1,000,000 MP GIVEAWAY
11 years, 7 months & 23 days ago

21st Jul 2013 06:29
Read forum rules before posting your app below!
Okay so this has been pretty tough..
I have narrowed it down to a couple of people, I have also decided that two people will receive 250k, one person will receive 500k, and another two people will receive 10k..
So, in the end I'm giving away 1,020,000.
Right, to help me make this decision, I would like everyone who applied to tell me the following things:
- favourite bands
- favourite films
- favourite game/tv show
- oddest obsession
- a joke
I want to make a good choice and I liked everyone's apps so, I would like to give people another chance to win me over!
*Please post on my blog!*
Winners will be maramailed when a decision has been made and also will be put on my blog and this forum!
11 years, 7 months & 23 days ago

21st Jul 2013 06:03
Read the rules on my forum, keep boasting it too!
Good luck, post apps below!