What's that? A GIVEAWAY?!
13 years, 11 months & 4 days ago

10th Apr 2011 12:35
Yeah, you all read correctly.
Hairbowss and I are hosting a
large giveaway! We're going to make this fun and exciting so come and join us.
We're going to giveaway TONS of items, and Hairbowss is giving away 3 million mp, so a few of you lucky members will get to get part of that "
$$$". When Hairbowss blog goes up later on, app there. Thank you.
Here you will find what we're giving away:
For more information please use this link:
*We hope you come and join us, all you need to do is apply for the item/mp you want!*
14 years & 9 days ago

8th Mar 2011 16:22
This blog is going to dedicated to all those who helped me with my wonderful gallery:
*~Discharged (Almost forgot!)
Thank you all so much!
Things to get for the gallery:
*~Starry Booster (Not available)
*~Enchanted Starry Viotto Plushie (Not available)
If you're selling any of these items, please make sure to mm me.

My Journey to Getting a Starry Viotto Potion!!
14 years & 25 days ago

20th Feb 2011 08:29
Dear tomboydan
Your auction of Eleka Minions Trading Card received a high bid of 3501000MP from finchman.**
You have accepted an offer on Lot Number 2315894!
You have received the following items, 6500000MP, 0RP and 100000BP from FirePrincess25:
Christmas Addow Plushie
For the following items: Blue Viotto Potion
Made a board trying to sell:
Blue Viotto Potion - 6 million
Devil Male Costume- ...
Eleka Minions Trading Card - 4 million
You have received the following items from Legolas54:
Starry Viotto Potion
With your offer of 10500000MP, 0RP, 0BP and the following items:
Tanning Salon Ticket 

Pets that I were attached to and had
14 years, 8 months & 17 days ago

28th Jun 2010 13:34
*~ Alec (Yellow Fasoro) What a great Twilight name. Traded him for Edwardo.
*~ Disolved (Yellow Chibs) - A special (birthday) present from Lexthegirylgirl/Tomboydan (me) Thanks Lex. Lex has her. -_- Give her back... When I have enough room.
*~ EleanorSapphire (Zombie Quell) - My first favorite Zombie LE pet!! I got you for a bad named Twinkle Snookle. (Or what ever they're called. xD) Traded you for Was (Pink Grint)... Good offer?
*~*~ Dani (Water Fasoro) Dani will always be mine.

Hope you're in a good home. Traded for a 25+ Angel Chibs (Nafa). Had you for 610 days. I remember creating Dani, felt like a miracle that the name wasn't taken. xD So many great offers on you. Gonna miss you~!
~ Zomaly - (Zombie Fasoro) The best non-Le Zombie out there. You'll always be mine too. Got you for a VooDoo faoro. I got to name you and costume you though. Traded for Got (Yellow Tantua) : P
*Nafa (Angel Chibs) You complimented my Pets. You are the best named Angel Chibs out there. xD