One on One Requests **PLEASE READ**
14 years, 11 months & 21 days ago

27th Mar 2010 12:04
The only topic I only like to do (or they are multiple topics, if you please):
~Vampire/Human/Slayer/Werewolf/Demon/Whatever else RP.
You can choose which species you want out of that, and I'll gladly RP with you.
Now, I DO have rules. I am an Intermediate RPer, and if you write something good and give me something to work with, I'll reply a paragraph at least. But, don't you expect me to write five paragraphs in one reply....unless of course, it's something major.
Be Intermediate. Please.
Please be active. Reply at least once every day.
I really want this to be long-term. Like, a couple months or so. Please just don't bail on me.
Don't be afraid to do twists! Please! I encourage you to do this; it'll push the RP along.
That's about it. MM me!
Pet Goals I REALLY Wanna Check Off
15 years, 8 months & 18 days ago

29th Jun 2009 08:30
Change Kamber into a Baby Quell: []
Change Keader into a Green Puca: []
Change Nyra into a Angel chibs: [x] DONE: 11/13/09
Stat Nerilyn's Leaneries and Stats to at least 20: []
Get at LEAST 5 LE Pets: [X] Done on 7/16/09!
Get a Starry Rofling/Viotto: []
Yeash, I have a lot of work to do. But once I check them all off, I will have a WONDERFUL collection! wish meh luck!
Keader <3 R.I.P.
15 years, 9 months & 13 days ago

4th Jun 2009 19:01
Keader was my first and faveorite parakeet. When the puca comes out, I'll make him into a green Puca. ^^
Now he's in birdy heaven. =D
15 years, 10 months & 24 days ago

23rd Apr 2009 20:26
*Takes deep breath* Okay. Here are the people who are my close friends on here. Gotta love you guys!! <333
POST A SHOUT OUT TO ME....So I know you're still here! XD
NO ORDER. Thinking these off the top of my head....
Rtwelker *Hey Rockbelly!*
Sarikoko *Hiyaz Candi-chan!*
Maygen1993 *Hello-uh Maygen-chan!*
Catlover90 *HI Marissa!*