I don't think she'll explode. xD xD But I AM over-stuffing her with food she's going to beg me to stop soon. >:} Wait, I think I hear a cry. (Goes towards the crying sound and sees the pet over-stuffed crying.) (Goes to pet and says "SHUT UP! YOU EAT THIS OR ELSE!" )
Okay, you might think I'm so cruel right now. O.o Okay, I guess that is enough talking about what I'd do with the Mp, I guess this means goodbye. BYE!!!
111 years, 7 months & 23 days ago 21st Jul 2013 09:16
Hello Ellie,

My name is CheckMyGallery, you can call me Brandon if you like...

I would use this MP (if I won) to buy maybe a couple of toy costumes for my gallery as im trying to collect as many as possible and 1 million MPs would help me alot and roughly buy me two more .

I've been on mara for a little longer than a month now and I have come along way, this whole month I have made alot of friends and alot of MP which is mostly in my bank but some has been spent on my gallery.

I also had in mind on making a chibs but I will need around 10 million MPs for the potion, so if I won the 1 Million MPs I would only need 9 million more aha, this would be great, thanks for reading my app!

111 years, 7 months & 23 days ago 21st Jul 2013 09:09
Hi there! I'd really appreciate the 1,000,000mp so that I could buy the scleral contact lenses from usershops, which would get me closer to having all the clothing in my wardrobe. I'm on 1462 of 1508 clothing items. Buying the scleral contacts would knock off another 14 items!

About me however, I'm a nutcase for anime (hence 'ghibli' and I like pretty much any music (seriously, I like classical, bits of rap, jpop, heavy metal, pop, jazz, soundtrack, etc). My main hobby is writing, and I've actually got a story under publishment right now

I also sing, draw, paint, code webpages, compose music, I love cats and I have an odd obsession with Harry Potter.

I hope you consider me for the 1,000,000mp because I'm so close to getting my goal, the money would really help!
111 years, 7 months & 23 days ago 21st Jul 2013 08:30
Hi I'm Joc

If I win 1,000,000
I would like to buy EPI
I only need 4 more left which would be 7,8,12,14
I've been waiting and waiting to try to get mp and quests are just a minimum help.
111 years, 7 months & 23 days ago 21st Jul 2013 07:46
I want it to buy items with to fill my attic to 101 pages for the hoarder avvie then I can help other people get the avatar too so by helping me youll be helping other people too in the long run!
111 years, 7 months & 23 days ago 21st Jul 2013 07:42
Hello, my name is originalroxiena!

Let me tell you a little bit about myself, I'm 13 years old, i live in Canada and I have been playing marapets for 1 year! I just recently transferred my account. My old account name was Garylin. I switched because I hated the name. What music do I like? I like pop music! My favourite artists are p!nk, lady gaga, katy perty and macklemore. i just can't stand Chris brown. He makes me so mad for some reason.
I also play in a jazz band at my school. I play the low brass trombone xD. I wanted to okay the bass or the drums but I didn't get it!

What will I do with the mp?
???It will bring me one step closer to buying the whole set for the enchanted plushie machine instructions
???Do a secret santa with some of the mp at Christmas
???Buy some graphics
I would be so grateful if I get the mp. My dream is to complete the exchanged plushie machine instructions! I will be the happiest girl in the works if I complete it. I have no peices so far but I am determined to finish it. As you probably notice I love buying pixel art! It's so fun to see what people make! I already planned a few people I am giving stuff for the secret Santa. I might giveaway costumes and potions but I haven't really decided yet. I will probably give my huthiq to one random lucky person (even though its not that good of a pet.) I will probably give it to a new player who doseant have any pets. I also really want my gobble to change into either a minipet or vortex gobble. Minipet pets are my favourite type of costume. They are so cute in that costume! But I really want Ian to make a Canadian costume! Eh!!
Many people actually do say "eh" in Canada. I don't really say it but I fine more French people at "eh" since I live in Quebec the most French place in Canada! Pauline Marois wants to drier ate Quebec from Canada which I fine is very stupid!

My goals on Mara are to get all LE pets and to complete the enchanted plushie machine instructions. If I complete it I would be the happiest girl in the world. YOLO! (why am I saying that its such a old saying lol)

Thanks! Sincerely, originalroxieana.
111 years, 7 months & 23 days ago 21st Jul 2013 07:38

My app
111 years, 7 months & 23 days ago 21st Jul 2013 07:16
  1. 1,000,000 MP GIVEAWAY
    21st Jul 2013 06:29
    11 years, 7 months & 23 days ago
    21st Jul 2013 06:03
    11 years, 7 months & 23 days ago