Show Business Roleplay

13 years, 5 months & 15 days ago
29th Sep 2011 15:26RULES:
1. Be original with your characters please. I don't want to see any characters that are based off of an anime/manga, movie, book, or T.V. show.
2. You may play two charactes max.
3. No god-modding.
4. Your character must be talented in at least two of the following: singing, dancing, or acting.
5. Romance and violence are allowed, provided it stays PG-13.
In Australia, a handful of about eight of ten young adults/older teens are trying to find a way for their talents to be known. The problem with this is that they are all competing against each other and nobody is interested in single performers. When the group of them decide to get together and form a troupe, everything changes. They do end up getting a deal to perform. And they think things couldn't be going better. But they start fighting again. These fights involve the songs/routines to perform, who will be performing the songs/routines, and who will represent the group when it comes to interviews that are not including of the whole group. They have no idea what went wrong. All they know is that they should try to stop fighting and work together again in order to finally become world-wide known superstars. Do they have what it takes?
There is no form. Just post an intro paragraph to join.