Safe Haven Cossie Giveaway (Deadline: Feb. 28th)

11 years, 1 month & 4 days ago
7th Feb 2014 17:00Hey guys! Our club Safe Haven is hosting another giveaway! One of our club members, Mouse (wubz), donated a Steampunk Costume to the club among other items and this one in particular is what's going to be the prize of this giveaway!
This won't be just any other giveaway though! It's going to be a contest! This is the criteria for applying:
-Script Contest-
It's going to be (as the title suggests) a script. You could write a scene that could be in a play format. It could be any genre you really want it to. You can do comedy or tragedy. You could do romance or drama. You could do all of what I listed and more.
1. Say who you are, (your name), even though I already know you guys.

2. Write one thing about yourself (Anything)
3. Have the script typed. Preferably in play format but ahh well, we'll consider the ones that aren't

(We're not evil!

4. Be gracious even if you don't get picked.
5. Put 'Blueberry' at the end of your script (or in it if you'd like

) to show that you read and are following the rules/criteria.
The deadline is February 28th! I'd like to see virtually everyone apply

A winner will be announced the following day or two depending on circumstances.
And as always:
May the odds be ever in your favor!