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  1. New member.. kinda.
    20th Sep 2010 18:25
    14 years, 5 months & 25 days ago
New member.. kinda.
14 years, 5 months & 25 days ago
20th Sep 2010 18:25

Hey there! Iam BreeLiz, but my real name is Emily, so you can use that if you prefer. I had an account that wasnt mine before, but it was my friends, and whenever I wanted to, I went on it. I learnt things, so no, I am not a newb, so dont think of calling me that. I know enough about the game. Soo, my goals. Well, I want to change Anaelle.x to a limited edition, not shure what though yet. Shes probably going to be my only pet, that may change though. ( its nothing new though, hey? A new account wanting a LE? ) Yeeahh, so now meee. I am seventeen and I am a dancerr. I love it with all my heart! Its my passion.

If anyonee actually reads this, since now marapets has changed ( i think not for the better ) and you wanna becomee friends, then i lovee to get 'em! Unless you have made me mad, yeah, dont expect me to talk to you.

Alrighty, well thanks for reading.

  1. New member.. kinda.
    20th Sep 2010 18:25
    14 years, 5 months & 25 days ago