Misadventure News!
June 15, 2015
As you all can see, Misadventure is not as active as it once was. Trust and believe that Sammi and I are doing everything in our power to fix that. We have gotten rid of all of our inactive members so our number of members has slimmed down tremendously. Within the next few weeks we have some plans of re-doing the club layout, bringing in new members and staff that will help us to keep Misadventure up and running! Thank you for being patient with us.
May 24th, 2015
New events will be up and running when we regain our activity. Also I am looking for staff to help run things when I am gone or busy. If interested please send me a mm with how you can contribute to the club, along with your experience with helping running past clubs.
May 23rd, 2015
I would like to apologize for my lack of activity here at Misadventure. Im going to make some improvements around here to get us up back and running <3 thanks to all who have stayed
April 19, 2015
Today is thw last day to enter out 50/50 raffle, just simply buy lush lake tickets that are in the club shop for 1.5k,
April 14, 2015
I am very excited to announce the newest game to our club, the Prize Machine! Check out the 'Games' tab for details on how to play in hopes to win some cool items!
April 13, 2015
Congratulations to the winner of our post contest. Olivia!!! You will be sent your mp Prize of 50k, Second place goes to Abbey and third to DJ, our next post contest will be announced soon, and our prize machine is going to be released soon, as-well as more events, games ect, ALSO dont forget to buy Raffle tickets for our 50/50 raffle, and enter our FASHION SHOW, WE ONLY HAVE 2 ENTRIES.
April 11, 2015
Our first post contest will end tomorrow winners will be announced Monday Evening, so get as many posts while you can!
April 9, 2015
Our new fashion show has officially started! Submissions will be taken until the 19th of every month and voting lasts until the 30th. Get your submission in for your change to win some great prizes!
April 5, 2015
Today Will start our first Event here at Misadventure c: INTRODUCING, Our 50/50 Raffle!!! All you have to do is buy Lush lake tickets for 1.500 mp in our club shop and mail Sammi or Ari how many you have bought. Then you will be entered for the raffle! Whatever money that is raised, half will stay in the club till, and the other half will be given to the winner of the raffle, the raffle will end April 19th, if any questions, please feel free to mail me.
April 3, 2015
We will have our first post contest starting on Monday April 6th and will end on Sunday April 12th Whoever post the most posts during this time frame will win a MP Prize of 50k!
ALSO Ari and I are taking requests on how we can improve the club, this can be games you would like to see, or things you dont like about the club, I will be adding alot more events, and games to play within the club within this week aswell c:
March 15, 2015
I just added details about our new monthly fashion show! Be sure to check out the 'Monthlies' tab and enter yourself into this months fashion show which will be ending on April 1st.
March 15, 2015
I just ADDED a monthly quiz! look on the monthly quiz page to learn more!
March 13, 2015
I'm so glad that we are expanding so quickly!ew events and games are coming REALLY Soon, also our first spam night is Tomorrow night, and if any of you guys have any suggestions for the club please feel free to message me or Ari.
March 10, 2015
Our layout is now up and running!
Club Rules and Ranks
Rule #1: Be Active!
The key aspect to a good club is active members. We understand that everyone has personal lives as well, but at least make an effort to post in club chat, interact with club activities, etc.
Rule #2: Be Respectful!
Being respectful to not only your fellow club members but the owners as well is very important. A club that is happy together stays together!
Rule #3: No spamming!
Do not post more than four posts in a row on club chat UNLESS it is spam night. Spam night will be held every Saturday from 14:00 MST until 21:00 MST.
This rank is designated to the owner of the club, Sammcfee2007.
This rank is designated to the co-owner of the club, Arial.
This rank is designated for members handpicked by staff to assist in making sure no club rules are broken, helping to create new contests as well as helping with giveaways. In order to qualify for this position, a member must have at least 300 posts in club chat, have donated 200K to the club and 10 items that have a value of more than 2K. If you are interested in this position, you must mail either the leader or co-leader with an explanation of why you feel you would make an excellent guide.
This rank is designated to members of the club that have 200 posts in club chat, have donated at least 150K to the club and 10 items worth more than 1.5K.
This rank is designated for members of the club that have 150 posts in club chat, have donated at least 100K to the club and 10 items worth more than 1,250 mp.
This rank is designated to members of the club that have not met the criteria for higher rankings.
Member Nicknames
Here is a list of Misadventures current members, with their nicknames and birthdays.
April birthdays
Sammcfee2007- April 18th
Arial- Ari (November 29th)
AtomicReactive- Cameron (September 11th)
Beaniebabiesrule- Cassidy (July 27th)
Contemptuous- Alex
None yet
EmmaSwan12- Leila (September 5th)
None yet
None yet
Hamzagrimangel- DJ (October 26th)
None yet
johannah15- Jo Jo (December 9th)
None yet
None yet
NightmareMidnight- Cerberus (December 25th)
NeiceyM- Neicey (December 20th)
None yet
None yet
None yet
None yet
Sammcfee2007- Sammi (April 18th)
Sugaroreo- Abbey (November 3rd)
Swaggerrr- Olivia (June 11th)
sexi_gal- Zoe (December 30th)
None yet
None yet
None yet
None yet
None yet
None yet
This is where we will post our siggies and graphics to help get the word out about the club c: All credit will be given to the individual artist, and we would like to thank them very much

Made by hamzagrimangel (thank you and we love you c; )
Current Events
Post contest-Begins April 6th ends April 12th.
50/50 Raffle- Begins April 5th ends April 19th
Club Fashion Show
This months fashion show theme is: SPRING. It's easy to enter, all you have to do is dress your character up, screenshot it and go to tinypic.com and post the picture in order to retrieve a link to your picture. Send the link of your characters picture to Sammi or Ari in order to be entered in to the fashion show. The fashion show will be happening on
Sammi's Marasite. Submissions will be taken until the 19th of each month and voting lasts until the 30th!
This is a contest that is held in club chat.This is a week long, and reoccurs once a month. The person who posts the most may receive a MP Prize or a rare item.
This months Post contest will run from APRIL 6TH till APRIL 12TH and the prize this month is.. 50k mp!!!! There will also be small consolation prizes for 2nd and 3rd place winners of this event.
Here each month we will have a raffle. The raffle could be A 50/50 raffle, (Half goes to the winner the other half goes to the club) OR for a specific item. This months raffle is.... A 50/50. Here we will keep track of all the tickets bought, with the name of the person who bought them and their ticket numbers.
Tickets sold
Beaniebabiesrule: 1-5
NeiceyM: 6-29, 126-136, 213-266. 277-301
Sammcfee2007: 30-35. 158-170
Contemptuous: 36-38
Arial: 39-44
hamzagrimangel: 45-96. 171-212. 267-276
swaggerrr: 97-125, 137-157

In order to be able to receive a prize from the prize machine you must:
1. Donate 1 Dukka Coin to the club.
2. MM Sammi or Ari the amount of Dukka coins you donated.
3. You will receive a random prize!
Our first major prize is: Daylight Costume!
*Prizes are given at random based on a random prize generator.