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  1. Second Million Giveaway
    1st Feb 2010 17:21
    15 years, 1 month & 11 days ago
  2. I'm Sorry People!!
    30th Oct 2009 18:18
    15 years, 4 months & 14 days ago
  3. Million Giveaway!
    10th Jul 2009 08:22
    15 years, 8 months & 3 days ago
Million Giveaway!
15 years, 8 months & 3 days ago
10th Jul 2009 08:22

Hello people! I???m bored and love to do giveaways! I love doing big giveaways so I???m giving a million mp! Just write me an app, story or poem! But it must be at least ten sentences long! You can make multiple apps but they all must be ten sentences. Do not copy others! If I think you have I???ll kick you out of the contest! This contest will last two days! If you don???t win don???t worry! I have another million in the bank and I???ll do another giveaway soon! Have fun and good luck!
~~Don???t mm me you apps! I will not read them!~~

Hi I'm Ailey, and this is my app for 1 mil. mp.

This money will be going to my DPF. And I'm attemping to save big for cossies and trading and statting. My dream pet is an Eleka Tasi and I just think they are beautiful pets. I personally have never won a giveaway before so this would be my first. This would really boost up the savings that I have [600k] and it took me a while to get there. [Mostly speaking that I got all that from games.] So I am a hard-worker and try my best to reach goals that might take a while, which is why you see me applying.

Thanks for consedering.
GL everyone!

115 years, 8 months & 1 day ago 11th Jul 2009 21:32
Hello,I'm Zack, Dannie1128's cousin. I really hope you choose me for the million MP, 'cause I'm hoping to have a 400k give-away, and to give my cousin, dannie1128, and other friends/family members on mara X-mas/B-day presents.
I hope you choose me for the 1mil, and it's great to see such generous people here.(said the last part to make Danielle happy btw)
115 years, 8 months & 2 days ago 11th Jul 2009 18:38
hello im caitlin. i want the mp so i can complete blitzen. i currently am an level 19 of blitzen. after i complete this mission im going to help my sister get her dream pet.her dream pet it a vitto.anyway im getting sidetracked.oh ya so if you pick me i will do all this. also if you ever need mp i will help you out.ok 3 more sentences i hope you pick me or if you dont pick me pick my sister carissa. she cant aply because shes to young. good luck picking and good luck to all.
115 years, 8 months & 2 days ago 11th Jul 2009 18:07
wait only two more sentences.
i also need it to give a little to Karenarp one of my first friends on mara and to my friend taylor so she can get her pets out of prison.
115 years, 8 months & 2 days ago 11th Jul 2009 17:36
hello im sam.
i really need that mp.
i need it because i need money.
and the other reson, i told my bf that if i get over 1 million mp i would split it with him.
i could also use is in a nice way! like acept pet trades or aply for pet trades. i would love it if u gave it to me. thank you sam
115 years, 8 months & 2 days ago 11th Jul 2009 17:34
wernt we supposed to write a poem or song
115 years, 8 months & 2 days ago 11th Jul 2009 17:30
Hello... I am Kat.

I would love to be the winner of one million Mps (! The reason why is because i would like my pet: AubreyB to become an angel chibs.

The person she is named after is very sick....
i would like to make a pet in her honor.

This million marapoints would bring me one step closer.

I currently have one million already in the fund.. so only 37million to go!

please help me.

Good luck finder the winner!
115 years, 8 months & 2 days ago 11th Jul 2009 17:26
Hi thaaare!
My name is Carrie. [:
I am applying for you yummeh mp. Ermmm, well thats's pretty oblivious haha.
Well, I guess I could tell you a bit about myself to get this started (:
My name is Carrie, I am 14, and I am a marapets addict(:. I like to work hard on my pets to stat them up ^^ Especially my pet Kamaluna (:
And that's a little about me (:
Nao back to my app (:

I wish to own your mp (:
The reason? Eh, I think we all know (:

Or not...

I want this mp to pay a debt to my friend
I owe her a love lati, and I have been working extremely hard to get one for her.
But since those are hard to achieve, I am also trying to get a LE of an kind to trade off.
Any LE that I get would be statted to a cajillion and 1 stats so it could be worth a love lati.

This mp would mean alot t ome. I mean, have you SEEN the prices of enchanted LE plushies, and LE potions? They cost alooooooooot of mp.
So this million mp would be the best thing evaaaaar for my fund!

True, I could use this mp to just spend randomly on my friends, and get them a bunch of stuff they want and dream of having, but my debt to my other friend is something I can do much faster once I have this little boost of help.

I cooooooouuuullllldddd use my shiny credit card to buy a love lati potion, or any LE potion at that, but I've decided to go the logical route. I've decided to work for this. And I think that's what will trully matter in the end.

And may I say, you are verrry generous for doing this giveaway. (:
I'd do something like this, but
I don't have enough mp

But anyways... haha

This mp would help me alot.
And I hope you choose the right person to win this give-a-way

Thanks for the oppertunity!

Good Luck to All, and Congratz to whomever Wins!

115 years, 8 months & 2 days ago 11th Jul 2009 17:18
hey. i would really love the million mp because i'm saving up for my dream pet . : any type of chibs or mordo, but i heard it cost millions of mp. i've almost hit the one million mp mark, but this would would really help towards my goal. thanks so much for this opportunity. it so nice of you to give away so much mp that you worked so hard on. i would also donate part of it to my club. its just beginning and only has 5 members, so the owner's still working on the layout, newbie packs, and giveaways (to get more members) so this would really help too.

i'm not so good at poems, in fact, im not very good at english class at all , but here's my attempt at a haiku:

million mp
for my dream pet and my club
thanks so much newtums

that's pretty much the condensed version of my whole app. haha

anyways. thanks again. good luck to everyone who posted
115 years, 8 months & 2 days ago 11th Jul 2009 17:16
Hi Newtums! I really want one million mp cuz it will get me closer to my dream pet or dream item the love dress. My dream pet is any kind of lati. Also with the left overs i would use it to complete my pearl collection. Also I never really buy my friends things for their bday on marapets cuz i never have the money ^^;. This is really nice! Thank you for reading this. Please tell me if I win. Thank you very much
115 years, 8 months & 2 days ago 11th Jul 2009 17:05
  1. Second Million Giveaway
    1st Feb 2010 17:21
    15 years, 1 month & 11 days ago
  2. I'm Sorry People!!
    30th Oct 2009 18:18
    15 years, 4 months & 14 days ago
  3. Million Giveaway!
    10th Jul 2009 08:22
    15 years, 8 months & 3 days ago