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  1. Second Million Giveaway
    1st Feb 2010 17:21
    15 years, 1 month & 11 days ago
  2. I'm Sorry People!!
    30th Oct 2009 18:18
    15 years, 4 months & 14 days ago
  3. Million Giveaway!
    10th Jul 2009 08:22
    15 years, 8 months & 3 days ago
Million Giveaway!
15 years, 8 months & 3 days ago
10th Jul 2009 08:22

Hello people! I???m bored and love to do giveaways! I love doing big giveaways so I???m giving a million mp! Just write me an app, story or poem! But it must be at least ten sentences long! You can make multiple apps but they all must be ten sentences. Do not copy others! If I think you have I???ll kick you out of the contest! This contest will last two days! If you don???t win don???t worry! I have another million in the bank and I???ll do another giveaway soon! Have fun and good luck!
~~Don???t mm me you apps! I will not read them!~~

Hello my name is smiles333.I would really enjoy the million mp.I would use the million mp to my club.I would also give some to new people on marapets.Then I would buy some more clothes for me and other people.I would also like to buy potions.I would use some for spells.Then I would use some for Fashion Shows.I also do giveaways.I would keep some for my pet fund a fo a Goth Sindi.Then I'd use some for my Plushie Gallery.The last amount of the mp would be to adopt pets.Please consider letting me have the milliom mp.This is very kind of you.

please and thank you,

115 years, 8 months & 3 days ago 10th Jul 2009 08:46
Hi my name is koolkat02! If I got the million, I would put it towards one of dream pets, and I would use it to make more mp. I'm trying to get a chibs, anime quell, and a poera like your pet Brainy. Right now I have a poera potion, but i still need to buy a costume for her. I would also use the money to do a mission or a temple. I would also use to help my sister out because she has a really hard time making mp. I would help her get one of her dream pets too. This money will really help me out and if I got it I would not waste it. This is really kind of you to do this. Good luck picking someone, I know it will be really hard !
115 years, 8 months & 3 days ago 10th Jul 2009 08:39
umm can i do two poems?
Friends Are People
Who Accept You
For You
Remember To Let Them
Be Themselves Too
It's Not Always Easy
To Get Along
Even With Close Friends
Things Can Go Wrong
Now, Friendships Come
And, Friendships Go
But Always Remember
There's Some Part Of Each Friendship
You Can't Leave Behind...
The Past Is Behind us
We Try To Leave It There
The Future We Step Into
We Try To Go There
The Present Is Now
We Keep It Near And Dear
That's Why It's Called The Present
It's A Gift To Be Shared.
115 years, 8 months & 3 days ago 10th Jul 2009 08:33
My Dog
a poem by, ME!!

I have a dog named Bella.
She is around 2 years old.
She is very sick,
More serious then a cold.

Her brother loves her very much.
He whines when she is not near.
It's cute, but annoying,
Her not coming back is what he fears.

I love my dog very much, but she is really sick.
She doesn't have as much energy as she used to.
To make her feel better,
We do all we can do.
115 years, 8 months & 3 days ago 10th Jul 2009 08:33
  1. Second Million Giveaway
    1st Feb 2010 17:21
    15 years, 1 month & 11 days ago
  2. I'm Sorry People!!
    30th Oct 2009 18:18
    15 years, 4 months & 14 days ago
  3. Million Giveaway!
    10th Jul 2009 08:22
    15 years, 8 months & 3 days ago