My Dream Pet!
16 years, 5 months & 7 days ago

9th Oct 2008 19:45
My dream pet is a Starry Viotto, but a Viotto of any kind is fine. If you would like to help me then just buy stuff from my shop or just donate some money to me. Thanks guys! If you donate something, I will put your name here.
16 years, 5 months & 13 days ago

4th Oct 2008 18:26
l------l Put this on your blog
l------l if you have ever pushed
l----ol a door that said pull!
Making club logos!
16 years, 6 months & 2 days ago

14th Sep 2008 11:06
I will make you a club logo! However, my services are not free. I require a small fee of 10k, but I will then perfect it as much as you wish. Just MM me to get a logo.
Lending out Balls of Yarn
16 years, 6 months & 3 days ago

12th Sep 2008 20:45
I am lending out all the balls of yarn for quests and missions and anything else you need them for. I know you need them for level 7 of Minipet Island quest.
I require a fee for borrowing my balls of yarn. It can be whatever you want, but if I don't think it is good enough, like something that is 1 MP, then I will reject it.
Lending out Pets!
16 years, 6 months & 6 days ago

10th Sep 2008 15:50
I will lend out one of my pets at a time for up to 10 minutes. However, you will have to pay a small fee of a one dukka coin.
Currently Thundermanti is in the temple, so he is not available right now.
What pets you need for goals:
Toddler (MrReesey10): Minipet Island Goals
TheCoolYakubi: Biala goals