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  1. ~*~ Pet Wishlist ~*~
    13th May 2019 06:53
    5 years, 10 months & 2 days ago
  2. [OPEN] Art Commissions
    23rd Mar 2019 03:18
    5 years, 11 months & 22 days ago
  3. ???ose:// Nyan Worm Trade Event 2015
    25th Apr 2015 03:31
    9 years, 10 months & 20 days ago
  4. ~*~ My Goals ~*~
    20th Mar 2015 23:08
    9 years, 11 months & 25 days ago
  5. ???ose:// Special, Rare & Ultra Rare Nyans List //
    21st Jul 2014 08:38
    10 years, 7 months & 25 days ago
  6. ???ose:// Complete List of Available Nyans // UPDATE
    21st Jul 2014 08:00
    10 years, 7 months & 25 days ago
  7. ???ose:// Neighbours // UPDATE
    20th Feb 2014 04:14
    11 years & 24 days ago
  8. Heiroglyphics I need:
    6th Feb 2014 02:03
    11 years, 1 month & 7 days ago
  9. ???ose:// Introducing: Neighbours
    2nd Feb 2014 02:02
    11 years, 1 month & 11 days ago
  10. ???ose:// Nyan Worm Trade Event
    28th Jan 2014 17:38
    11 years, 1 month & 16 days ago
Valentine's Story for EternalV0id (copy for me)
14 years & 30 days ago
15th Feb 2011 04:49

His hair swished and flailed in the slight breeze. His hooves glittered like polished metal in the dull light of the room. A black and white film played in front of them as she took in every detail of the new student in her biology class.
"Mickey...", she heard herself whisper.

"Now remember to read up on mitosis tonight ready for your test tomorrow, pages 16-20." she heard the droning voice of her teacher say.

Poor guy, he just started at this school anmd already has to experience one of Mr. Mowie's Cell Replication tests.

As she gathered her books, she gazed down at her notepad. Oh no. She'd been doodling again. Sketches of hearts surrounded a deeply etched 'Aquanena & Mickey forever'. She tore off the page of scrap paper and scrunched it with all her might. It would have earned her three points in basketball if she had been shooting it through a hoop instead of into a bin. She stepped out into what resembled a crazy stampede of antelope fleeing to their next class before the over-excited hall monitors gave them detention slips for skipping class.

She switched her aged biology textbooks for clean sketch pads as she headed to her art lesson. If she had been ten seconds later she wouldn't have had the opportunity to flee from the monitors as they claimed their next victims. Her padded stool melted to her shape as she took her place at the very back corner of the room. The breeze through the open window and the gardens beyond the dilapidated walls of the school helped to inspire her artwork every time she needed help, and even her least favourite day of the year couldn't hold her back.

"Today class," Miss Ortis said a little too cheerfully "I want you to produce an artwork that represents some part of Valentine's Day."
Great. She was hoping that this would be one lesson she could remove the whole notion out of her head.
"It can be any aspect of the holiday, as long as it shows some form of the affection shared."
Vomitworthy much?

She looked out the window constantly throughout the lesson with nothing on her mind. What the heck was she going to draw regarding her most hated holiday of the year. She glanced around the room at everybody else's art. Her eyes rolled in their sockets as she saw images of teddy bears bearing soppy messages and hearts with images of interlocked hands inside them. None which even began to inspire her. She glanced at her pad. A detailed image of a handsome Fairy Gonk gazed adoringly back at her. Great. She'd been drawing without noticing again. She decided it needed colour so she finished it off and placed it back under her pencilcase after signing it with her initials. The next half hour was spent staring at the blank page before her until Miss Ortis began to dismiss them.

"These artworks need to be handed in by Friday so that they are ready for the display we're doing in the hallway"
You have got to be kidding me... Great. Right where everybody can see. Guess that rules out any ideas of dampening the Valentines spirit. Darn it!
She snatched up her books and pencilcase and got out of there as soon as she could. It wasn't until later she realised what she'd forgotten.

A week passed and she grew more and more distracted during her biology lessons. She had been placed in the same group as Mickey many times now and managed to steal a smile and a glance from his big, deep, azure eyes. She had continued to fall deeper and deeper into her imagination as she gazed at his long, whispy strands of cottoncandy pink hair. She was in deep.

By the time she arrived at school on the 14th of February, she was beginning to see the joy in Valentine's Day. It was a bright, cheery atmosphere with red and pink streamers filling the hallways with curvy hearts attached to the inside of almost every locker. She half expected what she saw when she opened her locker; her art supplies piled neatly next to the mess that was her exercise and textbooks. It was then she remembered her Art assignment.

Aww no, Miss Otis is going to sacrifice me to the detention masters for sure!
She sprinted down the corridors and reached the office door. She was about to turn the knob when a lion-eyed Hall Monitor handed her a detention slip.
"Just what do you think you're doing Miss Rose?"
"Aww come on Willow, I'm trying to speak to my teacher"
"Can't linger around the halls without a Hall Pass"
"Really? And they say Valentine's Day is a day of peace"
"Not even rulebreakers get that much luck Q"
Willow had left her holding the pink slip. Great. Now, on top of her being in trouble for not handing in her art assignment, she'd have to explain why she would be late home from school that night.

She knocked on the door and heard the familiar welcoming voice she always heard when she visited Miss Otis's office. As she entered, the regular bold tones of vivid red and deep purple filled her irises.
"Ah, Miss Rose, how can I help you today?"
"I came to talk to you about my art assignment"
"Of course, it was a beautiful piece you entered. Really captured the essence of true admiration."
"Yes, well I'm sorry that I didn't pass one in but...Wait. what did you just say?"
"Your drawing illustrated the nature of true heartfelt emotion."
"I didn't enter a drawing..."
"So you're telling me that the drawing of the most beautiful gonk which is the finest i've ever seen from one of my pupils is not yours?"
"The fairy one?"
"The very same"
"I...You...Where is it?"
"In the hallway with the rest of the works"
She had never ran so fast in her life. Willow tried to stop her in the corridor to hit her with another detention, but nothing could stand between her and that drawing.

It was too late. There he stood gazing at the cartridge paper like it was a mirror. She approached gently and quietly, bracing herself for the big confusion. All she got was a casual,
"Hey Aqua"
"Hey Mick, how's it been today"
"Just another Single's Awareness Day to me"
"No kidding"
"The display is pretty good compared to my last school's attempt"
"Really? It seems pretty plain to me"
"It is, I guess, but one kinda changes it all"
"Which one" She asked, though she already knew the answer
"This one" he said, his hoof lightly brushing the signature of her drawing.
"Looks pretty rough to me"
"That's what I like about it. The artist hasn't fussed over details. She just drew what she felt"

Months Later...

Aquanena walked along the hallway as she had months before. But one thing was different, one thing had changed.
Who would have guessed that her least favourite day of the year could have brought her such luck. After her conversation with Mickey the rest of the day blurred. She listened to the dictations given to her during her English lesson, but it didn't really hit the top of her mind. As she was about to dropp off her unnecessary books at her locker, she noticed something a little odd.

Heart confetti was in a small patch beneath the foot of her locker. She braced herself for what was inside, but was relieved to find a simple, single red rose in a glas of water. Attached was a note. All the information it held was enough to convince her. And as she gripped his hoof even tighter than before, the words replayed in her mind...
"It wouldn't matter to me if you showed up on a date with messy hair and dirty clothes. No matter what state you're in, you'll always be my rough drawing <3"

World of War ~ Chapter I
16 years, 3 months & 16 days ago
28th Nov 2008 01:57

As she stumbled through the horror-struck streets avoiding the chaos of other people in the same situation as herself, Ori felt hot, salty tears stream down her filthy cheek and she was supported by only her parents??? grip. Her feet, bare and bruised had become numb hours before and the sound of the first blast still rang in her ears. Only five years into her life and she was forced into this cruel, dark world of peril.

In only four days her world had transformed before her eyes from a sanctuary away from the terrors of the war in the rest in the country into a war-zone. Her parents were covered in cuts and injuries head-to-toe and had to put their whole heart into supporting her. She had left all her remaining belongings back at her home and was lucky to escape when a bomb hit as they fled. Her grandmother was the unlucky one and Ori still remembered the shock on her face as they left her at the doorway.

She could hear explosions of land mines going off in every direction and the air was clouded with dust and debris. She could feel the broken wood beneath her feet as she regained the feeling in her toes and sharp pain sliced into her soles as needles of wood embedded themselves into her flesh. She limped to avoid causing more pain and when her mother noticed her flinching, she lifted her up and carried her close to her heart. The pain was there, but with Ori in her arms, she fought the acid flowing through her arms and forced herself to keep going.

As they approached the bomb shelter, Ori was placed back onto the ground to allow her to walk around before being cramped in a tiny shelter. The shelter was filthy, like the streets, but it was all that the people could rely on. Ori struggled over to a stack of grain sacks and sat herself upon them. They were quite hard and uncomfortable, but she didn???t complain, as her bed at home was no better. She rested her trembling legs on the sacks and tried to take her mind off of the situation at hand. Ori???s mind became a blur between dream and reality as she pictured her last birthday cake, a panda with candles streaming out like bamboo. She continued picturing herself blowing the exquisite candles out but instead of dimming, they blew up in her face. She awoke from this memory when she heard a land mine explode outside. She looked around the shelter but was confused to not see her parents??? faces anywhere. Ori jumped up and streamed to the exit of the bomb shelter.

Outside white dust clouded the air and sunlight beamed down dazzling her eyes. As the dust settled, she saw two bodies on the barely-recognisable pavement. She straddled over to them and felt her heart suffer the second her eyes interpreted the two people before her. He held them in her arms and refused to leave their bodies until they would get up and take her home; but Ori knew in her heart if she waited for that moment, she???d be here forever. A few of her parents??? friends had pursued Ori as she fled the shelter and took her in their arms. ???It???s okay my child, ??? they said, ???Athena and Marcolus are gone; but their spirit lives on within you.???
And they were right. After two years of hiding in underground networks to survive the world at war, Ori???s leg had healed and her determination had developed her to become more and more like her parents.

*~My OLD Goals ~*
17 years & 27 days ago
18th Feb 2008 13:02

My pet goals:
Recostume Aranyos (X)
Turn Krizzo Chibs (X)
Rename Krizzo (X) ~ now Dacquiri
Love Xoi (X)
Zombie Peora (X)
I.F.Dakota ( )
Fairy Chibs (X)
A ghost bolimo (X), gonk (X)and fasoro (X). (Mubser and Chia and WorldsBestSmile)
Firefairy Yuni ( )
Male Icefairy Fasoro (X)
Female Icefairy Fasoro (X)
Punk Tantua (X)
Love Lati (X)
Three high LEs (X)

My other goals:

50,000 mp (X)
100,000mp (X)
150,000mp (X)
200,000mp (X)
250,000mp (X)
300,000mp (X)
350,000mp (X)
400,000mp (X)
450,000mp (X)
500,000mp (X)
1,000,000mp (X)
3,000,000mp (X)
4,000,000mp (X)
9,000,000mp (X)
50,000rp (X)
80,000rp (X)
100,000rp (X)
150,000rp (X)
50,000bp (X)
100,000bp (X)
Vampire Costume ( )
Win any pet giveaway (X)
Win an LE giveaway(X)
Advanced Roleplaying board (X)
12 months forum (X)
Make 100,000mp off of graphics(X)
Make 200,000mp off graphics (X)
Make 500,000 off graphics (X)

  1. ~*~ Pet Wishlist ~*~
    13th May 2019 06:53
    5 years, 10 months & 2 days ago
  2. [OPEN] Art Commissions
    23rd Mar 2019 03:18
    5 years, 11 months & 22 days ago
  3. ???ose:// Nyan Worm Trade Event 2015
    25th Apr 2015 03:31
    9 years, 10 months & 20 days ago
  4. ~*~ My Goals ~*~
    20th Mar 2015 23:08
    9 years, 11 months & 25 days ago
  5. ???ose:// Special, Rare & Ultra Rare Nyans List //
    21st Jul 2014 08:38
    10 years, 7 months & 25 days ago
  6. ???ose:// Complete List of Available Nyans // UPDATE
    21st Jul 2014 08:00
    10 years, 7 months & 25 days ago
  7. ???ose:// Neighbours // UPDATE
    20th Feb 2014 04:14
    11 years & 24 days ago
  8. Heiroglyphics I need:
    6th Feb 2014 02:03
    11 years, 1 month & 7 days ago
  9. ???ose:// Introducing: Neighbours
    2nd Feb 2014 02:02
    11 years, 1 month & 11 days ago
  10. ???ose:// Nyan Worm Trade Event
    28th Jan 2014 17:38
    11 years, 1 month & 16 days ago