New Roleplay Characters
13 years, 5 months & 14 days ago

30th Sep 2011 18:34
These are the new characters who I will be trying out in roleplays I create or join.
Jack is eighteen years old. He has black hair and dark blue eyes. He is tall for his age and has a good build. He is quarterback on the football team. He also tends to get lead roles in the plays. He gets good grades, even with being both quarterback and getting the lead roles.
Paul is eighteen years old. He has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. He is slightly shorter than Jack but still has a good build. Even though he doesn't play on the football team, he still goes to the games to support Jack. Like Jack, he is an actor, but prefers to stay in the supporting roles. Jack is silent unless he's with Jack. Jack is the only person he will ever talk to, unless the person is a teacher.
Show Business Roleplay
13 years, 5 months & 15 days ago

29th Sep 2011 15:26
1. Be original with your characters please. I don't want to see any characters that are based off of an anime/manga, movie, book, or T.V. show.
2. You may play two charactes max.
3. No god-modding.
4. Your character must be talented in at least two of the following: singing, dancing, or acting.
5. Romance and violence are allowed, provided it stays PG-13.
In Australia, a handful of about eight of ten young adults/older teens are trying to find a way for their talents to be known. The problem with this is that they are all competing against each other and nobody is interested in single performers. When the group of them decide to get together and form a troupe, everything changes. They do end up getting a deal to perform. And they think things couldn't be going better. But they start fighting again. These fights involve the songs/routines to perform, who will be performing the songs/routines, and who will represent the group when it comes to interviews that are not including of the whole group. They have no idea what went wrong. All they know is that they should try to stop fighting and work together again in order to finally become world-wide known superstars. Do they have what it takes?
There is no form. Just post an intro paragraph to join.
R.I.P. Luke
14 years & 1 day ago

15th Mar 2011 18:33
Luke, thank you for being such a good friend to me. I always felt happy when you were around. You always found a way to brighten my spirits. Luke, I miss you so much. I will miss hearing your voice just saying, "Hey," to everybody who walked across your path. I will miss your personality and just how friendly you were to everyone.
R.I.P. Luke, my sweet friend
Luke lived to be eighteen years of age. He died on March 11, 2011.
1X1 with ParamoreLover13
14 years, 5 months & 6 days ago

8th Oct 2010 17:27
Just a basic Gifted RP.
My characters will be posted asap.