Safe Haven Nominees: My Personal
10 years, 10 months & 16 days ago

27th Apr 2014 07:02
You can completely ignore this, I'm just trying to see which buttons I can push without getting zapped:
Okay, so I sat down and I thought long and hard about the single person that I would want to get an item....and I couldn't. Mainly because I'm conceited and I can't put myself

So here is going to be...The List. It's the list of people that have in some way shape or form, helped me out, or helped SOMEONE without expecting anything back. It's the same list that got swiped by Mara's City of Marada Update

I'll start of with so many people which is why I said this isn't even valid anymore xD
To begin with: Halestorm
I'd like to nominate a chick near and dear to my heart, Halestorm and maybe its because she has spunk, or rather its because I've seen her slave away for the club and not wanting anything back. She's a person who I can depend on, and someone I know if I ask for something, she'll say she'll do it. My go to chick. I'd nominate her for the Cancer Jacket

Cause she a viper who gets at your heart.

Secondly, I'd like to nominate a boy this time. Andy. Step on up. He's for simpler reasons but all the while still important. He's someone you can go to for a laugh. My go to guy when I need someone who's able to snap back. He's just...there, and sometimes, that's all you need. I'd nominate the...King Baspinar Male Costume cause he be overlooking us and junk

I'd like to nominate another chick. IHasUsername who we will not mention what her original username was

Wolfie, step on up. I'd like to nominate her because while she's not on club chat as much, shoot her an MM and she's THERE for you. She doesn't even care who you are or what you've done, she'll be worried and she KNOWS what to do when you have no idea yourself

I'm nominate Female Gemini Shoes because....anyone who tries to replace her as big shoes to fill

Normally in this sequence I'd move on to Heather but...
Up next is my Gummee Mumme SOUTHERN...KAMOO!!! She's the type of woman you can talk about anything and she got a snazzy comeback

She's the chick who does stuff for you, when you don't even ask her too. She puts a smile on my face whenever she's on and she's on A LOT. She's there to make the most inappropriate jokes but she'll also be the protector too

For that I'd nominate her for Libra Feathered Broach Top. Cause she can do all that and more

Christine's name should've dropped by sometime so I'll do it now

She's the type of woman who'll reply to you ANYTIME. She makes you feel special because no matter what she's doing she'll have time for you. I can talk about the WEATHER to her and be completely entertained. She's a star in my eyes so I'd nominate her for the Star Dress

Sassy's next in line for innuendo #1

She's ALWAYS there (even when you don't want her to be


She makes time for you like no tomorrow. Sometimes I wonder how crazy she can be but then I realize she hasn't even reached her limit. Props to you Sass

As I feel she's going to be an extravagant person, I'd nominate her for the Halloween Snowman Female Costume.
Sharlee is a girl who's been blowing up my feed with snaps lately, and man does that make a girl feel loved. She's my resident cat lover

And I've fallen for her "Pregnant as a teen" prank twice

She's up for anything really. And when she thinks nobody's looking, she's at her sweetest. Don't think I didn't see her send out 200k MP when she was broke to someone she thought who deserved it, or sniping auctions to gift a friend who wanted it. She just doesn't like the limelight

For that I'd give her the Biala Wig so people know what's up.
Mia is the chica who makes me laugh so hard I die inside. She's always there when you need a laugh and man can she suck the tension out of a room with a corny joke

She's the go with the flow chick that isn't fazed with anything you throw at her. And she's nice too

I see you trying to buy out people's shops and trying to send them back. We see you. You can't hide

Candy Wig to represent the sweetness xD
Becca...she's been one of the single most giving person on Mara. She's given me personally so much that I wouldn't even have the heart in me to give to someone if I had it. That's how you know someone's got a good heart. When they're willing to raise someone up, PAST themselves just to see them happy. She's helped others too. Total strangers, just by GIVING and not wanting anything back. Even if it is just a bunch of pixels, or kind words, she knows how to hit your heart. Angelic Top for someone's who been an angel to others.
Okay, I'm gonna have to wrap this up because I simply don't have enough room to name every single person who deserves something because frankly, everyone in this club does. I'm just naming people from my original list. I'm not gonna name certain people, Like Paige or Kally because then I'll be accused of favoritism. I would keep Mel out of it but I have valid reasons so I'm gonna mention her. I know I accuse her of being SO many horrible things and kind not one of them but she is also another kind-hearted one. She likes to pretend her generous moments are few but that's a lie. The minute you even MENTION needing help, she's there. Even if you mention it in passing like, ugh, my battling weapons are off, BANG, there's a Mad Scientist Gun in your inventory. She's just mega sweet like that. But Shh! I never said that. Angie for one is someone who's been introducing me to so many brand new things that I never even knew about. So props to her. Kinga has been in auction WARS for people she cares about xD Jenn? Where to BEGIN with that one? ALWAYS there, EVEN when she has problems of her own

Mouse? ALWAYS giving out of her own pocket. Steph? There when you need a talk. Clairey? Chris? Carly? Blink and BAM overload of kindness. Cj? Same deal. There's so many people I haven't named yet simply because I'm running out of time.
BASICALLY This isn't even about nominations anymore. It's me personally thanking virtually all the club members that have just, put a smile on someone's face, and I KNOW I'm omitting like 30 other people and I'm sorry, I literally am out of time.
It's to demonstrate how hard it is to pinpoint one person who deserves something, when all of them do. It's also to demonstrate my indecisiveness and why I never am allowed to choose anything, because I choose everything. I mean..I'm worth everything

I'd like to stop the conceit to thank everyone, even non club members for being amazing people because really, you need to hear it.