Individual lending of balls of yarn
16 years, 3 months & 3 days ago

13th Dec 2008 01:50
Under 1k on SS (these can be borrowed)
2k up to 3k
orange 150 to borrow individually
3k up to 5k
green 250 to borrow individually
yellow 350 to borrow individually
5k up to 10k
radioactive 1000 to borrow individually
blue 1000 to borrow individually
purple 600 to borrow individually
pink 1000 to borrow individually
10k to 20k
red 1500 to borrow individually
20k up to 30k
gold 2500 to borrow individually
30k up to 40k
bronze 3500 to borrow individually
silver 4000 to borrow individually
Digital 5000 to borrow individually
The ball/balls of individual yarn will be put in a trade when requested and then they can either be traded back with the item you traded with or sent back via 'send an item'
Due to a warning of people scamming lenders, these are my rules:
You Must:
1. actually be on the goal the needs the yarn.
2. maramail me to let me know you are interested. if you have an account that can't maramail, then I can't lend to you. sorry.
3. agree to return the items in 10 minutes.
4. Collateral in the form of similar value on SS of another item may be required for the lend of bronze, silver, gold and digital yarns which will be returned via trades on the return of the yarn.
5. have an account that shows some experience on mara. If you have an almost-new account or one that hasn't been used much, I reserve the right to ask for collateral to ensure the safety of my items.
MM if interested.