Plots, Characters, blah blah blah.......
16 years, 5 months & 1 day ago

17th Oct 2008 20:01
Okay. I keep losing track of ALL my awesome plots, character intros, everything that I worked on. So, I'm going to start a blog with EVERYTHING on it. Special blog, eh? Please don't copy my characters/plots/etc. If there are any pics, you can use them. That's what the Internet is for. =]
Name: Nyra Spear
Age: 19
Hair: Shoulder-length, a golden brown with natural curls.
Eyes: A very light hazel.
Body/Clothing: Tall for her age, has fair skin. Wears boot-cut blue jeans, white sneakers, and a long-sleeved purple shirt.
Personality: Not afraid to stand up for herself. Acts before she thinks.
Weapons: An old pocket knife.
Species: Human
Other: Rarely lives with her parent, mostly stays with her older brother.
Name: Nyroc Spear
Age: Looks 20
Hair: Just brushes the tips of his ear, a jet black.
Eyes: Icy blue.
Body/Clothing: Lean, and on the tall side. Very pale, just like any other vampire. Wears black jeans and a matching black, button up shirt. Wears sturdy hiking shoes.
Species: Vampire
Power: Anything that has to do with ice.
Personality: Will talk to you, but with very chosen words.
Other: Drinks human blood, but doesn't harm his sister. He wouldn't care if she got bit, however.
Koral in Human Form:
Name: Koral
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Looks: A slim purple, black, and light blue tye-dye shirt with faded jean capris. Muddy white runners. Shoulder-length light brown hair up in a ponytail, and hazel eyes.
Race: Human
Permission to bite (Human): Yup
Special power (Mythical creatures):
Personality: Outgoing, and sweet. But if get to the wrong start, she's easily sarcastic and will defend herself.
Other: Kin is actually Nyra and Nyroc.
Paragraph intro(s):
Navy blue runners tapped along the sidewalk. Bright hazel eyes gazed side to side, as if she was ready for anyone to pounce on her. Yes, Nyra had heard the stories. The rumors.
It was stupid.
Once in while, a couple go missing. It could be some maniac. A gang. Anything. Some say it's vampires. Nyra giggled at the thought. No such thing as vampires.
The 15 year old human brushed her short light brown hair behind her ear. It was a lovely night, and nothing as a crazy as vampires will ruin it for her.
Nyra wore simple clothing. Some denim jeans, and a dark purple shirt with black sleeves. Today, it's nothing out of the ordinary.
The city, as usual, was bustling at this time of night. Cars rolling down the streets and highways, a few police sirens here and there. Nothing too out of the ordinary with the people as well. Finely dressed for the nightclubs, and others just trying to find a place to lay their heads down where cigarette butts and trash wasn't there mattress.
However, for one finely dressed man, this was not his night.
He didn't expect to find himself in an alleyway with an unsightly woman, with that unsightly woman slowly draining his life away.
The man felt himself go cold and black as his life's resource was unwillingly given to a thin, almost figureless, very pale young woman. Her large hood that she kept over her head was knocked off, and her face was revealed.
Perhaps she would be more pretty, with her natural, wavy red hair that fell past her shoulders, or her good eye that was a dazzling hazel. She would be somewhat pretty, if it wasn't for that long, ugly scar down her face.
Given to her a few centuries ago, it was deep and indenting. It started down her left eyebrow, and down her eye that was inflicted badly, then scorched it way down to her bottom cheek. Her eye was forever now a milky blue, blinded by an unfortunate event in the 18th century.
Finally Scarlet, whom she calls herself, dropped the man's corpse. Quickly she flipped her hood back onto her head, covering most of her hair and half of her face. Half-blinded, she turned and twisted her head to get a full view of where she was going, before running off.
(1) Vampires. Once secretive creatures, only out at night, feeding whenever necessary. Now, the dominant species of the world, ruled under several governments. There are royalties, vampires who have proven themselves worthy of even being considered. The humans? Treated like a pet- the humans would have to sacrifice anything or anyone whenever any vampire pleases. When did this all start?
At a magic show in Las Vegas. A vampire worked there, doing marvelous feats with his power. But he waited for the right moment, to do the right trick. He, and his race, needed revenge on the humans who dominated far too long. It's the vampires' turn.
Classes from local schools were offered tickets to front row seats at his show. But them and many others were falling into a trap. The magician, so called "Vince Pmav" and some other vampires were surrounding the show. Watching, waiting.
Vince was going to do a trick on sending a person into midair. He picks out a young teen girl in the front row. As he grabbed her shoulders, the girl realized what Vince was doing, but it was too late. He had sunken his fangs into her soft neck. Shouts and shrieks echoed in the room, but the other vampires were attacking. More and more vampires, more and more attacks, less and less the humans were to brave the outside of their own homes.
The 'Royals': Top vampires, in charge of anything and everything that goes on in their slice of the earth.
The workers: Either a human-gatherer or a worker for the royals. Human gatherers go out and snatch up as many humans as they can for breeding purposes and food. The worker for the royals are the most trusted by the vampires, who deliver messages and make sure everything runs smoothly. Both sometimes go out and choose some humans who may be good enough to become vampires.
The Street Vampires: Those who don't work or support for the government usually end up here. Living only a step up from the humans, these vampires are usually skinny, scarred, and almost hard to tell from a human in the same position.
The humans: All in one category; the bottom. The humans live in the ruins of their world, looking desperately for any scraps of food that might still remain, and usually turn on each other for the rights of a measly bag of chips. Most defy the vampires, yet some just want to die or become one of them for a better life.
(2)Plot: For many years, vampires lived in solitude with the humans. There were the veggies (animal feeders) and the human killers. No slayers. Only thing keeping most away from human blood was keeping it secret. Making it look like something else killed them. Anything to keep their prey from knowing another cause for missing people.
Until, however, when somebody transformed a human into a vampire. Just left the poor boy, letting him fend for himself. But this newborn got hungry, and killed off a human for food, and just left the body in the middle of a small park. Next day, investigators and news casts were all over the place, telling the whole nation about vampires.
Secrets out. Vamps are exposed, but that didn't mean they kept in hiding....
They killed more and more humans, turning some and growing in population.
Will vampires kill off the human race?
Setting: It's winter time in Downtown Las Vegas, Nevada. Fairy cool, the nights are only around 55 degrees F. This is where some old casinos, hotels, night clubs, shows, anything. Pretty busy, the sun is just setting. We start when more and more dead bodies are discovered with bite marks and drained blood.
plot: December. The month of snow, the month of joy, and the month of..yup, CHRISTMAS. And Hanuka, and perhaps Kwanzaa. And, like always, people rush into stores early to get their holiday shopping done. Go early, or go late. Vampire prefer you to go late, so they will have a dinner for themselves. With all the rush in Las Vegas, Nevada, it's easy pickings without much notice.
Setting: Las Vegas, Nevada, in the part away from the major hotels and casinos. Large crowds heading into superstores. A bit cold, 49 degrees at around Midnight.
Warrior Cats:
Settings: FireClan's territory. In the legends, FireClan says their ancestors came here after a Great Burning, a forest fire the scorched their land, thus giving them their Clan name. Seasonal forest fires still happen, however, leaving their tracks of burned trees and ashes behind. Their territory is a large forest area, where a lot of burned or dead trees give prey a nice home- thus giving the cats plentiful prey. Their camp is a different story, though. Most of the land was burned away and never grew back, except for a few patches of grass. On the far side of the territory is a old badger set- the second largest den in the camp. There, grass is on either side of the den. This is the nursery, where the apprentices take fresh moss to make it cozy. Tucked away, it is the safest den, away from intruders. Next to it, is two very large boulders slammed in a upside down "V" shape. This is the elders' den, where the boulders keep the wise cats away from any harsh weather. On the other side of the camp, a short tunnel down to a small cave is the warriors' den. This is the largest den in the entire camp. Here, the small trickle of water coming from the tree roots are collected from a pile of moss. Here, there is fresh water when it is needed. Next to the warriors' den is a small, cat dug out den where the apprentices sleep. In the center of the camp, a large tree stands, but it's top was struck off by lightning, long ago. On the blackened top, it is smooth by the trampling of paws. This is where the Clan leader gives announcements, and under the roots is where he/she sleeps. In the middle of the apprentices and elders' den, is a fallen, burned tree, hallowed out from the fires. The cracks provide easy storage for the medicine cat. On one side, there is herbs, and on the other side, sick or wounded cats lay. There is a pool of fresh water from the moos in the warriors' den.