I am lending out all the balls of yarn for quests and missions and anything else you need them for. I know you need them for level 7 of Minipet Island quest.
I require a fee for borrowing my balls of yarn. It can be whatever you want, but if I don't think it is good enough, like something that is 1 MP, then I will reject it.
i will need em soon lolz
116 years, 5 months & 12 days ago 5th Oct 2008 18:07
i only need five of the yarn types though i bought the rest; i need- radioactive, gold, silver, bronze and digital yarn. ill return them as soon as i have the quest completed.
116 years, 6 months & 1 day ago 15th Sep 2008 12:51
hiya i have made an offer on the trade, and ill send them back to you, thats if you accept my offer though.
116 years, 6 months & 1 day ago 15th Sep 2008 12:33