Band Camp Instruments to Trade.
5 years, 8 months & 14 days ago

1st Jul 2019 01:32
Looking for:
Elegant Band Camp Cymbals x1
To Trade:
Band Camp Clarinet x9
Band Camp Drum x8
Band Camp Electric Guitar x5
Band Camp Keyboard x7
Band Camp Lute x3
Band Camp Maracas x2
Band Camp Recorder x6
Band Camp Saxophone x1
Band Camp Triangle x2
Band Camp Trumpet x1
Band Camp Tuba x10
Band Camp Violin x5
Bronze Band Camp Guitar x2
Elegant Band Camp Tambourine x1
Gold Band Camp Guitar x19
Silver Band Camp Guitar x19
Also Willing to trade for:
Book of Sheet Music x2
Starting Up and First Goals.
7 years, 8 months & 2 days ago

12th Jul 2017 04:51
Hi , I\'m
Akrylic. I am new, even though my account may not say so! I have no recollection of making this account other than the username. I recently received an email from Marapets and tried logging in. Well, here I am!
I managed to contact support so my account could once again use all the features and started to look around. Being a longtime player of I figured I\'d take a quick look and be bored (this happened the last time I logged into Neo) Though this site is pretty different and I have found myself wanting to do more and more.
Which takes me onto my first set of goals.
Restocking - I wish to learn a little about restocking on Marapets. It\'s something I always enjoyed doing on other sites. I have had a play around a little though learning which items/shops to go for is pretty high on my list.
Pets I wish to look into how I want them to look. I also want to look into limited pets.
Currency From being gone since making the account I got a nice sum from the King once my account was set back up. This is a nice start. I would like to get to 5 million MP. 500k BP and 100k RP.
Doll Well, I don\'t want her to be in rags forever. I will come up with an idea on how to make her look and maybe start buying up some nice items.
Collections Deck - 25
Nest - 10
Plushie - 50
Stamp - 50
If anyone has any hints, tips or just fancies a chat that would be awesome.

I\'d love to find a Club to join and get a sense of the community here.