Team Miss.NomNom-Kins Club War 2.0 War Count

10 years, 4 months & 24 days ago
20th Oct 2014 13:11Here we are folks!
Part two of the club storyline war!

The prizes are:
1.) A Ghost Zoink Potion + The LE Pet and minipet in question!!!
2.) Two Skeleton Kidlet Potions!!
3.) Male & Female Ghost Captain Costumes!
Our side has to set up a trade with photos and notify Gummee (SouthernKamo) of the trade so she can collect it!
This is so we can replenish our club swap page:
Using the conversion below, we will be able to determine your WP count.
1-100MP = 10 WP
101-1,000MP = 100 WP
1,001-10,000 = 1,000 WP
10,001-20,000 = 2,000 wp
20,001-30,000 = 3,000 WP
30,001-40,000 = 4,000 WP
40,001-50,000 = 5,000 WP
50,001-60,000 = 6,000 WP
60,001-70,000 = 7,000 WP
70,001-80,000 = 8,000 WP
80,001-90,000 = 9,000 WP
90,001-100,000 = 10,000 WP
UB Items: 100k
(Basically for it to work with the MP to WP conversions, you would take the S.S. value of it, round it to the nearest 10,000, and basically just divide by 10.
Since the MP Donation calcualation is 10 MP = 1 WP,
You know where I'm going with this,
So 227k MP would be rounded to 230k and then divided by 10 to get 23k WP)
The other ways to earn war point are by:
1.) Winning a Quiz - 50 WP
2.) Boosting the Club Topic (Only once per day) - 500 WP
3.) Donating MP to the club going by the conversion of 10 MP = 1 WP
(If donating MP, try to MM your co-captain about the amount you donated just to be safe that you are accounted for)
4.) Post Counts: Every 10 Post Counts is 1 WP, We'll get the difference to figure out your WP
Get Cracking Folks!
It will be:
Nickname/Username - WP Amount/Post Count Prior to Club War/Post Count After
Team Members:Team Captain - Wolfie/IHasUsername - 0 WP/1,468 Posts/1,468 Posts
Team Co-Captain - Dyu/Dyuthi - 15 WP/11,557 Posts/11,707 Posts
Heather/MehUnicornSaysRawr - 1 WP/6,034 Posts/6,041 Posts
Angus/Angie/AngieMae - 524 WP/5,200 Posts/5,444 Posts
Kinga/kiki652 - 362,005 WP/2,661 Posts/2,714 Posts
Andy/gase456 - 10,502 WP/1,762 Posts/1,781 Posts
Alisha/Forkastic - 266,000 WP/92 Posts/92 Posts
Mags/Ria - 5 WP/141 Posts/188 Posts
Sassy/sassygrl93731174 - 73 WP/11,952 Posts/12,181 Posts
Becca/DarkRainbowBanana - 0 WP/312 Posts/312
Mouse/wubz - 2 WP/545 Posts/560
Team Total - 639,127 WP [Last Updated: November 1st 04:58:27 MST]