My Journey to Getting a Starry Viotto Potion!!

14 years & 25 days ago
20th Feb 2011 08:29Dear tomboydan
Your auction of Eleka Minions Trading Card received a high bid of 3501000MP from finchman.**
You have accepted an offer on Lot Number 2315894!
You have received the following items, 6500000MP, 0RP and 100000BP from FirePrincess25:
Christmas Addow Plushie
For the following items: Blue Viotto Potion
Made a board trying to sell:
Blue Viotto Potion - 6 million
Devil Male Costume- ...
Eleka Minions Trading Card - 4 million
You have received the following items from Legolas54:
Starry Viotto Potion
With your offer of 10500000MP, 0RP, 0BP and the following items:
Tanning Salon Ticket