???ose:// Introducing: Neighbours
11 years, 1 month & 11 days ago

2nd Feb 2014 02:02
Terrible pun. I know xD
As it's the Year of the Horse, what better time to introduce a new pixel adoptable I'll be offering ^_^
The base is by PinkCaribou of Deviantart, but the shading is done pixel by pixel by myself, as well as quite a bit of editing of the hair lines.
To start with, I'm going to offer 5 slots for flat coloured customs (i.e you choose the body & hair colours, no patterns) for 15k each. After this, I'll work with more patterns and slowly introduce new themes. These will sell in a similar manner to my Mixies and each will be individual, so there will be no duplicates.
The examples are also for sale
Anyways, if you're still with me I have for you the first few examples of Plain Neighbours:
Form for Customs:
Body Colour:
Eye Colour:
Hair 1 Colour:
Hair 2 Colour:
Custom spaces remaining:
???ose:// Nyan Worm Trade Event
11 years, 1 month & 16 days ago

28th Jan 2014 17:38
Okay. Due to the lack of BB code I'm unable to release more Nyans until it returns. However, as a special treat, for the next 15 days, it will be possible to use worms (yes worms) to purchase the existing Nyans(not redeemable for the Special+ Nyan purchase).
By sending me worms or putting some in trades, you will be able to receive one Nyan per worm. You will have the regular chance of receiving a Special, Rare or Ultra Rare Nyan in your pick as well.
Common Nyans:
Special+ Nyans:
1. Send/create trade with worms.
2. Send me a maramail with which type/s of Nyan you would like (Wild, Gentleman etc.) and how many of each.
3. I will randomly generate (using random.org) which Nyan you receive from the theme you chose and send you the links
If you have any confusion, don't be afraid to maratalk or maramail me ^_^
People who have participated:
shimla (3)
Kanga_ (2)
PhoebexD (28)
lillyluni (3)
magada29 (13)
angieprincess13 (14)
longtime (33)
eggy222 (28)
koochicoo1177 (3)
MehUnicornSaysRawr (2)
Erinnyes (10)
Total number of participants: 11
Total number of worms: 138