Starting Up and First Goals.

7 years, 8 months & 2 days ago
12th Jul 2017 04:51Hi , I\'m . I am new, even though my account may not say so! I have no recollection of making this account other than the username. I recently received an email from Marapets and tried logging in. Well, here I am!
I managed to contact support so my account could once again use all the features and started to look around. Being a longtime player of I figured I\'d take a quick look and be bored (this happened the last time I logged into Neo) Though this site is pretty different and I have found myself wanting to do more and more.
Which takes me onto my first set of goals.
Restocking - I wish to learn a little about restocking on Marapets. It\'s something I always enjoyed doing on other sites. I have had a play around a little though learning which items/shops to go for is pretty high on my list.
Pets I wish to look into how I want them to look. I also want to look into limited pets.
Currency From being gone since making the account I got a nice sum from the King once my account was set back up. This is a nice start. I would like to get to 5 million MP. 500k BP and 100k RP.
Doll Well, I don\'t want her to be in rags forever. I will come up with an idea on how to make her look and maybe start buying up some nice items.
Collections Deck - 25
Nest - 10
Plushie - 50
Stamp - 50
If anyone has any hints, tips or just fancies a chat that would be awesome.

I\'d love to find a Club to join and get a sense of the community here.