Yarn Lending

16 years, 3 months & 4 days ago
12th Dec 2008 10:08I'm lending all 16 balls of yarn for mini pet island goal.The yarns will be split into two trades.... the first trade will cost 20k and a junk item.The second one will cost only 1mp but i must have items offered as close to value as possible for the replacement of the digital yarn at least(this is negotiable at my discretion).
When completed the yarns MUST go back into the trades and all items will be returned safely.
these are my rules:
You Must:
1. actually be on the goal the needs the yarn.
2. maramail me to let me know you are interested. if you have an account that can't maramail, then I can't lend to you. sorry.
3. agree to return the items in 10 minutes.
4. have an account that shows some experience on mara. If you have an almost-new account or one that hasn't been used much, I reserve the right to ask for collateral to ensure the safety of my items.
MM if interested.