
17 years & 2 months ago
16th Jan 2008 06:32plz, if you can, try to help me reach my goals, and i will try to help you w/ yours!!!!

*hit 1,000,000 MP[x]
*hit 2,000,000 MP[]
*hit 5,000,000 MP[]
*hit 100,000 RP[]
*get poera[x]+huthiq[]+uni[]+lati[]+daisy[x]+chibs[]
*get prison[],mutant[],zombie[],fairy costume[]
*get poera[]+huthiq[]+uni[]+lati poison[]
*get any poera[]+huthiq[]+uni[]+lati potion[]
specific pets and things i want...
*baby renat[]
*prison daisy[]
*zombie poera[]
*gothic sindi[]
*get female nefarious costume[]
*get female zombie costume[]
*get 10 marapals[]
*get a job[]
*get blue dna[]pink dna[x] red dna[]purple dna[]black dna[]white dna[] and grey dna[]
*get extra pet gift box (x3)[]