New member.. kinda.
14 years, 5 months & 25 days ago

20th Sep 2010 18:25
Hey there! Iam BreeLiz, but my real name is Emily, so you can use that if you prefer. I had an account that wasnt mine before, but it was my friends, and whenever I wanted to, I went on it. I learnt things, so no, I am not a newb, so dont think of calling me that. I know enough about the game. Soo, my goals. Well, I want to change Anaelle.x to a limited edition, not shure what though yet. Shes probably going to be my only pet, that may change though. ( its nothing new though, hey? A new account wanting a LE? ) Yeeahh, so now meee. I am seventeen and I am a dancerr. I love it with all my heart! Its my passion.
If anyonee actually reads this, since now marapets has changed ( i think not for the better ) and you wanna becomee friends, then i lovee to get 'em! Unless you have made me mad, yeah, dont expect me to talk to you.
Alrighty, well thanks for reading.