My Pets

14 years, 9 months & 18 days ago
26th May 2010 12:05Unless my pets are actually in trades, they aren't for trade. Expecially Zoltan, Torak and Echoes.
Anyway, here's a bit about all of my pets
Cosine- Named after the trigonometry formula, I thought it was a pretty nice name. I plan to make him some kind of LE, not sure which.
Defector- His name matches his costume pretty much. He's one of my dream pets too- and he took around 19 DNAs to turn mutant :S .
Dementedthing- My first pet, created at first as a green ushunda- made a poera with the potion I got from the second time I finished Tarquin. I know his name's a bit dodgy... I might rename him if I ever get the money. No wait, I have the money, it's just I hate spending :3
Echoes- My third pet. Named after two of my favourite songs- Echoes by Pink Floyd, and Camel. I originally adopted him from the pound, as Speedk, and I renamed him. (I cared that much about a non le pet who at that time had 70 books O.o) 150+ books

Gavinor- The first of my Enpiah huthiqs. I love those things
Renzel- Traded for him, like I did for Gavinor. I offered a b/n quell and all...
Tasukiflame- Named after a character in a book, and the word flame. I don't really like his name, so he's first in line for renaming, Aargh, why don't I ever feel like I've got enough for things like that >>
He is nice and statty though, and he was the first elf ushunda on mara. I love those things.
Torak- Named after the evil god who died, in the belgariad series of books. He was my favourite character too, why did he have to die in such a cruel way? Anyway, I potioned him, and he's staying on this account FOREVAAR. Yeah, you could offer a rofling and all and it'd still be no trade.
Zoltan- It took me a long while to get this pet name... a long, long while. I had to offer a pixie troit, but Zol's worth wayy much more to me then that. Not telling you why though

Chalke- S'anice name huh? Anyway, he's a sindi, a rotten one. As much as i like him like that... I want a gothic one. Or i might trade, yeah.
Andyra- instrumentssssssssss. but she's leaving my account as soon as i finish the troll. Hoping to trade for summit nice.
Hundred- He was a gift. a gift with a groovy name. and it's another huthiq. With a weeeird mermaid tail thingy.