Greatful for many people on mara (:
11 years, 2 months & 22 days ago

22nd Dec 2013 20:20
Just a list of generous people on here, and achievements from winning pets from giveaways and what not.
Taccon- won her giveaway and got Buddings who is now Veatris (:
kangaroohop18- dear friend and has helped me with many goals
11 years, 6 months & 13 days ago

30th Aug 2013 12:50
I have friends and family that use my latop at times.
these peoeple include.
My mom:NeiceyM
My Cousins: Calebmcfee712, Hannahmontanalover01,And Michaelrocks97
and Friends(Occasionally):NickJonasesPrincess, and Jessicamilligan
Also Neiceym and Calebmcfee712 use the same IP address as me aswell.
I also use mara on my phone, and my Ipad.
Thank you
Summer giveaway app
11 years, 6 months & 15 days ago

28th Aug 2013 14:11
Hello there Dylan or whom ever may be reading this.
My name is Sammi, And I am applyong for you Mp.
Alittle bit about me. I am now a Junior in high school, Im 16 and in show choir at my school. I love to sing, everyday no matter how bad i feel. I plan on Attending to collage and presuing a career in becoming s High school Music teacher. Now lets get to my mara life! I have been on mara since Febuary of 2007. I have never quit or went on a Hautis