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  1. Second Million Giveaway
    1st Feb 2010 17:21
    15 years, 1 month & 11 days ago
  2. I'm Sorry People!!
    30th Oct 2009 18:18
    15 years, 4 months & 14 days ago
  3. Million Giveaway!
    10th Jul 2009 08:22
    15 years, 8 months & 3 days ago
Million Giveaway!
15 years, 8 months & 3 days ago
10th Jul 2009 08:22

Hello people! I???m bored and love to do giveaways! I love doing big giveaways so I???m giving a million mp! Just write me an app, story or poem! But it must be at least ten sentences long! You can make multiple apps but they all must be ten sentences. Do not copy others! If I think you have I???ll kick you out of the contest! This contest will last two days! If you don???t win don???t worry! I have another million in the bank and I???ll do another giveaway soon! Have fun and good luck!
~~Don???t mm me you apps! I will not read them!~~

Hello, my name is Jess, and I am applying for your one million giveaway!

First of all, I think this is amazingly nice of you to give away something this big! I am trying to complete Tarquin to get one of my dream pets, a Poera. Obviously I do have a substantal amount of Marapoints, but not enough to do the Tarquin mission. I had failed tarquin once, on level 28, I had gotten so close, but then I failed. I don't know if you know what that feels like, but it just sucks, and I would really hate to get that sinking feeling again. If I were to complete Tarquin, I would use the Poera potion on my beloved pet Xantheane. I plan to make her highly stated in school, the gym, and learnies, especially books. I plan to make Xantheane an epic Tarquin killer ;]

Thanks for your time, I think you are amazing for doing this, good luck and congradulations to whomever wins.
115 years, 8 months & 3 days ago 10th Jul 2009 10:38
Zara was a girl who didnt have many friends she had 2 but they stuck together forever.
Zara's friends were called Aofie and Sarah. They Were all 9 and enjoyed playing with there barbies and playing proncesses like most 9 year olds do.
Until the day came that Aofie had to move away to live with her grandma because her grandad had just died. Zara got really upset and wouldnt come outside or even talk to anyone but Sarah and her sister Maria who was 7 years old.
A few weeks passed and Zara grew a bond with her sister Maria better than ever. Her sister encouraged her to come out and play with Sarah and her and a couple of her friends.
They all liked Zara personally and they all grew friend eventually but Zara never forgot about Aofie they wrote every week and talked on the phone every 2 weeks for 15minutes.
Zara even went to stay with Aofie once with Sarah.
So Zara had a happy friendship with her 2 friends but he sisters also and never felf afraid to make friends ever again.
The End

Hope you like it
115 years, 8 months & 3 days ago 10th Jul 2009 10:05
My name is Nick.
Nice to meet yet /another/ wonderful Maradan.

I'm gonna be honest.
Stick to the honest side in this application, Okay?

So, I have a few reasons I could use this Million.
I'll go in order from importance and how big the goal is.

My biggest goal for me is Aulus.
He will first finish the temple, To become a rofling then put on his new FF cossie. That's step #1 for Aulus.
Then I will 500+ stat him. Huge for me.
Then I will give him every single learn imagainable, Retired or not.
Most of this Million would go to him.

Also, I'm saving for Balbulus to become a Plant, Lepper, or Vampire Tasi. I'm not sure which one yet. Most likely Plant.

Then Russen will become a Cowboy Lati, To match Raussel. They'll be twins :]

Another huge goal for me, Is to give Ally a Easter Chibs Potion. Her dream pet is a Royal Chibs, and I want to either get her the cossie or the potion, But right now I'm leaning towards the potion.

Ally has given me so many things.
She gave me Loved, The mummy rusty.
She gave me Raussel, The CB Lati.
She gave me a Zoink potion.
She gave me 51k BP.
But most of all,
She gave me a best friend.

It'd mean the world to me if I won.
1 million doesn't seem like a lot when I tell you how much I have to get done, But it's truly a TON to me.

I'm only writing one app.
This application has everything I need to say in it.
Why write multiples?

Thanks for your time,
Thanks for this opportunity,
Good luck to all applicants,
Good luck choosing a deserving winner,
115 years, 8 months & 3 days ago 10th Jul 2009 10:02
another poem!!

by Me!!

I am a girl who loves dogs.
I wonder what they think about.
I hear them running in the falling leaves.
I see dogs and cats getting along.
I want a Newths float my boater spaniel puppy.
I am a girl who loves dogs.

I pretend dogs rule the world.
I fell alarmed at big dogs.
I touch the softness behind my dog's ears.
I worry about Bella's health.
I cry when dogs die.
I am a girl who loves dogs.

I understand why dogs bark.
I say they should be treated fairly.
I dream dogs can tald.
I try to spend a lot of time playing with my dogs.
I hope they live life to its fullest.
I am a girl who loves dogs.

That is a poem I had to write for school!!
115 years, 8 months & 3 days ago 10th Jul 2009 09:15
song by me
yah i'm that girl who plays her guitar on a perfect summer day
as i look around my room my 'ol room
i could never say that you would take me away.....
but there you were in my doorway your hand out to me
you took me by the hand you took me by the hand and
led me away....
i spreead my wings and flew away from the girl who plays her her guitar on a perfect summer day.......
115 years, 8 months & 3 days ago 10th Jul 2009 09:14
Why, hello there.

It's simple. I'm poor.

Diddums to me, eh.

N ever
E at
W hale
T ail

It even rhymes, XD

115 years, 8 months & 3 days ago 10th Jul 2009 09:10
I deserve the mp because I am saving up for a cotton candy kidlet and skeleton kidlet potion. I am also trying to help a friend get a huthiq army! I have almost 100k, I'm not that rich. I wouldn't use it for selfish reasons, I would save some, help others with some, and save some for me to use. I'd get a costume, that I really want. Please take this into consideration. And the awesome poem I wrote. Think about the really sick doggie!! She wants you to give me the million mp!! Think about the doggie!

115 years, 8 months & 3 days ago 10th Jul 2009 09:05
Zara had a fun day ahead of her.She was going to bet he star of a major fashiom show."I'm so excited" she whispered to her sister sitting next to her in assembly. "Ok but can you be quiet" whispered her sister back
Finally the big day came slowly around everyone was busy getting ready including Zara. She called everyone together to give them the list of events of the day and they all set to work prepearing there outfits. Zara had a stunning pink velvet dress and another outfit for tha grand finaliy which was a stunning black strapless glittery dress."wow"breathed Tasha unable to speak Tash had been Zara's best friend ever since reception.
They all lined up ready to get out on the catwalk.
Once everyone had modelled there outfits up came the grand finaliy Zara led them out and they strutted down the catwalk Zara gave everyone a wave and photo's where taken at the end Zara gave a speech of thanks then walked back down the catwalk and thanked everyone then she got changed and went home and couldn't stop telling her family overall they raised loads of money for cancer research and everyone was really happy and proud of themselves.
115 years, 8 months & 3 days ago 10th Jul 2009 09:04
Bam. c:

I'm known as Quica and I'm writing from Europe; Portugal, to be more concrete.
You can find my personal data on my profile, to which I'll add that I adore the Internet world (and plan to work on it), animals and art (especially Digital Art and Photography).

I estimate to have been playing Marapets for around 2 years, with my old and long lost other account.
A little after it has been created, I went on hiatus and lost password, that I never was able to get back. :c Thus, I got a new account, the one you're seeing now, and I'm applying because 1 million would for sure help me rebuild.

I'm currently working to make my account stable and increase my pets; as well as saving up for a Dakota who I shall create in memory of a long lost dog I've had.

My time here is basically spent chatting and around my pets, as well improving my account.

Thanks for reading. n_n

115 years, 8 months & 3 days ago 10th Jul 2009 09:03
hi. I'm bagelgirl. I deserve your mp because I just started doing the temple, plus I'm saving up for a sparkle costume. With 1 million mp, I could complete the temple, and get my costume. That would make me happy. I like to be happy. I also like being rich. I only have 130k right now. I feel poor. That's because I just bought a zoosh potion, which is what I'm going to use my costume on. thanks for your time. bagelgirl
115 years, 8 months & 3 days ago 10th Jul 2009 09:00
  1. Second Million Giveaway
    1st Feb 2010 17:21
    15 years, 1 month & 11 days ago
  2. I'm Sorry People!!
    30th Oct 2009 18:18
    15 years, 4 months & 14 days ago
  3. Million Giveaway!
    10th Jul 2009 08:22
    15 years, 8 months & 3 days ago